Deer's Blood

After An-jin left, Emperor Shizong was no longer in the mood to stay in the temple. However, after sitting and talking for a while, it started to rain heavily. The Crown Prince suggested that they return to the palace after having a vegetarian meal here. Ever since Shi Zong became the Emperor, he hadn't eaten this type of food anymore, so he nodded and occasionally changed his taste.

The head of the Hall of Enchantments cooked himself and cooked a meal for Shizong.

After Eunuch Xie presented the food to the Shizong, the Shizong curled his lips as he looked at the food in front of him. A radish carved into a peony is a radish. Green vegetables with tofu and bamboo shoots and mushrooms. No matter how good the dishes looked, the Shizong couldn't be interested. After eating a few chopsticks, Shizong shook his head and said that he wouldn't eat anymore.

The Crown Prince wanted to advise the Emperor, so he looked at An Jinyan and gave her a look, "Father, the sika deer you hunted in the forest have already been bloodied. Since you were in the rain today, would you like some deer blood to warm your body?"

Emperor Shizong listened to the sound of the rain and nodded. He waved his hand at An Jinyan and said, "You may leave."

An Jinyan did not dare to say more. She bowed to Shizong and left.

The Crown Prince took the blood of the deer and poured two small bowls of it from the wooden gourd in front of the Emperor.

The Emperor asked, "This place belongs to the Buddhist Sangha. Shall we drink deer blood there?"

The Crown Prince laughed, "Father is the master of the entire world, the Buddha must follow Father's wishes."

"I like what you said," Shizong said with a smile at the crown prince. "Any of the three Buddhist Sangha's would have to live in my hands."

The Crown Prince drank a bowl of deer blood first, then said to the Shizong, "This deer blood is a little bit fishy."

The Emperor waited for a while to see that nothing had happened before saying, "You have been living in peace for too long. Back then when I was fighting for the world, I drank a lot of human blood, not to mention deer blood."

The Crown Prince hurriedly said, "Your sons and daughters are all enjoying the blessings of our royal father."

The Emperor drank all the deer blood in the bowl in one gulp, and the smell of blood instantly filled his throat. He then closed his eyes in enjoyment.

After the crown prince had finished drinking the blood, he said, "Father, please rest here for a while. Your son shall go outside and have the guards prepare to return to the palace."

Shizong nodded.

Before the crown prince left, he placed a few sticks of incense in the incense burner in the quiet room and watched as cigarettes drifted out from holes in the lid. Only then did the crown prince leave.

"Your Majesty, the deer blood is fresh. Would you like a little more?"

Shizong tasted the blood on his throat but did not open his eyes. He merely made a sound of acknowledgement.

Eunuch Xie quickly ordered someone to bring a bowl of deer blood for a guard to drink. After that, the bowl was brought to the Emperor's mouth.

"This time, I can feel the sweetness under the scent of the deer's blood." "It's better to make things with your own hands," Shizong said to Eunuch Xie.

Eunuch Xie wiped Shizong's face with a hot towel and said, "It is the luck of this deer that His Majesty is able to enjoy it."

"Are you a deer?" The Emperor laughed. "You know what Deer is thinking?"

Eunuch Xie slapped himself on the mouth and said, "This servant is sick and talking nonsense again."

"Well, there's no need to fight," Shizong said. "It's not the first time you've talked such nonsense."

"Your Majesty, your servant went out just now and saw that Second Lady An has not left."

The Emperor opened his eyes abruptly, "An Family's daughter?"

"She's the second young mistress of the An clan," Eunich Xie said. "The rain outside is getting heavier, so the Grand Preceptor's wife's afraid that she won't be able to walk easily, so he told her to wait until the rain stopped before returning. "Seeing how rain is falling like this, this servant will probably not be able to stop for the entire night."

An Jinxiu is still in the main hall? When the Emperor thought of this, their body began to heat up.

"Your Majesty, drink some deer blood and a cup of tea to rinse your mouth," Eunuch Xie offered a cup of slightly hot tea to the Shizong.

Even after the Shizong drank this cup of tea, the heat from his body did not dissipate. In the heat, the Emperor opened his collar.

By the side, Eunuch Xie said in surprise, "Did His Majesty get hit by the blood from the deer?" Why is the face so hot? "

The Emperor rubbed his swollen forehead and said, "Help me blow the wind."

"Your Majesty, you're still warm right now. If you go out for a while, you'll catch a cold."

"You want to control me too?" The Emperor voice suddenly turned stern.

Eunuch Xie did not dare to say another word as he supported the Emperor out of the room.

As they passed the incense burner, Emperor stopped and asked, "What incense is burning inside?"

"In reply to Your Majesty, it's sandalwood," Eunuch Xie said.

Emperor sniffed a few times, then his head grew even more dizzy, but he still felt that this was not sandalwood.

Eunuch Xie sniffed the air around them and said, "It's a little stronger than the sandalwood you get in a buddhist hall, but the sandalwood is good.

The Emperor didn't care about the smell anymore. Right now, the Qi and blood in his body were surging, and even his dragon root had a reaction. "Help me out!" Shizong said to Eunuch Xie, "Am I old? Now I can't even handle a bowl of deer blood? "

"His Majesty is in the prime of his life. Whoever is old in this world, His Majesty will never be old." "It's probably because the two bowls of deer blood were drunk a bit too quickly. If His Majesty feels too uncomfortable, then Imperial Physician Xuan should do it."

"Doctor Xuan?" The master of the world standing outside the door to the quiet room cleared his head a little when the wind blew. He said to Eunuch Xie, "Let the imperial physician know that Zhen can't take two bowls of deer blood now?"


"Help This Emperor walk."

Eunuch Xie turned around and called out to the guard holding the umbrella. "Hurry over and help His Majesty set up the umbrella."

"No need," Shizong shook off Eunuch Xie hand and walked into the courtyard beyond the eaves.

"Aiyo, Your Majesty," Eunuch Xie said, hastily taking the umbrella from the guard and rushing into the rain. After catching up to Emperor Shizong in a few steps, he said, "You can't stay out of the rain like this. Your Majesty, it's better if you hurry back to the palace."

"The rain has completely soaked Shizong, but the fire around his body is burning hotter and hotter. He even raised his head high, wanting to find a girl." An Jinxiu still hasn't left? " After losing his self-control, the Shizong asked Eunuch Xie, "Where is she?"

Eunuch Xie said, "Your Majesty, you're going to find Lady An like this?"

"If I want to find her, who can meddle in my affairs?" At this point, the Emperor seemed to have spotted An Jinxiu and asked her, "Is she right in front of me?"

Seeing the Emperor lose his composure, Eunuch Xie thought to himselfb that the aphrodisiac incense that An Jinyan used was truly amazing. The Emperor couldn't stand it any longer, even with two bowls of deer blood.

"Ah Jin?" At this point, Shizong stretched out his hand and called out the name of 'An Jin' in a low voice.

"Your servant will help you to walk," said Eunuch Xie, helping Shizong with great effort as he led him to the guest room where An-jin was sleeping.

At the same time, the Ah Jin biological mother, Aunt Xie and Zi Yuan, who had been sent by the Qin family to gather spring water in the mountainside behind the temple, were each carrying a bucket of spring water as they walked towards the temple.

The road in the mountain under the rain was muddy and difficult to walk on. As Zi Yuan walked, hee feet slipped and she fell along with the water on the mountain path.

"Zi Yuan!" Aunt Xiu took a few steps forward to help Zi Yuan up.

However, Zi Yuan was unable to get up from the ground. As soon as she moved, she felt a sharp pain from her left ankle. Zi Yuan cried out, "Aunt, I injured my foot."

There was no way for Aunt Xiu to bring two buckets of spring water down the mountain with her, plus Zi Yuan who had injured her foot and couldn't walk, so she had to find a mountain rock for Zi Yuan to shelter her from the rain on the protruding part of the mountain rock.

Zi Yuan stayed together with the two buckets of spring water. In the dark of the night, the sounds of beasts could be heard from time to time. This made Zi Yuan tremble beneath the mountain rocks with her arms crossed. She only hoped that Aunt Xiu could quickly find someone to save her.

She stumbled all the way down the hill, and when she was almost there, she saw a light on the left side of the road not far from her. Aunt Xiu was overjoyed. This was the boundary of the An clan's palace, so no one else could enter. This must be the result of the people from the Residence of An seeing that Zi Yuan and her stay here for half a day, before coming up the mountain with lanterns to look for her and Zi Yuan.

"Crown Princess!" Just as the Aunt Xiu was about to call for help, she heard Madam Qin's voice calling for An Jinyan. The voice sounded very strange, as if Madam Qin was begging for An Jinyan's help. Aunt Xiu saw the lanterns coming towards her, and as if by a miracle, she hid in the thicket next to her.

An Jinyan quickly walked over from the mountain path. She was dragged here by Madam Qin. She thought her mother had something to say to her, but it turned out to be nothing but words of regret. An Jinyan persuaded Madam Qin for a moment, but when she saw that Madam Qin still acted as if she had caused a great calamity, she could not bear the annoyance any longer and turned to leave.

"Jinyan!" Madam Qin didn't care about taking out her umbrella and caught up with An Jinyan and said, "Is it okay if we do this? The more I thought about it, the more scared I became. What if His Majesty wants to blame us after he wakes up? It would be good if An Jinxiu wasn't married, but she's still the wife of a subject! "

An Jinyan looked at the few palace maids that followed her and thought that she couldn't keep them after they returned. It was a pity that she had raised them all these years.

"Jinyan, let's stop." Madam Qin was drenched in the rain, and the contrast was too clear compared to An Jinyan, who had an umbrella over her skirt.

"Withdraw?" An Jinxiu looked at Madam Qin, who was begging her, and said in a low voice, "The deer blood has been delivered, the incense has been lit, and An Jinxiu is also lying on the bed. How do you want me to stop?"

Madam Qin couldn't hold it in any longer and started crying. "Mother is just scared."

An Jinyan no longer had the gentleness in her voice as she said coldly, "I am only a woman from the Eastern Palace. I can't even help the crown prince out militarily, and I can't even speak up for him when he is framed by the princes. I know that His Majesty has taken a fancy to An Jin, so I'll send her to His Majesty to curry favor. She's just a woman, but after His Majesty uses her, at most she'll have a messy nature after taking deer blood. As long as His Majesty kills An Jin afterwards, he still be an enlightened ruler, right?"

Madam Qin trembled in the rain. "If we do this, what's so good about His Majesty reciting the crown prince's name?"

"The Emperor won't think that we used An Jin, but Your Majesty will remember that the person who allowed him to obtain it was the crown prince. That'll be enough."

"I still don't understand."

"Mom, what do you think I'm seeking by doing this?" An Jinyan asked Madam Qin.

Madam Qin said, "You hope that the Crown Prince's position can be more stable?"