Infamous Rumors About His Son

She shook her head. "No, this was specifications on the offices and their names. At the time, we had weird office names for each person and no placards. So, if someone hadn't been inside, they wouldn't know."

I recalled the strange words in the letter and nodded, finally understanding. I had thought it was part of the style he was writing in, but now it made sense.

"Did you consider it being one of the people who came to tour the station or a guest?" I asked. 

Her eyes widened. "I never thought of it that way…" she trailed off. 

"Around that time, what was the news that was most spoken of?" I asked. 

She rubbed her chin. "It was all about the BTS Killer. We were analyzing every millimeter of the information out there. We had whole segments getting answers from police and others." And then she gasped. "Could it be one of the panelists in those discussions? Someone who wanted to stroke his ego?"