Distance is Good

"You're not supposed to say these things in front of me," Sebastian protested. "You're embarrassing her."

I glared at the two of them. "You're embarrassing me, too." I groaned. 

"Yes, you are supposed to pretend that you don't understand," Professor Singh commented. 

"That would be hard. It goes against my personality to not know things." Sebastian turned to me. "I am hungry," he said finally. 

I sat for a long time in silence. "Is this a targeted attempt to make me feel regret for talking to either of you?" The man beside me stiffened. 

"Regret is the worst emotion," he bit out. I shook my head. 

"What do you want to eat?" I asked finally. Professor Singh and Sebastian started speaking at the same time. 

"I shouldn't be feeding you at all," I pouted. But I brought over their food anyway. I placed it in front of them and they both gave me brilliant smiles.