Wang Family

After his eldest sister-in-law had married into the Shangguan family, she had only spent one night with his elder brother, who had no problems defending the country, but still owed her a companion. Shangguan Rui walked out quietly and closed the door behind her.

"Be good, Ping," An Jinxiu said softly as she carried him back and forth in front of the window. "Your father will be back soon. When you grows up, your father will teach you martial arts, and your mother will teach you calligraphy. How about that?"

The baby's emotions were always changing. Ping An, who was crying sorrowfully just now, was soon coaxed into laughing again. The gentle sounds of An Jin's courtyard and the quiet, inexperienced laughter reached the small courtyard through the window, adding some warmth to the small courtyard of the Shangguan family.

Just like that, another peaceful night passed, and the next day, Shangguan's family life went on as usual. The peaceful full moon wine, although also sent by the Emperor as a congratulatory gift, still did not attract the attention of the people of the capital.

On the other hand, Shangguan Rui, who had returned from the academy today, brought An Jin a shocking news to the capital. The military department head, Wang Yuan, was convicted of bullying the monarch by the Emperor and his entire family was sent to prison.

"Our family bought the land from the Wang family," Shangguan Rui said worriedly to An Jin. "Eldest sister-in-law, we won't be affected by the purchase of the land, will we?"

An Jinxiu said, "Is Wang Yuan's crime related to the nine families?"

Shangguan Rui said, "That's right, everyone's guessing what Wang Yuan was trying to hide from His Majesty."

"We are buying land through official transactions," An Jinxiu said. "So we won't be implicated."

Shangguan Rui breathed a sigh of relief, saying, "That's good, one of the scholars in our school is Wang Yuan's nephew, he was taken away from the school by the justice courts today."

"What a pity." An Jinxiu sighed and lowered her head to busy herself with the embroidery work on the embroidery rack.

Shangguan Rui had nothing to worry about, so he went to see Ping An brought by his wet nurse.

After Shangguan Rui had left, An Jin stopped the work she was doing. Having lived for two lifetimes, it wasn't surprising that Wang Yuan, who was originally the trusted general of the current dynasty, had his nine clans executed.

In her previous life, this was the fate of Wang Yuan as well, and the so-called deceitful monarch was only a vague crime. The real reason was that Wang Yuan had helped the crown prince extend his hand into the army and offended the current emperor.

An Jinxiu was thinking about the King when she suddenly thought of something. She went into the kitchen to find the Zi Yuan who was busy cooking and said, "Little girl Zi, help me call Yuanzhi over to my house. I have something to tell him."

"I'll go after I've cooked the rice," Zi Yuan said.

An Jinxiu took the spatula from Zi Yuan. "Let me do it here. Tell Yuanzhi to eat dinner here."

After she wiped her hands, she was about to run out to the Residence of An to find An Yuanzhi.

"Wait a minute." An Jin placed some silver pieces into the hand of the Zi Yuwn. "Give the servants some money and have a nice chat with those people."

Zi Yuan put the silver pieces away helplessly. If she didn't give money to the servants, they wouldn't go and inform Fifth Young Master An for her.

"Be careful on the road. I'll wait for you guys to come back and eat," An Jinxiu warned Zi Yuan again.

"Sigh." Zi Yuan ran away.

An Yuanzhi arrived on a horse as Ah Jinxiu had finished cooking dinner and waited for a while.

"Zi Yuan said you were looking for me in a hurry," An Yuanzhi said as he stood in the kitchen. "Did something happen at home?"

"Did you know that Wang Yuan is going to be executed into the nine clans?" An Jinxiu handed a bowl of water to An Yuanzhi to drink.

An Yuanzhi drank some water and said, "I know. Father has already brought Big Brother and Second Brother to the Eastern Palace."

An Jinxiu frowned slightly. At this moment, the Emperor was infuriated by crown prince. Was Grand Preceptor An and his sons not afraid of the taboo of recruiting new followers when they went to the Eastern Palace?

"Sis, why are you looking for me? You wouldn't do it for Wang Yuan, right? " An Yuanzhi finished the bowl of water in a few gulps and asked, "What happened?"

"Eat first. After you finish eating, come with me to a place." An Jinxiu placed food on a small table in the kitchen for An Yuanzhi.

An Yuanzhi said, "If you don't make it clear, can I have a peaceful meal?"

An Jinxiu sat across An Yuanzhi and whispered, "The two sons of Wang Yuan in the capital must have been captured as well."

An Yuanzhi said, "Are you really doing this for Wang Yuan?"

"I don't know him. Have you seen him?"

"When I bought the land, it's from the steward of the Wang family, but I have never met the master of the Wang family."

"Wang Yuan has been a general for many years. I heard that he has many Death Soldiers in his house, and this time, the Wang Family has collapsed. If no one bought any of the Wang Family's servants, they would definitely be executed. If these Death Soldiers were bought and used as slaves, or killed, wouldn't that be too much of a pity?" An Jinxiu said.

An Yuanzhi was tongue-tied then said. "You want to buy a Death Soldier? Since these people are the deathsworn of the Wang clan, how can they be loyal to others? "