The Real Case

"Are you kidding me?" I hissed, running my hand through my hair.

Nash shook his head stiffly. "No, they can't find her. They came out right after they read the message but they couldn't see her anywhere," he said. There was no calmness in his voice. I peered deeply into his eyes and saw that he was being truthful. 

Which meant, Evie really was missing. 

I pulled out my cellphone and checked through my messages before calling.

Nothing. It didn't even go to her voice mail. I waited as the phone beeped until it cut off, no monotonous voice telling me that the user was busy or out of range. The call just didn't connect. 

I looked around the room helplessly and found all the analysts staring at me. They peered out of their little cubicles and only then did I understand that I had been chanting under my breath this whole time.