Gold Roger, AKA pirate king. A man out of millions, someone who conquered the grand line and defeated all his enemies without breaking a sweat, he who stood tall and strong against any hardships he faced. Accompanied by his crew, a pirate crew befitting the title of the pirate king crew. Their Ship, the Oro Jackson held on its back monsters that can destroy the world.
Some can cut through the world, another can shoot any target even if it was behind a mountain. While others can cause storms and tornados.
The King has finally succumbed to illness. If you said to anyone in the world that Gold Roger died of illness they will beat the hell out of you.
But it was true. Gold Roger had fallen to an incurable sickness, his death is near and his adventure has ended. It saddens him that he won't get to grow old with his friends and family.
In the new world, the deck of the Oro Jackson, Roger called all his crewman for a very important matter. Although they have a very rough idea about what it is
" I have called you here to tell you that... The Roger pirates are no more..." He went straight to the topic, it won't help to beat around the bushes, it was only a matter of time.
" I am beyond happy to say that my journey was wholesome with you all, some was with me from the beginning and some joined later on...but no matter when you joined, you're part of a family that I treasure. Some of you got to see Raftel and some not. If you want to continue your journey, do as you please, nothing will make me happier than knowing that you live your life without regret. " Roger's speech was too emotional for them. They all went through the bitter and sweet together. And now they have to part ways. Some like shanks who owe Roger a great debt started crying while some like Asura and Reighley who were with Roger from the beginning smiled and immersed themselves in the good old times
" I will sail to the south blue soon if you have any destination on the way we will drop you there.." Roger took off his heat and smiled at his family "..How about a little party first" The crew shouted out loud as they brought booze and meat to eat, they laughed and talked to forget they will leave each other soon. They played games and drank until passing out. They sang songs and played music.
Roger was with his two trusted friends, Reighley and Asura, the three formed a small circle with food in the middle.
"But, I never expected that you would turn yourself in to the marines... It's a stupid way to die if I can say. They will make of your death a parade." Said Asura, he took a big bite of meat while looking at Roger whose face is so red from being drunk
" Don't worry about it, it's all death in the end, but it's still better than dying from sickness. " Said Roger " Besides, I am going out with a big bang"
Reighley took Roger's cup as he was getting too drunk, at this rate he won't wake up the next day. " Then, when is the big day you turn yourself in?"
" It's...It's...." Roger was too drunk at the moment to speak, his fave fell on the floor while setting making Asura and Reighley laughs at it which eventually made the others do too.
Reighley took Roger to his room while the party continues.
Shanks and buggy came to Asura and sat beside him
"What is kids??" Asura took a sip of his booze, these two exchanged looks and nodded
" Asura-San...what will do after this??" Asked shanks, he held respect in his tone and spoke in a polite manner while buggy let Shanks do the talking
"Me...? I don't know yet but maybe going out in the sea to look for new islands. Even tho we did everything but I still believe that there are still some hidden islands that are waiting for me to find."
"I see. I and buggy are planning on forming our own crew and starting from zero." Shanks faced down as he said that " You think we can make it?" His tone was serious, Shanks had been with Asura, Roger, Reighley, and co for a few years. He saw them fight battles that are impossible to win and go through fierce oceans to reach the end. But he didn't get to see much. It was his good luck that after the final battle, he, buggy and other crewman were too injured to accompany The others to raftle. Sailing was too much for them according to Crocus.
"Ooh! So you will try and find the one piece, huh? " Asura's face lighted up " I am sure you will do. From where will you Start?"
" East blue..." Said buggy, he was silent for this long and now he spoke. Buggy was the one who convinced shanks to start from the east blue, not because he was looking for a great and long adventure but because he could ask for a ride there so he can live comfortably. With his power and the east blue being the weakest sea, be will be the strongest pirate there. But he didn't dare to say that to anyone. All of them held great expectations from him and shanks. Saying he wanted to cower in the east blue will make them enraged, especially Asura who invested some time in training him and shanks
"On that note, there is not much time but..." Shanks kowtowed to Asura and asked " Please! Teach the way of the sword and Haki." Asura never expected Shanks to bow to him, he wasn't the one to bow like this. But he knows why shanks did this. He realizes the heaviness of his goal. If he wants to make it, he needs power. Even if he is strong now. Without the protection of the higher-ups, he would've been dead long ago. The grand line is not for the weak.
Buggy looked at shanks with shock, this wasn't part of the plan, he wasn't planning on training believing he won't need to.
"I see...It will be at least several months before we reach the south blue, so there is still time to give you the basics and few methods to rely on yourself" Asura spook to himself out loud, making shanks happy that his request got accepted
"But..." Shanks got worried " I will show you hell." Asura's voice was cold and dark showing shanks that he won't go easy on him making him even happier.
For the next few months, Roger pirates had officially disbanded, on their way to the south blue, several members got off in their several stops to restock
It kept on going, one after another, all left until only Roger, Asura, Reighley, Shanks and buggy were the only left on the Oro Jackson.
Normally, a ship as big as the Oro Jackson requires several people to work it but with Asura on top and his wind, it didn't cause them much trouble as he moved the ship with his wind.
Shanks is on the deck with Asura training him in Haki with Reighley who joined later in training Shanks in Armament Haki. Buggy and Roger are watching from the sideline kinda enjoying Shanks suffering. Roger was fine but buggy was just stupid for that, if he invested half the time shanks did in training he would've been able to make a name for himself.
After another month, The Oro Jackson reached the south blue and made its way to baterilla island.
The ship stopped at the island dock as people ran away when they saw the jolly roger of The Roger pirates.
All the people escaped and closed their door and windows. They all walked away from the pirate ship....only one women way going in the opposite direction of the crowd
While people are going up and leaving the dock, she went straight to the dock and stood in front of the Oro Jackson.