Wedding Night

This chapter contains mature and explicit scenes. Reader discretion is advised.

"I …" This was the first time Shangguan Yong had looked at his wife so closely. Was a this person really his wife? All of a sudden, Shangguan Yong started to suspect that he was in a dream again. "You look even better than an immortal fairy." For some reason, Shangguan Yong suddenly said this to An Jin.

Memories on the wedding night of the past life came in, "You look even better than a fairy, the man had told her, but she had only thought him rude at the time. Tears welled up into her eyes.

She had already decided not to think about the past, but her heart wasn't in control. If she only knew how to take care of him in her previous life, this man would definitely put her in his hands and protect her for the rest of his life. For Bai Chengze, even she threatened him with his children and forced him and she was a despicable woman that everyone despised, this man would still try his best to take care of her at the border.

"Why are you crying?" He extended his hand out to wipe her tears, but he felt that he had been rude, and did not dare to put his hand on her face. He could only anxiously ask her: "Did I say something wrong? Or are you not feeling well? Should I get you a doctor? Why are you crying? "

An Jinxiu raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face. She raised her head and smiled at Shangguan Yong: "Hubby, aren't you going to drink a glass of wine with me?"

She called me Hubby, Hubby! Shangguan Yong's body stiffened as he turned around to grab the alcohol from the table, but he did not expect to knock the two round stools to the ground.

An Jinxiu wanted to stand up, but she had been sitting on the bed for the entire day. Her hands and feet were already numb. When she stood up, she couldn't stop. Her body tilted and she looked like she was about to fall.

"Be careful!" Shangguan Yong wanted to help her up, but when he saw her fall to the ground, he hurriedly moved to hold the chair and pulled her into his arms.

It was a warm and wide embrace filled with a strong smell of alcohol. An JinXiu raised her head and looked at Shangguan Yong, her cheeks flushing red. She then called out softly to Shangguan Yong: "Hubby."

A faint and indistinct incense filled the air that Shangguan Yong was breathing, it was strange that made him feel the throbbing of his heart.

The man casually tossed the wine cup under the bed, and the lamp and candle were extinguished by the wind of his palm. After the bed curtain was put down, one could still clearly see the person on the bed by the moonlight in front of the window.

"This room is too small," Shangguan Yong's side was already as hard as steel, but he still told An Jin. "In the future, I'll let you live in a big house, just like at the Grand Preceptor's estate."

An Jin smiled. "I like it here. The Grand Preceptor's pavilion has nothing to do with me from now on."

Shangguan Yong's heart warmed. After silently looking at the An Jin for a while, he took out a red string from under his pillow and gave it to her, and said: "This is for you, I don't have the money to give it to you right now. This is the marriage string I asked from the Yue Lao Temple.

When An Jinxiu saw the red rope, her heart ached. He had given this red string to her in her last life, but she threw it under the bed. However, she saw him burning it down with his own hands on the Yellow Springs dugout. A grown man ran into Yue Lao's temple to ask for marriage strings, who knew how many people would laugh at him along the way. "Thank you," An Jinxiu grasped the red strings in her hands and said seriously to Shangguan Yong, "I really like it."

On the night of the wedding, Shangguan Yong had used up all his silver taels to buy the jade bracelets and gold and silver ornaments that the women liked. Although the marriage string was not worth silver, he did have his own heart in his heart as he went to Yue Lao Temple to ask for it. Listening to An Xiuxiu say she liked him, Shangguan Yong's face curved into a smile, showing his white teeth, "My wife, I like you, too."

An Jinxing replied with an inaudible "En". She liked him too, but she didn't have the face to say those words.

Shangguan Yong's fingers touched An Jin's face. He had never felt such smooth skin before. Shangguan Yong felt that someone had set a fire on his body, making him feel uncomfortable.

An Jinxiu lifted her hand to touch Shangguan Yong's forehead. At this moment, her husband was already sweating profusely, which made his heart ache a little for her.

His ice-cold hand lightly brushed the top of his head, and a "pa" sound rang out in Shangguan Yong's head, as if something had broken. His large hand stopped in front of her chest, Shangguan Yong said hoarsely to her, "Ah Jin, I want you."

"Un." Another barely audible sound rang out, but it was as if the cage that imprisoned Shangguan Yong was opened.

This was the first time he had taken off a woman's clothes, and Shangguan Yong was at a loss as to what to do. He had only taken off the belt on her corset and hadn't taken it off for a long time. In a moment of desperation, Shangguan Yong used some strength in his hand, and with a "hiss", the thin corset was cut in half along with the belt.

"Ya!" An Jinxiu exclaimed as she reached out her hand to cover her chest.

"Don't!" After Shangguan Yong shouted, he held down An Jin's hands and lowered his head to take the two white and tender "buns" in front of him. After sucking them vigorously, the two red "cherries" turned into a bright red color.

An Jin twisted her body a few times on the bed in an attempt to avoid Shangguan Yong's suckling. Unexpectedly, her clothes were also ripped off by the man.

"Ah Jin" Shangguan Yong's eyes were bloodshot, but he did not forget to tell her: "Don't be afraid."

An Jinxiu dodged Shangguan Yong's burning gaze and asked in a low voice, "Are you not going to take off your clothes?"

Shangguan Yong's clothes were taken off in a blink of an eye, his muscular body was half kneeling on the bed, like a small mountain. An Jinxiu stole a glance before looking away. She thought it would be a good idea to smile when they were married for two lifetimes. It should be normal for them to have sex, but for some reason, she didn't dare to look at the body in front of her.

Both legs spread apart and held by Shangguan Yong's waist, An Jin turned her head to the side, not looking at Shangguan Yong's face. She was a bit shy, a bit expectant, and even a bit glad that her body was clean in this life. Even her heart was clean.

Shangguan Yong looked at the blossoming flower in front of him, and his throat felt a few quick chokes, before he stretched out his hand.

An Jinxiu let out a light humph. Her body twisted a few times as if she wanted to escape, but she didn't expect that not only was she unable to escape, she was even unable to escape.

Shangguan Yong gave a muffled grunt, a small box appeared in his hands, and said to An Jin: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

An Jinxiu could smell the fragrance of a flower, but it was too faint and she could not identify which flower it was.

"Wiping this doesn't hurt anymore." Shangguan Yong used his fingers to dig out some ointment and said to An Jin, "Don't be afraid."

So it was an ointment. Only now did An Jin remember that Shangguan Yong had used this on the wedding night in his previous life. However, An Jinxiu slightly frowned and asked Shangguan Yong: "Is it from the military?"

Shangguan Yong nodded, this was what his two brothers in the army had given him before he entered the new room. According to the two brothers, Shangguan Yong was a tough guy in the military, while An Jinxiu was a petite and delicate young noble lady. Without some ointment, his' spear 'might not even make it into the' flower cave '. He carelessly smeared some on the object beneath his feet, and then carefully applied it onto An Jin. He held his breath and stuck a finger in, and soon after, Shangguan Yong discovered that something was tightly twisting around his finger, and it even made him feel pain.

An Jinxiu's face turned completely red. She could feel the finger in her body slowly probing deeper and deeper. She shouted, "Stop!"

It was as if he was once again on the battlefield, and below him was a piece of land that he wanted to fight for. After he struggled to enter, Shangguan Yong felt that he had entered a warm and compact place.

An Jinxiu screamed. She had tried her best to relax her body, but she still couldn't bear the pain.

An Jinxiu's scream made Shangguan Yong not dare to move, he buried himself in warmth, but he could not move. It was not a pleasant feeling, but Shangguan Yong still asked her in a hoarse voice: "Did it hurt too much?"

After taking a deep breath, An Jinxiu did not speak, she only rubbed her legs against Shangguan Yong's waist.

At this moment, Shangguan Yong did not need anyone to teach him what to do. Following the original instincts of his body, he started moving within An Jin's body. As Shangguan Yong's movements became more violent, the occasional moans and moans came out from the corners of her lips. This sound was very low, but it was as if a gale had passed through Shangguan Yong's heart, causing him to lose his consciousness.

After the peak of her happiness had swept across her entire body, An Jinxiu screamed out once again. Her entire body twitched as it went limp under Shangguan Yong's feet, and she was unable to recover for a long time.

Shangguan Yong's' silver spear 'could not move at all after being twisted by An Jin's spasms. With a muffled groan, Shangguan Yong leaned against An Jin's body, his face was leaning against his face, sweat was mixing together, and their ragged breathing was close by their ears, they could not distinguish clearly and did not have the heart to distinguish any more. Shangguan Yong awkwardly put his lips on An Jin's lips. It was unknown how long it took until she opened her lips. Only then did General Shangguan know to pester An Jin's lips.

Her lower body was covered in water, but the things that were buried in her body were still hard. An Jinxiu pushed Shangguan Yong who was hiding in front of her. Even if she was short and bitter, a moment's worth of gold, she still wanted to rest. Shangguan Yong, on the other hand, misunderstood her intentions, treating this push as a silent urging, and immediately began to work hard on An Jin's body again.

The initial pain had long since passed. An Jin was trembling as she experienced the joy of being in love. As a woman, she was reserved. Shangguan Yong sent her away like the wind and rain, but An Jin had forgotten all about it. "General, please spare me, I can't take it anymore, general …" The broken cries for mercy sounded like an unbearable moan from An Jinxiu as they echoed around Shangguan Yong's soul.

"That's great!" Shangguan Yong growled. He lowered his body and finally the soft object slipped out of his body.

An Jinxiu choked with sobs. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked pitifully at her husband, who was lying beside her.