
"Mother!" Seeing that Matriarch had spoken a few words before beginning to act up again, Grand Preceptor An hastened to say, "It won't be long before the Ah Jin leavrs home. You don't have to teach her a lesson."

An Jin smiled and said, "The Matriarch is joking with Ah Jon. When has Ah Jin ever been bullied before?"

The matriarch's tone was still unfriendly. "It's good that you can think like that."

An Yuanzhi stood at the side and was about to speak up for An Jinxiu. Shangguan Yong had asked for the decree, two days later, what was the problem? Just as An Yuanzhi opened his mouth to speak, he heard An Jin cough. When he looked at her, she was shaking her head and glaring at him. An Yuanzhi lowered his head in annoyance, swallowing back the words he was about to say.

The matriarch had seen An Jin's and An Yuanzhi's movements. When the matriarch thought of these concubine brother and sister, she couldn't bring herself to be happy with them. "All of you may leave," the matriarch ordered after feeling a wave of annoyance.

"Mother," the grandchildren all retreated, but Grand Preceptor An remained standing.

"Don't worry," Matriarch said, "Even if I don't like Ah Jin, I'll definitely arrange her marriage properly and won't make her look bad."

Only after hearing Matriarch words did Grand Preceptor An feel at ease to leave.

At this moment, the eldest daughter in law came in from outside and said to the matriarch, "Matriarch, Madam and Third Young Miss have sent someone over to pay their respects."

The matriarch said, "I can't accept their greetings. Let them take good care of their illnesses."

The servant girl didn't dare to say anything else, she just lowered her head and left.

After An Jinxiu and An Yuanzhi left the Matriarch's room, they arrived at their mother concubine's room. When she heard that An Jin was going to get married in two days, the Aunt Xiu was first reluctant to part with it, but then she was overjoyed. The Residence of Peace was not a place where her children could live in peace, so it was a good thing to leave the house as soon as possible.

"Mother," An Jinxiu wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

After Aunt Xiu had An Yuanzhi leave first, she asked, "Was it the Emperor who arranged your marriage?"

"Yes," An Jin replied. "Don't worry, Mother. The General said he wouldn't mistreat me."

"The situation is actually not that important," the Mother Xiu said in a low voice. "What I care about is your future. I just hope that General Shangguan can treat you with care."

"Mother," An Jin said as she sat down beside her mother. "That person is extremely filial towards his stepmother and meticulously raising his stepsister. Such a person wouldn't be a bad person. To be honest, as long as Ah Jin treats him sincerely, the General will treat me sincerely. "

After giving birth to her daughter, she was taken away by née Qin before she could even glance at her. Who would have thought that today, her daughter, whom she had spent so much effort to conceive in October, would marry into a woman in the blink of an eye. It turned out that after so many years, "I can't send you off on the day you leave the pavilion." Everyone in this world said that a daughter who was born into a family was good, but they didn't know that a daughter born out of a concubine would have one that was even better. "Second Miss, you have to stay together with General Shangguan until the end of your life, so that I can feel at ease."

An Jinxiu didn't say anything and only rested her head on Aunt Fu's shoulder. She had made a mistake in her life, so she definitely wouldn't do it again.

An Yuanzhi came back. When he entered the house, he saw that his mother and sister were both staring at him with red eyes. After a moment of surprise, he smiled and asked, "What's going on?" It's obviously a happy thing, why are all of you crying? "

"This child," Aunt Xiu could only smile. "People cry even when they're happy. Why did you come back?"

An Yuanzhi took out a few silver notes and said to An Jin, "Father gave me these and told me to send them to General Shangguan. Let me ask Big Sis if she wants them."

"Silver notes?" An Jinxiu sat up straight.

"A full eight hundred taels," An Yuanzhi said as he placed the notes in front of her. "Father said that he wanted General Shangguan to arrange the marriage."

Aunt Xiu was startled. "The General doesn't even have the money to arrange a marriage?"

An Yuanzhi looked at An Jin and said seriously, "I don't think it's good like this. Father, aren't you scolding people? Sis, do you want the money? "

An Jinxiu looked at the folded eight hundred taels of silver notes. She said to An Yuanzhi, "I'll leave it with you for now. Is General Shangguan really that poor?" "Father is used to being rich. Can it be that families with small families in the countryside won't be getting married?" As An Jinxiu spoke, she placed the silver notes into An Yuanzhi's hands. "Consider it as your sister's. You can keep it for me."

How could An Yuanzhi accept the dowry money from An Jinxiu? He wanted to push her away, but she told him, "You're my little brother, and only you're willing to help me. Yuan Zhi, please help me this time." With An Jinxiu's words, An Yuanzhi didn't know what to say.

Two days passed quickly. An Jin had made a set of winter clothes for An Yuanzhi. An Yuanzhi tried this new clothes, An-jin also welcomed her own wedding time.

The wedding lady combed her hair for An Jin. She read it over and over again in her mouth, from comb to comb.

Shangguan Yong rode his warhorse and brought his bright red palanquin to the gate of the Residence of Tranquil East early in the morning.

An Yuwen, who was initially set to carry An Jin out, did not appear that day. She only told Madam Ning that his body was suddenly feeling unwell.

An Yuanzhi carried his sister out of the pavilion. It was different from the happy sounds of the firecrackers in the front yard. The path from the pavilion to the front yard was quiet and long. In the middle of July, it was already near the end of summer. The path was almost paved with flowers, and a faint fragrance wafted through the air.

An Yuanzhi laughed as he stepped on the fallen flowers. "I wonder what kind of people are talking about this house. The servants have not cleaned this road since yesterday." However, Sis, it's good that this road is not cleaned. The road is full of flowers, do you smell the fragrance? "

"Mm." An Jinxiu also smiled and said, "Yuan Zhi, thank you for sending me out of the pavilion."

"I'm your younger brother," An Yuanzhi said after a moment of silence. "What's there to thank me for sending you out of the pavilion? "Sis, you have to live a good life in the future. It's better than this."

"Alright," An Jinxiu said, "You too. You have to be fine."

An Yuanzhi walked very slowly. After walking this path, his sister will be the daughter-in-law of the Shangguan family, regardless of whether she lived or died, it had nothing to do with the An family.

Shangguan Yong stood in front of the main gate of the Residence of Tranquil East. The commotion around him didn't seem to have anything to do with him. Living until today, only then did Shangguan Yong realize how difficult it was to wait for a person to appear.

Grand Preceptor An stood inside the door. It was as if the wives and young masters of the estate had all agreed on this. Their bodies were all in a bad mood today, not a single one of them appearing. Grand Preceptor An forced a smile on his face. He was unhappy, but he couldn't do anything to the young masters or young ladies of the estate either. He had never been the first to see them, so who knew what he might have to say? There was no trace of displeasure on Grand Preceptor An's face as he sized up Shangguan Yong, and he couldn't help but rejoice that this Martial Disciple didn't care too much about etiquette. Otherwise, things would have been much harder for him.

"The bride is out!" Someone from the crowd shouted.

Shangguan Yong's eyes suddenly widened. From the side door of the main yard, An Yuanzhi slowly walked out with An Jinxiu on his back.

"Hurry, play the music!" The nanny urged the musicians.

"Sister," An Yuanzhi whispered to An Jinxiu, "We're in the front courtyard. Shangguan is standing outside the door."

The joyous music next to her ears shook the heavens. However, An Jinxiu suddenly wrapped her arms around An Yuanzhi's neck and said, "Yuan Zhi, you promised me that even if I married Shangguan Yong, you'd still come and tell me about your future!"


"Promise me!" I'm your sister! All these years, I have not been good to you, but I want to change it, I have already changed it! "

"Alright," An Yuanzhi replied in a low voice. "I only have this sister of yours." The summer shirt was thin and breathable. An Yuanzhi felt a drop of liquid on his collar, causing him to cry.

Grand Preceptor An watched as the fifth son carried his second daughter and stood in front of him, reminiscing the glory of his eldest daughter, An Jinyan. He inwardly sighed and told her, "Daughter, after marrying into the Shangguan Family, you have to abide by the laws of the woman and help the Shangguan Family grow up as soon as possible."

An Jinxiu replied softly, "Your daughter will always remember Father's teachings."

An Yuanzhi turned around to leave, but he heard their father say softly from behind, "Jinxiu, Shangguan Yong is your good man. Be at ease and let his hair be white. Father wishes for you to live a peaceful life."

"Thank you, father." An Jin thanked her father. In the heart of An Shu's father, his family of three was far from being as good as one family, so it was very important for them to have their own children. However, his father truly hoped that she and An Yuanzhi could be together, and had raised them into adults.

Shangguan Yong looked at An Yuanzhi carrying his bride, walking towards him step by step. General Shangguan, who was on the battlefield killing the enemy without any fear, suddenly tensed up.

An Yuanzhi did not slow down this time. He walked quickly to Shangguan Yong, grinned, and said: "Brother-in-law, I'll leave my sister to you!"

"Ah?" "Ah, yes!" Shangguan Yong was startled, but answered quickly.

An Jin smiled and gently patted An Yuanzhi's back, telling him not to make things difficult for Shangguan Yong. This man of hers was not to be trifled with.

An Yuanzhi and Shangguan Yong looked at each other quietly for a while. Some things the women did not understand, but there was a tacit understanding between the men. Shangguan Yong nodded solemnly to An Yuanzhi. He would do as he said, and he would definitely do as Shangguan Yong said.

"Sis, I'll send you to the palanquin!" An Yuanzhi said to Ah Jim on his back as he shifted his gaze away.

Upon hearing An Yuanzhi's words, the nanny at the side hurriedly shouted, "New bride, get on the palanquin!"

Shangguan Yong watched as An Yuanzhi carried An Jin to the front of the palanquin and stood there. A gust of wind blew over from who knows where, not only did it blow the blooming Phoenix Flowers out of the wall, but it also lifted a corner of the red cover of the mandarin duck that An Jin had covered her head, just enough for Shangguan Yong to see the face under the big red veil.

Emperor Shizong, who was dressed in micro clothing, also saw this scene. He saw it even more clearly than Shangguan Yong because at this moment, the Shizong was standing in the crowd next to the bridal sedan. The Phoenix Flowers fell like a red rain, the face of a beautiful lady had the color of a hibiscus. However, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, in the eyes of the Emperor, she was a rare beauty.