Mother and Daughter

An Jin forced a smile and didn't say anything. She lowered her head and continued walking. Should she tell Zi Yuan that she was an unfilial daughter? She wholeheartedly fawning over the first wife, looking down on her own mother. This was the previous life's An Jinxiu. She had no face to say these words out loud.

"Second Miss is here?" When the servant saw An Jinxiu appear at the side courtyard entrance, she cried out in surprise.

As soon as the servant called out, the three concubines who lived in the courtyard all went out of their rooms. One of them was An Jin's mother, who was also a concubine.

An Jinxiu politely greeted the other two concubines.

"Why is Second Miss here today?" The two concubines, Concubine Song and Concubine Feng, both asked An Jin this question.

"I have come to see my mother," An Jinxiu said generously.

After hearing An Jinxiu's words, Concubine Xiu almost cried. The daughter who was born with hard work during the month of October had finally called her mother. This kind of heartache was something people who had never experienced before wouldn't understand.

"Mother," An Jin had already walked to the front of the concubine and called out to her in a clear voice.

"Sigh." After staring blankly for a long while, Concubine Xiu finally remembered to agree with An Jin's words.

An Jinxiu stood in front of her mother with a sincere smile, but she was also embarrassed. She was obviously a mother and daughter, but she didn't know what to say to her mother.

"Hurry up and enter the house, let's go inside to talk." The beautiful woman lost her usual composure and let An Jin enter the house, "Your little brother is here as well."

An Jin's footsteps paused. Little brother?

An Yuanzhi stood under the eaves. A thirteen year old youngster, he already had a taciturn personality.

"Yuan Zhi." An Jinxiu looked at An Yuanzhi and smiled, "I didn't expect that you would also come to see mother."

"Second sister." An Yuanzhi called out to her, his voice cold.

"Mother, let's talk inside," An Jinxiu said as she held onto the hand of her mother.

"Alright," An Jin's actions made the Concubine Xiu feel rather flattered. She hurriedly said, "Second Miss, Fifth Young Master, all of you enter the house. Let's talk inside."

An Jinxiu felt sad at being addressed as' Second Miss '. She was clearly her own daughter, but this mother of hers could not even call out their names. After entering the house, An Jinxiu said to the embroidery aunt, "Mother, when there are no outsiders in the future, you should call your daughter Jinxiu. Who can say anything about you?"

"You can't break the rules," the woman said softly. "If you want to come see me, I'm already satisfied."

An Jin had a sour look in her eyes as she lowered her head to drink her tea, concealing her current appearance.

"Second sister is getting married. Congratulations," An Yuanzhi said.

An Jinxiu looked at her brother. As a concubine-born of the Residence of An, this brother of hers had been ignored by her in her previous life. She even thought that her brother was a burden to her because her mother, the Qin family, didn't like her brother. However, who would have thought that when he was fourteen, he would go against the An clan's teachings and teachings and secretly leave the army.

He had to put his life on the line for himself, and after returning home in glory, he used all his military merits to exchange the Emperor for a favor to bring their mother out of the Residence of An. What was worse about this brother of hers? If he were to live this life once more, would he be able to make his younger brother suffer less, and allow him to act as he should in this youth's free and easy manner?

"Fifth Young Master!" Concubine Xiu quickly waved her hand at An Yuanzhi, telling him to stop talking.

"There's nothing bad about this marriage. I'm very satisfied." An Jinxiu said, "Yuan Zhi, thank you for your congratulations."

Concubine Xiu carefully examined An Jin. There wasn't the slightest hint of dissatisfaction on her face." I've also asked about it, "the woman sighed." General Shangguan is a bit old, but he has a pair of stepmother siblings at home. They are about the same age as Fifth Young Master, but his sister is only six years old. Second Miss, after you go, you still need to raise his siblings. "

"It's nothing more than living," An Jin smiled again. Shangguan Yong's siblings were actually good. It was just that in his previous life, she had not taken care of them. Now that she thought about it, she owed him a lot.

"Ai!" As a mother, she wasn't thinking about Shangguan Yong's welfare at the moment. She was just worried that her daughter, who was only sixteen years old, would serve a man who was close to thirty years old. No matter how she thought about it, the Grand Preceptor had set down a marriage for her.

"Mother, don't worry. I will live a peaceful life." An Jin smiled. "Mother, your daughter is going to be a general's wife. She is a general's wife."

When An Jin said 'Madam General', it made Concubine Xiu and An Yuanzhi smile bitterly. When had Shangguan Yong, a fifth rank Wandering General, and a family like the An family, ever had a fifth rank official son-in-law?

"Are you guys talking?" At this moment, Concubine Feng, who was in the same courtyard as Concubine Xiu, entered the room with a plate of dessert.

"Thank you, Sister Feng," Concubine Xiu quickly stood up to thank her.

An Jinxiu stood up as well. The snacks that Concubine Feng had sent over seemed to have been put away for several days. Seeing her mother repeatedly thanking her, An Jinxiu felt a bit sad. In the An clan, outsiders would never have imagined that even a concubine would have to be rewarded by the official wife.

"Second Miss," Concubine Feng smiled at An Jin, "I heard that Madam wants Eldest Young Master to send you out. This is a good prize."

The smile on An Jinxiu's face did not change. She said, "Madam, you're just joking. How can you take it seriously? When I go out, I still have to rely on Yuan Zhi to send me off. "

Concubine Feng's face was full of surprise. Who didn't know that An Jin was a person who cared about face? Had this person changed her personality this time? Do you know that you have another blood brother?

"You really want the Fifth Young Master to send you off?" Concubine Xiu did not dare to believe her words and asked.

"If Yuan Zhi doesn't give it to me, who will?" An Jinxiu smiled as she looked at An Yuanzhi.

An Yuanzhi's handsome face reddened, and he raised an eyebrow at her. "Can't wait to go out, second sister?"

"Fifth Young Master!" It was rare for the siblings to have a few nice words to say to each other, so there was no need to continue quarreling with each other.

An Yuanzhi regretted his words to himself. He had told this sister everything he had done in his life. He could even count them with one hand. How did he suddenly start joking with her? An Yuanzhi thought that he wasn't familiar with her at all.

Who was An Jin? Apart from being vain, he was also a man with a mind of his own. She immediately stomped her foot towards An Yuanzhi, pretending to be shy. She said to Concubine Xiu, "Mother, look at Yuan Zhi. He bullied me!"

Both Concubine Xiu and Concubine Feng were stunned on the spot.

An Yuanzhi was also dumbfounded. He stared at An Jin in silence for a long time.

Second Miss An had always been a superior person. She had always liked to put on airs in front of others. When had she ever acted like a spoiled child with a blushing face like this?

Concubine Feng didn't have any children, so she had always been the closest to Lady Xiu. Now that she had a closer look at An Jin, she couldn't help but inwardly click her tongue. There was almost no difference between the appearance of An Jin and Lady Xiu. They were both beautiful colors, or else how could the little girl who had by the Madam's side turn into the concubine of the estate and raise a son and a daughter of the Grand Preceptor? However, after Concubine Feng clicked her tongue, she sighed to herself, "So what if she is so beautiful to the point that it could topple cities and topple empires?" A concubine born in a servant, a concubine who wanted to marry a boorish bloke, they were probably just people with a bad life.