The King of Conviction Betrayed the Monarch

After some deliberation, Emperor Shizong decided that the White State City Guard General Duan would inherit the troops and go to Fengzhou to put down the rebellion.

The subjects had no objection to the Master's decision. After the ministers left, the Empeor wrote a secret letter, ordering Zhou Yi to bring a thousand elite troops from the White Jade Pass to rush to the Phoenix Province. This secret letter was sent out from the palace on the same day, and was sent by a large number of imperial guards to the White Jade Mountain Pass.

When the Crown Prince heard the news that the Messenger King had rebelled, he dropped his wine cup on the table.

An Jinyan, who was standing beside the crown prince, asked with concern, "Your Highness, what's wrong?"

The Crown Prince muttered to himself, "Bai Yongxin rebelled?"

An Jinyan dismissed the eunuch who came to report the news. She then pushed the crown prince away and said, "Your Highness, the messenger king's treason is a huge matter. You should quickly go see royal father."

The Crown Prince acted as if he hadn't heard An Jinyan's words and asked, "How can Uncle Yongxin be so rebellious?"

"Your Highness!" An Jinyan raised her voice and called for the crown prince, "What's wrong with you?" You don't believe in the Messenger King's rebellion? "

The Crown Prince stood up and walked out of the room, ignoring An Jinyan who was beside him.

"Where is His Highness going?" An Jinyan quickly pulled at the crown prince. Seeing that the crown prince was still distracted, how could she dare let the crown prince walk out the door like that?

"I have something that I need to go out for a while." The crown prince seemed to have recovered his wits after being dragged around by An Jinyan. He pushed away her hand and said, "It's fine, you can go back to your room."

An Jinyan watched the crown prince walk out of the study in a hurry, and her heart was filled with doubt. The messenger king had rebelled, so how could the crown prince have such a reaction? Could it be that there was some sort of secret relationship between the crown prince and the messenger king?

"Niangniang," a palace maid who worked closely with An Jinyan came up to help her return to her room.

"Who in our Eastern Palace can talk to Eunuch Xie?" An Jinyan asked the court lady, "It would be best if they had a good relationship with each other."

The court lady thought for a moment and said, "Empress, the enlightened side of His Highness the Crown Prince is the disciple of Eunuch Xie. The person who has the best relationship with the general director in the Eastern Palace is him."

An Jinyan thought back to the eunuchs by the crown prince's side. She could recall the look of this eunuch called Wu Shun.

"Wu Shun is usually a man of few words," the court lady added to An Jinyan. "He seems to be loyal to the crown prince as well."

"Have him come over to my place," An Jinyan said, "I have something to ask him."

"This servant follows your orders," the servant supported An Jinyan and took a few steps forward. Then, she seemed to recall something as she reported to An Jinyan, "Crown Princess, the gift you instructed me to reward General Shangguan's wife has already been sent over, but …"

"But what?" An Jinyan knew what the palace lady was talking about. When An Jinxiu eldest son reached the full moon, she ordered someone to send her a gift. "Didn't she already accept it?"

"It's just that yesterday, Madam Shangguan ordered someone to present a gift for the Crown Princess birthday. "This servant saw that Lady Shangguan's gift was indeed generous."

An Jinyan had already forgotten that her birthday was coming up. The court lady had said that the gift that An Jinyan was a gifted, so it seemed that this little sister had returned the gift that she had sent. Unable to tell what was good for her, An Jinyan recited a line in her mind, "If she sends it over, then so be it. My family's sister, she has been kind to me."

The court lady sized up An Jinyan's expression without any trace of displeasure and hurriedly said, "The Crown Princess and Madam Shangguan have a deep relationship, this servant is truly envious."

Sisterhood? An Jinyan had a usual smile on her face. She couldn't even count on her own father. How deep could a concubine's sister be with her?

At this time, An Jinxiu looked at the green rice seedlings in her fine farmland and imagined the harvesting of rice in the fields after autumn, her mood would become very good. An Jinxiu even thought that when Shangguan Yong returned, it would be a good choice for their family to stay in the manor.

"Madam Shangguan." Just as An Jinxiu was planning for her and Shangguan Yong's future, a voice rang out from behind her, causing her to be unable to avoid it in this life. "Have you decided to become Tian Shun?"

An Jinxiu turned around and saw Bai Chengze walking towards her step by step. He was dressed in an ordinary spring shirt, and on his clothes, there was an indescribable sense of nobility. He was an extremely handsome prince.

Bai Chengze walked over to An Jin and sized her up without any hesitation. The Second Miss of the Residence of An was dressed like a peasant woman today, but her beauty was not diminished in the slightest. Seeing An Jin give him a bow, Bai Chengze reached out to support himself and smiled, "There's no one else here, so why are you giving me this false courtesy?"

Only after finishing this ceremony did An Jinxiu say to Bai Chengze, "Fifth Prince, are you going out of the city to enjoy the spring sunshine today?"

Bai Chengze stood on the ridge of the field and looked at the green farmland below him, "May is already the late spring, where is the spring color to reward? But seeing Madame Shangguan here, I have not made this trip in vain. "Is this Madam Shangguan's field?" Bai Chengze pointed at the fertile land beneath his feet and asked An Jinxiu.

"Yes," An Jinxiu readily admitted.

"General Shangguan is not in the capital, you've worked hard," Bai Chengze said. "Actually, you shouldn't be here."

An Jinxiu asked, "Where should that little lady appear at?"

Bai Chengze looked deeply at An Jinxiu, "I still remember those poems you wrote. Miss's days should have been filled with beautiful scenery, and the hands that played the zither strings should not have been stained with the soil in the fields."

An Jinxiu looked at Bai Chengze's gentle and harmless face and became a bit absent-minded. Time seemed to have returned to her initial days with Bai Chengze. This man's tenderness and affection was like a spider, binding her for life.

" Your Highness has said that now, this little woman cares even more about the food and salt, so what are we going to talk about in the future? "

Bai Chengze smiled and picked up a small ball of unknown plant seed from An Jin's hair, "Why did you buy the Wang family's land?"

So this is the purpose of the prince's palace coming to the western suburbs. "An Jin Xiu's eyes sparkled as she lowered her head and said," At that time, Wang Yuan was about to leave the capital. I heard that their family was going to sell their land here. "After hearing the price, I thought it was reasonable, so I bought it."

"Did you use the farmer that the Wang family used to hire?" Bai Chengze asked again.

An Jin looked a bit uneasy as she said, "The farmers here used to farm for the Wang family. Since I bought these fields, I naturally hired them to farm. Fifth Prince, is it inappropriate for me to buy these lands?"

"It's nothing," Bai Chengze smiled at An Jin and said, "I'm just casually asking. If I have the intention to go into seclusion in the future, I would like to find a few acres of fertile land to cultivate.

An Jinxiu laughed coldly in her heart. Would a person who wholeheartedly wanted to become an emperor give in to love?

"Oh right, what are you standing here for?" Bai Chengze suddenly asked An Jin.

"Looking at the growth of the crops in the fields," An-jin said.

Bai Chengze said, "Why didn't you ask me why I came alone?"

An Jinxiu glanced at Bai Chengze, and in her previous life, Bai Chengze extended his hands towards her and she offered up her heart to him. In this life, she will do nothing, but why is this person saying these ambiguous words to her? " This little woman does not dare to ask anything about His Highness, "An Jinxiu bowed to Bai Chengze," If Your Highness does not continue asking, then little woman will take her leave. "

"Let me see you out," said Bai Chengze. "Where is your manor?"

"I don't dare to trouble Your Highness," An Jinxiu felt a burst of annoyance. How long was this man going to continue acting with her?

He could be considered to be pestering a married woman just like that. However, when he thought back to when they first met in the Eastern Palace, this little girl was half surprised, half shy, half calculating, so Bai Chengze was more interested in this little married woman who seemed to only want to be a good wife and mother. How could a person who pursued wealth and riches and was unwilling to accept her fate become someone who had no desires and could just peacefully marry a military man for the rest of his life?

"Your Highness, this little woman will take her leave now," An Jin did not bother to guess Bai Chengze's thoughts as she held his probing gaze. This man was too scheming, and guessing his thoughts would only make her tired.

Bai Chengze stood on the edge of the field and watched as An Jin walked into the distance until she disappeared from his sight. He heard the sound of footsteps behind him, and without turning his head back, he asked, "Second Brother, why have you come?"

The Second Prince, Bai Chenglu, was a little anxious as he panted and said, "The Duke of Xin is rebelling in Fengzhou."

"How could the messenger king betray us?" Bai Chengze turned to look at his second brother, "Is this news confirmed?"

"Father has already sent the Duan Clan of the White Region to put out the rebellion. How can this news be false?" Bai Chenglu said, "Why are you standing here and looking at it alone?"

"I don't believe that the messenger king will rebel. There must be a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Bai Chenglu said in amusement, "What kind of misunderstanding could cause royal father to think that he had rebelled?"

Bai Chengze walked a few steps toward the entrance of the field, then suddenly stopped and said to Bai Chenglu, "We should send someone to the Phoenix Province. If the messenger king had no one forcing him, how could he have rebelled?"

Bai Chenglu said, "Someone forced him to rebel? Who would have such great ability? "

Bai Chengze pointed at Bai Chenglu and said, "Wang Yuan just died, and the messenger king rebelled. Is there such a coincidence in the world? Second Brother, we can't let the Xin King die. "

"If royal father wants to kill him, how can you let him not die?" Bai Chenglu asked Bai Chengze, "Since this matter involves the conviction of a great sin, can we interfere?"

Bai Chengze released the ball of wool in his hand and watched it float away in the wind. He suddenly smiled and said to Bai Chenglu in a low voice, "That's right, we just need to see who wants the Xin King to die the most and we will know who Wang Yuan died for."