Mommy Fell Asleep

Another week passed. The Magician case was getting its first trial in a few days and I had not been called on to testify. Instead, Nash was. 

"They will ask you terrible questions that you shouldn't have to answer, Evie. I am not going to make you go through that, do you understand me?" he asked, patting her shoulder. 

"What could they probably ask?" I retorted. I was not displeased in the least for not being called on, but I was curious about what they could ask.

"They will ask about your father and your lack of initiative in escaping," I remembered the conversation I had with the students in Sebastian's class and frowned. "They will talk about how you had to choose between your own life and others and discredit your authority as an interrogator. I can't let that happen," he said softly. 

"Will my lack of license be a problem?" I asked, my brows scrunched in confusion. Nash shook his head.