Outshine Him

I sat beside Harshit and read a book for the new course Sebastian would be teaching next semester.

"What are you reading?" Professor Singh turned to me after the seatbelt sign had dimmed. I turned to him with a smile. 

"Just preparing for Sebastian's classes. I will be taking more control of them from this semester," I admitted. "He went easy on me last semester, only letting me do the legwork."

Professor Singh scoffed. "He's working you to the bone, isn't he?" he asked with a critical eye. "Just because he put a ring on your finger, he thinks he owns you."

My head jerked up and I stared at him in shock.

"What?" he responded calmly. "Did you think I wouldn't notice? You tried to be inconspicuous about it, but you use your hand in front of me too often."