
By the time Shangguan Yong received his letters and clothes, it was already four months later. Those who had left the capital in the middle of summer were now outside in the snow. Shangguan Yong, who had followed the military officials and learned many words, did not need anyone to read the letters for him anymore. He could understand the two short letters perfectly.

Shangguan Yong finished reading Rui's letter very quickly, he smiled and read An Jin's letter again, then Shangguan Yong read the letter again and again. I have a son? Shangguan Yong looked at An Jin's letter and wondered if he was dreaming.

A brother rushed forward and snatched the letter from Shangguan Yong, saying, "What kind of letter is it, to make Big Bro smile like a fool?"

When Shangguan Yong reacted as if he had woken up from a dream and wanted to snatch the letter, a group of martial artists had already surrounded the person who had stolen the letter. Shangguan Yong couldn't even squeeze in.

"Who can read it? What's written on it?" Some of them shouted loudly as they could not read the words.

"I'm pregnant. I've been pregnant for two months now …" The person who was reading the letter immediately appeared, reading the letter to everyone one word at a time.

"Shangguan Big Brother is going to have an heir!" After everyone quietly listened, they all turned around to congratulate Shangguan Yong. Those who were bigger than Shangguan Yong and younger than him were all overjoyed.

"Is she really pregnant?" Shangguan Yong was dumbfounded, muttering to himself.

"Are you still in a daze?" One of Shangguan Yong's elder brother who was standing beside him patted his shoulder and laughed, "How can it be fake when written in black and white? "At the time your sister-in-law wrote this letter, she was pregnant for two months, and this letter took four months to reach you. By now, your son has already been in your sister-in-law's womb for six months!"

One of the martial artists who knew what was going on said. "In four months, Shangguan Yi's son will be born!"

Shangguan Yong's lips curled into a smile. His wife and son, his little family was complete.

Some said that Shangguan Yong was powerful, that he could plant pearls in a bride's stomach on the wedding night, that An Jinxiu was very fertile, and that he had to finish the battle as soon as possible so he could return to the capital to see her little son, and some even guessed whether this little baby of hers was like a father or mother, and there were many people who looked at the words on the letter, praising him for writing.

Shangguan Yong was speechless as he listened to these discussions. Was this because his wife was pregnant, or was this group of people's wife pregnant? However, when he heard that his brothers wanted to finish this battle as soon as possible, Shangguan Yong fell silent again. This battle would not end within a year, his little wife in the capital could only give birth without his company.

At this moment, the battle drums in the camp suddenly sounded again, breaking the joyous atmosphere in the camp.

Shangguan Yong hurriedly stuffed the letter back into his pocket, then rushed out of the military camp with General Zhou Yi.

Outside the White Jade Mountain Pass, two armies were engaged in a fierce battle. Their shouts shook the skies, and soon, the snow-covered ground was dyed red with blood. Far away, the capital fell into a deep sleep in the silence. Some people walked through the deserted streets and alleys, repeatedly beating down on the sounds of the third fragment.

An Jinxiu woke up from her sleep and abruptly sat up from the bed. She remembered the dream very clearly when she woke up. Shangguan Yong was facing the million strong northern army alone in her dream. In the midst of tens of thousands of arrows, an arrow pierced through Shangguan Yong's chest. An Jin cried out in her dreams, but no matter how she ran, she could not reach Shangguan Yong's side. She could only watch helplessly as Shangguan Yong fell to the ground and was trampled by thousands of Northern Turks.

An Jinxiu sat on the bed for a while. The cold sweat that broke out from her nightmare had gradually dried up. She felt a sharp pain in her stomach. The pain reminded her of Shangguan Yong's child. She quickly tried to calm herself down, afraid that she would hurt them in her excitement.

Taking out the red string Shangguan Yong gave her from under the pillow, An Jinxiu told herself that Shangguan Yong was someone who wanted to become a general. He wouldn't be in trouble at this time, her dreams would always come from the opposite direction, perhaps this nightmare of hers foretold that the battle would end soon? The red string was tightly tied to her hand, almost breaking her palm, but she was oblivious to it. She looked at the empty pillow beside her and just sat there like that for the entire night.

Shangguan Yong pulled out the arrow that had been shot at his shoulder, and threw it on the ground. He then brandished his blade and chopped down one of the enemies that had rushed in front of him.

"Don't panic!" Zhou Yi's shout came from behind the crowd.

"If we don't keep fighting, we're all going to die!" It was unknown who shouted from the middle of the chaotic army formation.

"Those who retreat will die!" Shangguan Yong roared, it was right when both sides were biting each other hard. At this time, the morale of the troops was in chaos, and the brothers who died before them had truly died in vain.

Seeing Shangguan Yong leading his men and rushing into the depths of the enemy forces, Zhou Yi said to the left and right, "Shangguan Yong is not bad."

The generals riding on the horses were all shocked. These were generals who had followed Zhou Yi for many years. When had Zhou Yi ever praised anyone? Shangguan Yong was the first.

Shangguan Yong rushed into the depths of the enemy army, the person and the weapon in his hands were already stained with blood, the one who killed was an Asura, but he did not use a suicidal tactic like before. At this time, Shangguan Yong's heart was full of worry, not only was there a sister-in-law in the capital, there was also a little girl waiting for him, no matter what, he had to return alive.

"Charge!" Zhou Yi saw that the enemy's formation was in chaos. He waved the spear in his hand and took the lead to rush out of the formation.

The wind swept the snow and sand onto his face, and fresh blood splattered everywhere. Shangguan Yong's vision blurred, and the deafening cries of battle on the battlefield seemed to be very far away from him. It was clearly a bloody battlefield, but the little girl waving her red rope at him in the crowd had clearly appeared in front of Shangguan Yong.

"What are you doing?!" The military officer who was fighting alongside Shangguan Yong shouted to Shangguan Yong: "Are you splitting your attention right now? Do you not want to live anymore?! "

Shangguan Yong looked on with some hesitation.

The Martial Officer sat on the horse and struck Shangguan Yong on the back, "You want to die here? "You don't want the wife and children of your family?!"

At this time, they were all tired. Those who had been in the army for many years knew that as long as someone with high martial arts skills was tired, their reaction would be slow. The serious problem was like Shangguan Yong was now, standing on the battlefield in a daze, it didn't seem like he was fighting.

At this time, a few soldiers not far from Shangguan Yong had already surrounded him. With them blocking his way, they gave Shangguan Yong time to catch his breath.

At this time, Zhou Yi rushed to the enemy center of the formation. When the horse passed by Shangguan Yong, Zhou Yi didn't say anything. He raised his hand and slapped Shangguan Yong hard. Then, General Zhou's war horse galloped away without even pausing for a second.

Shangguan Yong's entire body trembled, after the An Jin disappeared, what appeared in front of him was once again the Shura's battlefield that was filled with blood and gore.

"How are you?" The military officials all asked Shangguan Yong.

Shangguan Yong shook his head. Blood gushed out from his chest and he spat out a mouthful of blood. Only then did he feel a bit more comfortable.

The military officials who had followed Shangguan Yong and called him brother all saw Shangguan Yong spitting blood on the ground and felt anxious. At this time, all of them were covered in blood, but Shangguan Yong looked even worse. He sat on the horse and swayed, looking like he would fall at any moment.

"I'm fine." Shangguan Yong took a deep breath and said to his brothers, "If you have anything to say, talk after this fight!"

The battle in the snowy night lasted from late at night until the sun shined. Then, the forces of the Prayer and the Northern Tribes Army called for the withdrawal of their troops.

When Zhou Yi led the troops back to the camp, he turned around and looked at the corpses behind him. Although there were quite a few of them, there was still a happy expression on Zhou Yi's face.

"General." The aide from the military camp arrived next to Zhou Yi and looked at the corpses littering the ground. This scholar had long since been able to keep a straight face.

"I don't know how much longer they'll have to fight against me in this kind of weather!" Zhou Yi said to his advisor, "I don't think the day of our class reunion is far away."

The one with the surname Qiao said, "Seeing how the Northern Turks are fighting so recklessly, I'm afraid they are running out of food. That's why they are anxious to compete with us for victory."

Zhou Yi dismounted. The land under his feet was now covered in snow. In the spring of next year, it would become a natural grassland, and it was not a day or two for the people of the North to covet this place. However, this place was only half a day's ride away from White Jade Mountain Pass. How could they possibly allow the people of the Northern Tribes to graze here?

At this time, Shangguan Yong walked behind Zhou Yi, cupped his hands, and said: "Great General, you want to see this subordinate?"

Zhou Yi turned around and looked at Shangguan Yong. The blood stains on his face had already been wiped away. His face was pale and did not have any medical skills. Zhou Yi also knew that Shangguan Yong's injuries were not light this time.

Qiao Lin who was at the side asked with concern, "Is General Shangguan's injury an obstacle?"

Shangguan Yong gave a meaningless smile and said: "No problem, it's just a superficial wound."

Zhou Yi waved for Shangguan Yong to follow him. Those who wanted to take care of him slowed down and asked Shangguan Yong, who had followed him, "We've been fighting for several months, what do you think about this war?"

Shangguan Yong was surprised, he didn't expect Zhou Yi to ask him this question.

Seeing Shangguan Yong in a daze, Zhou Yi said, "What, you haven't thought of anything and are just waiting in the camp to listen to my orders?"

Shangguan Yong didn't understand Zhou Yi's intention behind his words, but he still said honestly to Zhou Yi, "It's too cold outside in the winter, so it's inconvenient to march and fight. Are the Northern Turks trying to fight us to the last breath?"

"Qiao Lin, tell him," Zhou Yi called out Qiao Lin's name again.

Qiao Lin said, "The winter is long outside and the weather is cold. It is indeed not suitable for us to march and fight. The Northern Turks only have two choices, the first is to fight us to the death, win, advance, defeat and retreat. The second is to confront our army and wait until spring to fight."

Master Qiao's story was something that Zhou Yi could understand, but Shangguan Yong could not understand it. He looked at Qiao Lin with a puzzled expression.

Seeing Shangguan Yong's behavior, Zhou Yi suddenly felt a sense of relief. Regardless of what thoughts Grand Preceptor An had towards Shangguan Yong as his son-in-law, Zhou Yi felt that Shangguan Yong wasn't someone who hid secrets from others. The meaning of his words was the same as yours. "Zhou Yi said to Shangguan Yong," Today you will be the first to rush into the enemy ranks.

Shangguan Yong hastily said: "Thank you, General."

"Go find a doctor and have a look at your injuries." Zhou Yi waved Shangguan Yong away.

"Great General," after Shangguan Yong left, Qiao Lin asked Zhou Yi, "What are you doing?"

At this moment, the sounds of people killing on the battlefield came from behind him, but Zhou Yi didn't turn around to look. He only whispered to Qiao Lin, "He's the Grand Preceptor's son-in-law after all. If he can be promoted by me, then I'll have to do it. Moreover, this person isn't bad."