Contradictory Fantasies

I felt a coldness grip my heart. I scrutinized her expression carefully and was stumped for words. She couldn't recognize me. She ruined me and turned me into a monster and she didn't remember me. 

And I wasn't going to let her see who I was. 

"Sebastian's fiancé, but I suppose he didn't tell you that, did he?" I retorted. "My name is unimportant because we will never meet again. And I don't want to be in your filthy mind." I kept my tone cool and composed. 

Alicia's eyes widened.

"Now start speaking," I forced. 

"So, this is the kind of woman he likes. A complete stuck-up bitch," she seethed. I could see the pure hatred in her eyes.

"What? Are you going to poke my pretty little butt?" I asked, a hint of amusement in my voice as I quoted the first words she had directly said to me. I carefully watched for recognition but it never came. 

The words she threw out carelessly had made a deep impact on me.