
It was a long ride to his destination.

John watched the scenery as he passed by.

There were tall trees and besides the road is a small lake.

The small lake releases the natural beauty of nature. The crystal-like water when it hits the sun showed its glittering beauty like a diamond as it reflects towards its surroundings.

John felt joyful that he witnessed such sights.

It was like a movie where nature was the director and playing out their wonderful scene.

The birds flying on the sky and the animals freely walking towards the lake is such a sight. The peaceful harmony as they move towards the lake is a sight to behold.

'There are so many kinds of animals similar to the earth. I would have taken a picture if I had my smartphone'

John got disappointed that the modern things he had are now gone.

The technologies of the modern world gave us the power to do anything. A camera to save precious memories, a smartphone to call and message our love ones, games to keep us entertained, and the internet to communicate throughout the world. The technologies that we have made us become reliant and without those things we would already have gone crazy to the lack of entertainment.

It's like your brain got a hard reset from abnormal dopamine production.

'Wait! The existence of magic might make it possible!'

John had an idea. There may be some magic that will produce the same effect as a camera.

'Yes! There should be something like that here'

John grinned and was immersed in his thoughts.

He was like having withdrawal symptoms for not having a smartphone every time he missed capturing those moments with them.

'I wonder how they are doing.'

John misses them. It will be a long time before he will be back home.


John and the driver took some rest on some inn along the way. The inn they sleep at felt desolate and there were only a few people inside and he could see the lifeless eyes they had.

The people inside the inn looked at John for a moment and returned to their business.

"Mister, I would like to have two rooms."

John walked forward on the owner who was sitting on the counter. The man clearly had a dark look on his face as he saw that his inn didn't have many customers.

The owner looked for a second on John.

"10 silver for each"

The owner replied. He brightens up for a moment as he finally has a customer.

John had a hard look.

The owner was clearly overcharging.

The standard rate at an inn should be around 1 silver and 30 coppers.

A 100 coppers equal to 1 silver.

A 100 silvers equal to 1 gold.

A 100 gold equal to 1 platinum.

John only had 20 gold.

You can say that he is quite rich for a noble but he didn't want to squander money as you didn't know when you will need it in times of crisis.

"Mister, that is a bit overcharging"

John complained.

"Boy, as you can see I am losing my business and sooner or later I will be forced down to close this inn. I know I am a bit overcharging but I also had mouths to feed."

The owner had a sad look on his face.

John paused and thought for a bit.

'Should I or should not?'

In the end, John complied.

'Well, it is only one time that I will do this.'

"Alright, but I need some information."

"Of course!"

The owner happily replied.

"I want some information on the City of Lemrin"

"The City of Lemrin is a huge city and it is also the capital where merchants trades and it is divided into four areas. The residential building where most of the people lived, the merchant commerce where most of the trade happening, the military camp where they train soldiers and finally the Trexia school. The City itself is protected by the Marquis of Ulta who is a chess master."

The owner replied as if he knows everything that's in that city.

"How can I trust that information?"

"I was a resident there for a long time."

The owner puffs his chest as if he was proud of himself.

John was convinced.

"Here is the keys boy."

John then picked up the keys along with his driver.

"I will be sleeping here, you go towards the other room. We go out tomorrow by dawn."

"Yes, young master."

The driver replied and headed towards his room.

John then walks inside his room.

The room is small but it is well organized and most importantly clean.

He saw a bed, table, lamp, and a stool.

John then lied down in the bed.

'Hoh, now than what should I do?'

John thought many things which he needs to careful considerations.

He didn't want the same thing to happen to the previous John to him. The previous John was doing good in that school but he should have been a little careful with the words he says.

'Let's go for the basics first. First, I don't want to be in the spotlight and secondly, I need to blend in with my new classmates.'

John finally decided and sleep.


John woke up.

It was already dawn.

He got up from his bed and changed his clothes. He got out of the room and saw his driver already woke up.

"Young master"

"Hmmm, let's go"

John and his driver walk down the stairs.

"Boy, you woke up early, perfect! I already have someone prepared your breakfast."

The owner replied.

"Albert, eat with me."

John commanded Albert to eat with him.

"Yes, young master."

Albert was the driver of the Sebastian Family. Most of the time he was out of the mansion to take care of his family in the town.

The waitress arrived carrying their breakfast.

"Here you go, milk, bread with a soup to warm you up."

John nodded.

John then ate peacefully.

The food wasn't bad, but it was not on par with Emily.

'I miss her cooking.'

John and Albert finished their breakfast.

"Boy, before I forgot. A charm for you for coming into my inn. Safe travels lads"

The owner then gave John a trinket.

"Thank you"

John and Albert then walked out of the inn and continued to their destination.

Their destination was already near.

John can see the city from afar. He saw that many carriages are heading towards the direction of the city.

As John watched the scenery he finally saw a concrete road and saw some people on the way. By the looks of it, they are guards station to watch over the city. They conduct themselves some inspections and their turn finally arrived.


The guard stops their carriage.

"In what business are you going inside the city?"

"I am here to enrol to Trexia School."

The guard looks for a bit and nods.

"Sorry about that young noble, please make your way in."

"Thank you."

John nods and Albert drive the carriage inside the city.

The city of Lemrin is huge. The city is bustling with activity as they drove the carriage around the city. It was really a fantasy world as John saw their daily activities inside the city. He saw commoners buying bread, fish, and meat. The kids playing with each other and the soldiers patrolling the premise to keep the order of the city.


John had a smile.

It was his first time witnessing such sights.

John wanted to buy some souvenirs but he restrains himself as his purpose is to enrol into his new school.

After minutes of driving around the city, John finally saw the school.

Trexia school is a big, if not a large school.

He saw that there were few students walking out the school with their fellow students. They wore a red blazer with a tie and insignia of the school their chest and a black pants for the male and a black and grey checkered skirt for females.

'Good, now I like this school.'

John was satisfied with the uniform they wore. It was really pleasing to the eyes as he saw them walking around.

They finally arrived on the front gate where someone was waiting for them.


John then left the carriage and Albert carried John's luggage as they walk towards the front gate.

They then arrive and saw someone who waited for their arrival.

"Thank you, Albert."

"No problem young master, it is my duty as a driver."

Albert replied.

"You can now go back."

"Take care, young master."

Albert then climbs up the carriage and drove out.

"Good afternoon, you must be John von Sebastian, right?"

A male figure spoke.

He was a bit huge. He had a bald head, a sharp brown eye, and a muscular body.

John nodded.

"I am Bart, I was assigned to introduce you to the school. Do you have the letter with you right?"

John nodded and gave the letter. Bart received the letter and guide John inside the school.

"You made the right decision to come to our school. Trexia School is a place where commoners and nobles can coexist. It was built 15 years ago, the same time the heroes who saved humanity from the monochrome and they had built this school to give knowledge to the people…."

John was barrage by a nonstop talk.

He was a great speaker, a loud annoying speaker.

He talked many things about the activities you can do in the school, the rules and regulations, and the facilities inside.

He was like an NPC who likes to speak at least 5 pages of the script only to be skipped by the annoyed players.

"Trexia school had many facilities that can cater to the needs of the student. You might want to take a look on the map on the bulletin board if you forgot. Oh, it's almost night time, let's go to your dorm"

John had a tired look on his face. His looks are something like he would stab and kill someone on the back. His body is already sore from the travel and Bart nonstop talk made him even sorer.

John arrived in a huge dorm. It was a four stories tall building.

John and Bart walk inside.

John saw many students eyeing him but then ignored a few moments later. They were surprised that they saw Bart and had a cringing facial expression like they had eaten something hard.

They ignored and minded their own business.

"John, this dorm is separated by two wings. The left-wing is only for the girls and the right-wing is for the boys. And a reminder, do not go into the left-wing or I can't guarantee what will happen to you."

Bart looks at John with a solemn look.

He looks like someone who finally got out of hell and obtained freedom.

John nodded.

He already thought that this was gonna happen. From the looks of the dorm from the start is already tailored to be strict with gender and anyone caught violating would be punished.

"There were few students who got caught peeping on the girl's dorm and almost had their *beep*, well never mind that. Anyways, just be careful."

John nodded.

He knows what he's talking about but he didn't need to be so vulgar.

John arrived in his room.

"I will now take my leave and before I forgot here is your ID and subjects for your class. The school already prepared everything so you don't have to worry about it anymore. And most importantly have fun!"

"I will. Thanks"

Bart nodded and finally took his leave.

John finally received his subjects for his class.

John then looks in front of the door.

"This is the start of my school life."

He took a deep breath and used his key to finally open the door.