Never Make Mistakes

Back in the station, I received a call from forensics and rushed over. Sebastian went along with Nash and me, curious as to what the thing looked about. 

"The packaging and handwriting can say a lot about who sent it, right?" he told us when we asked him to go back to his case. 

"You're just tagging along because you don't want to look at the BTS killer case, don't you?" I answered. 

Sebastian shrugged. "While cold cases are more rewarding to figure out the answers of, they are harder to solve because of how much evidence becomes redundant in that time," he commented. "The bodies have already been buried, and I have no idea if there were more cases that we had no idea about. More than that, I also don't get a feel of the crime scene with my own eyes. Pictures show the perspective of the photographer, not that of the criminal or what I want to see. There could be more in that room that they didn't notice," he added.