Betrothal gift

At this time, An Jinxiu did not know that Madam Qin had asked for a thousand taels of silver from the General Shangguan. In her previous life, she had caused a ruckus in the mansion, so how could she care about what happened before the marriage?

That day, when she returned to her pavilion from her mother's side courtyard, An Jin had thrown aside the ball of flowers and clothes she had embroidered specifically for Madam Qin. Before her rebirth, An Jin had been full of filial piety, and now that she thought about it, her filial piety had been etched in her heart. The matriarch of the An clan, how could she not have her share of filial piety? Thinking about it carefully, when had the Qin family ever worn a dress she made?

In the side courtyard, she could see that the clothes worn by the Concubine Xiu and An Yuanzhi were already half worn. When An Jinxiu saw this, she felt sad and guilty at the same time. She had made so many clothes for the Qin's family all these years, but she had forgotten that these two people were supposed to be her closest family. There was still a month before her wedding. She was working day and night to get her mother and brother out of bed.

Zi Yuan sat at the side and adjusted the thread. Looking at An Jin's bright red eyes, Zi Yuan said in annoyance, "Miss, it's all my fault that my hand was so stupid. Otherwise, Zi Yuan would have been able to help you."

An Jin smiled when she heard this. Zi Yuan was very spirited, but her hands were so stupid that even the stitches were crooked.

Recently, there were many people in the house who were laughing at their young miss. They all said that the future husband was not a good person, and Zi Yuan would not be able to sleep even if she could not eat. If not for the strict security in the Residence of An and the fact that she could not pass through, Zi Yuan would really want to see for himself what her mistress husband looked like.

"If you keep sighing, wrinkles will grow on your face." An Jinxiu glanced at Zi Yuan and laughed, "What are you worrying about now?"

"I've heard that Young Master broke his face during the war and didn't even have a nose on it," Ziya said worriedly. "Miss, how scary do you think a face without a nose must be?"

An Jinxiu giggled happily.

"Miss, you're still laughing?" "I heard that he had proposed to marry a few girls, but they didn't agree. You say he is a military general, will he beat someone up if he were to rush in? Miss, we can't beat him, what should we do? Should I inform the Grand Preceptor and bring some other skilled bodyguards over? "

"It's been hard on you," An Jinxiu said as she sighed.

"Of course, Miss is my master," Zi Yuan said. "How can you not plan for Miss?"

"You're just worrying about your life." An Jinxiu poked Zi Yuan on the forehead with her index finger, "How could a general like you make a move against a woman? What does a man want with his looks? Do you think it's a play? "

Zi Yuan sighed again. There was nothing wrong with the script. The generals in the script were all handsome young generals in white robes, unlike the young miss who wanted to marry her. It was a martial husband who had yet to marry his wife even when he was thirty years old.

It was inconvenient for An Jin to defend Shangguan Yong at this time. How could Shangguan Yong be as terrifying as the rumors in the capital? At most, there was a knife scar at the corner of his left eye, running from the corner of his eye to the top of his nose. As for beating him, this man might have been a monster if he had been on the battlefield, but at home, even in her previous life, she had treated this man coldly, and this man hadn't said a single harsh word to her. Shangguan Yong actually had a good temper, at least he kept his doors shut. This man had no temper, he was just a soft dough, someone who could be squashed easily.

That night, the candles in the An Jinxiu Pavilion burned the entire night. The master and the servant duo were in a hurry to finish the work, and soon, another night passed.

The next day, An Jin went to pay respects to the Grand Preceptor and née Qin. On the veranda leading to the main residence, she met An Yuanzhi.

"Second sister." An Yuanzhi called out to her.

"Let's go together." An Jinxiu took a step back and let An Yuanzhi take the lead.

"You don't look good," An Yuanzhi said in a low voice after taking a few glances at An Jinxiu.

"Is that so?" "It might be because I didn't sleep well last night," replied An Jinxiu.

"I," An Yuanzhi hesitated for a moment before he stood up and said to An Jinxiu, "I've asked around too. General Shangguan is not as terrible as the rumors say. Second Sister, you don't need to think so much."

Only now did An Jinxiu understand why this little brother said that she didn't look too good. It was because he thought that she said that she was willing to marry, but he was still unwilling, so he stayed up all night, unable to sleep. I want to help Mother and you get dressed in winter clothes, "An Jin smiled." The time is a bit tight, so we slept late at night. Yuan Zhi, you don't have to worry about me.

Make winter clothes? An Yuanzhi looked at An Jin in surprise. Had this person really changed his personality before she marries? She no longer had to fawn on his direct descendant parents.

"Let's go. It's not good to keep the people in the main house waiting for a long time. I'm fine. I'm afraid father will tell you that."

It was only then that the siblings, An Yuanzhi and An Jin, walked into the courtyard.

"Second Miss, congratulations to you" As soon as An Jinxiu entered the courtyard, Madame Wang welcomed her with a smile.

"You are?" An Jinxiu knew this matchmaker from her previous life, but she still pretended not to know him.

"Second Miss, this is the matchmaker for you, Wang Ma," the woman who walked over from behind Madame Wang told An Jin.

An Jinxiu smiled and lowered her head. She did not say anything, but stood closer to An Yuanzhi.

An Yuanzhi felt like he was the younger brother. He said, "Thank you, Wang Ma." Although his voice was soft, he still thanked her.

Madame Wang smiled as she left. Although she didn't bring much good news to the Residence of An today, she had a smile on her face. No matter what, she looked like she could make anyone happy.

An Jinxiu followed An Yuanzhi into the main hall. Before she had even greeted them, she heard née Qin wipe away her tears and say, "Why is my Ah Jin life so bitter!"

Grand Preceptor An's face darkened as he asked, "What nonsense are you spouting in front of the children?"

An Jinxiu cleverly didn't ask. She just stood there and waited for née Qin to finish crying.

Seeing that An Jinxiu didn't say anything, An Yuanzhi shut up and stood a bit in front of her.

He hadn't seen An Jinxiu and An Yuanzhi standing together, but now he realized that these two siblings weren't just brothers and sisters, they really were the same mother. Their faces were quite similar, but An Jinxiu didn't look masculine, An Yuanzhi didn't look feminine.

Grand Preceptor An looked at the siblings with pleasure, but née Qin felt the sight was too eye-catching. She wiped away her tears and stopped crying.

Only then did An Jinxiu and An Yuanzhi pay their respects to the two elders.

"Ah Jin, your mother will let you down." née Qin spoke, "If you want to blame someone, then blame your mother for not being able to do so."

"How can mother not have the ability?" An Jinxiu said, "Who was the one who spoke nonsense and made Mother sad?"

"Second sister," An Jing3 opened her mouth and said, "Before you came, mother had already cried once. That Shangguan Wufu was only willing to pay three hundred and fifty silver as a betrothal gift! Three hundred and fifty silver, does he not take you, second sister, seriously? "