An Yuanzhi

Once the medicine was ready, An Jinxiu personally fed the bowl of medicine to Lady Xiu. After about an hour, Lady Xiu began to sweat, and she also began to wake up a little.

"Mother," An Jinxiu called out to her several times.

"Ah Jin?" After waking up from her illness, when Lady Xiu saw the person in front of her, she no longer called her second miss. Instead, she called her name 'An Jin' after her heart.

"Sigh." An Jinxiu responded and said to Aunt Xiu, "Mother, Yuan Zhi is here as well."

"Yuan Zhi?"

"Mother," An Yuanzhi hurriedly responded when he heard Lady Xiu call out his name.

"What, what's wrong with me?" Lady Xiu still didn't know what had happened to her.

As An Jinxiu asked Zi Yuan to fetch more hot water to wash her, she smiled at her, "Mother, did you remove a quilt last night? How did you get a cold? "But it scared me and Yuan Zhi to death."

An Yuanzhi also asked, "Mother, how did you get the chill? Is it too cold in this room? "

"I'm sick?" At this moment, Lady Xiu had completely woken up. Seeing that it was An Jin who was sitting on her bed, she stared at her for a long time before believing that this girl was really An Jin. "Second Miss, how can I let you watch over me?"

An Jinxiu quickly pressed down her mother and said, "My mother is sick. How can I not come?"

At this moment, Zi Yuan had gotten some hot water. Seeing that Lady Xiu had woken up, she also said happily, "It's good that Lady Xiu has woken up. Young Miss and the Fifth Young Master have been keeping watch over Aunt for the whole morning."

An Jinxiu didn't want to allow Lady Xiu to speak any further, so she didn't say anything else. Together with Zi Yuan, she helped her to get up.

An Yuanzhi couldn't help, so he said, "I'll go check out the porridge on the stove," and walked out.

"What kind of porridge is the Fifth Young Master looking at?" Lady Xiu asked in a low voice.

An Jinxiu said, "Mom hasn't eaten since the morning. Yuan Zhi has built a stove in the corridor and is making congee for mom."

"How can that be?" When Aunt Xiu heard that, she almost burst into tears. "How can you let a young master like him do such a thing? If the people in the manor knew about this, they would all be laughing at him! "

An Jinxiu said, "Then I'll go out and take a look."

Aunt Xiu became even more anxious. "No," she grabbed An Jin's hand and said, "You are a young lady, you can't do something like that! This won't do! "

Seeing that the mother and daughter were about to start a fight, Zi Yuan quickly ran outside and said, "Then this servant will go take a look. Today, I must let this concubine have a taste of Zi Yuan's craftsmanship."

"I can't afford it," Aunt Xiu suddenly thought of something and wailed at An Jin, "How come you guys came to serve me? It's all because of the young miss and the young master of this house, and I've harmed all of you! "

"What did Mother say?" An Jinxiu laid Aunt Xiu down on her bed and smiled, "There's no mother. Yuan Zhi and I still can't bear to be human. My daughter needs to kowtow and say thank you to my mother."

Lady Xiu sighed.

"Mother!" An Jinxiu took out the skills she used to have when she was pestering people, and coquettishly called her mom.

Lady Xiu forced a smile. What could she do if she didn't? Tears in front of her daughter?

"Mother, please be at ease." An Jin comforted her. "Yuan Zhi will definitely have great prospects in the future. Mother's good days are yet to come."

Aunt Xiu sighed. "As long as you and Yuan Zhi are good enough, Aunt won't ask for anything else. Second Miss, did you not say anything when you came to the aunt's place? "

"No," An Jinxiu knew what Lady Xiu was afraid of. She was afraid that if née Qin angered her, she would do something about her marriage so that she, a concubine, wouldn't have the face to marry. An Jinxiu did not care about her reputation anymore. In her previous life, she was a wicked woman that everyone knew about. So what? "She's just going to take a walk on the path to the Yellow Springs. It's better if the people she cares about are good." Mother, "An Jinxiu said to the embroidery aunt," How much you can put your heart at ease with me.

The Lady Xiu held An Jin's hand and was about to say something when the woman ran in. She ran to An Jin's side and said: "Miss, someone's servant is looking for you outside."

An Jinxiu wanted to ask who was the servant owner looking for her, but when she saw Zi Yuan squinting at her, her heart tightened. Could it be that something had happened outside? An Jin hurriedly stood up and said to the embroidery aunt, "Mother, you're sick. You won't let anyone else in. I'll go out to take a look."

"Alright," Aunt Xiu naturally wouldn't stop Ah Jin.

An Jin was in front while Zi Yuan followed behind. The two of them walked out of the room.

"Where's Yuan Zhi?" Looking at the porridge still cooking on the stove in the hallway, An Jinxiu's gaze swept across the small courtyard. The man who cooked the porridge was no longer there.

"The head steward brought someone with him and brought the Fifth Young Master away," Zi Yuan hurriedly whispered to An Jin. "He said that the Fifth Young Master had secretly invited a doctor to come here. Madam Qin knows and shw wants to talk to the Fifth Young Master!"

An Jinxiu suddenly found it hard to suppress her anger and asked, "Did they capture Yuan Zhi?"

"Fifth Young Master followed them. He said not to alarm the concubine."

"Second Miss." At this moment, old woman Qian, who had heard of the news, ran into the courtyard. When she saw An Jinxiu standing in the courtyard, she hurriedly shouted, "How can this be!"

"It's fine," An Jinxiu smiled at Mrs. Qian, "I'll go take a look. Take care of my mother for me." As she spoke, she took off a bracelet from her wrist and stuffed it into Mrs. Qian's hands, "Take it. Thank you so much for today. It's a token of my appreciation to you."

Old Mrs. Qian quickly expressed her gratitude. This silver bracelet was a good item. Second Miss An's intentions were indeed a bit too big.

"Don't tell this concubine about Fifth Young Master," An Jinxiu originally wanted to leave, but stopped after thinking for a moment and warned Lady Qian.

"Yes," Mrs. Qian hurriedly agreed.

Only then did An Jinxiu hurriedly walk out of the small courtyard with Zi Yuan. "Where did the main butler take the Fifth Young Master?" The main house? "

"Mm," Zi Yuan said, "I heard the head steward say that the Grand Preceptor's waiting for Fifth Young Master in the main hall."

An Jinxiu was afraid that An Yuanzhi would lose his temper again like he had in his previous life, causing a huge ruckus with the Grand Preceptor. The only ones who would suffer such a loss would be themselves. There were many servants and women in the mansion, and even if she wanted to run, she wouldn't be able to do so. The woman smiled without showing her teeth or showing her feet, and this kind of thing … An Jinxiu wanted to curse out loud, but she really couldn't say it out loud, nor could she break the rules of being a woman.

He walked slowly along the way. When An Jin arrived at the main house, he asked the servants about it and found out that An Yuanzhi was not brought to the main hall. Instead, he was taken to the back garden of the mansion.

"The Grand Preceptor is in the estate today?" Before heading to the back garden, An Jin had asked this question with an extra sense of foresight.

"To reply Second Miss, the Grand Preceptor left early this morning," someone reported.

An Jin turned and hurried back to the garden. If Grand Preceptor An wasn't here, then née Qin would be looking for trouble. If this woman hated them to the bone, then things would be difficult for her today.

"Miss!" Zi Yuan called out from behind An Jinxiu.

"What's wrong?" An Jin asked.

"The back garden is so big, you have to ask the exact location," said Zi Yuan.

Where had An Yuanzhi been taken?

An Jinxiu found out after she asked the servant that An Yuanzhi had been brought to the west side of the garden by order of the Qin family.