
"I can't leave." An Jinxiu shook her head at Shangguan Rui.

"Are you going to stay here and wait for death?" If Shangguan Rui still had the strength to move, he would have jumped up from the wooden chair.

An Jinxiu hesitated for a moment and then told Shangguan Rui about what had happened in the Main Hall today. This made her feel ashamed, but she need to say it. If she died, would Shangguan Yong and Shangguan Rui be confused for the rest of their lives? He had no idea what was going on, but how were they going to escape from the empress and An Jinyan's deadly attacks? Thinking about this, An Jinxiu kept up with Shangguan Rui and said, "Little brother-in-law, you must remember what I'm about to say. When you see your big brother in the future, you must tell him what I've said to you today.

Shangguan Rui said: "If you have something to say, tell my brother in front of him. I won't pass on the message for you."

Towards Shangguan Rui's current rage, An Jinxiu could only sigh and say, "I was tricked today."

Shangguan Rui listened to An Jin's narration in a daze, from shock to anger, to the end, Shangguan Rui found himself just sitting there stiffly with no feeling at all, as if he like his little sister, Ping An, were already dead and had lost all sense of the world.

An Jinxiu actually didn't need to describe what had happened today with much words. Her words were simple, and didn't carry any emotion. In the end, Shangguan Rui and Aunt Xiu felt that she was talking about someone else. I'm the one who let down the Shangguan Family, "An Jinxiu finally said to Shangguan Rui," After meeting your brother, help me apologize to him. "

Shangguan Rui was stunned for a long time before slapping the table, "This isn't something that can be done with just a word of apology!"

An Jinxiu wiped the tears from her face and her expression darkened.

"I don't blame you." Shangguan Rui thought An Jinxiu misunderstood him and scolded her. He hurriedly explained, "You're not the one in the wrong, and my big brother wouldn't blame you. I don't think you're the one who let us down. "

At this time, if Shangguan Rui knew that she betrayed Shangguan Yong and scolded her like how he did in her previous life, An Jin would feel better. She tore off a piece of cloth from the corner of her skirt. Seeing that there was no pen and ink in the room, she bit down on her right index finger and wrote a letter to Shangguan Yong on the wet cloth. The last time she wrote, her heart was filled with anticipation and joy. She didn't expect that this time, it was filled with despair.

An Jin did not describe what had happened. She only reminded Shangguan Yong that if news of her death came from the capital, he must not return to the capital. The empress and An Jinyan's hands would not reach inside the barracks, so Shangguan Yong and Shangguan Rui should be able to live a peaceful life in the barracks. Within the Blood letter, An Jin had told Shangguan Yong that even if he wanted revenge, he would have to wait until he had the ability to do so.

"Bring it to your big brother," An Jinxiu passed the blood letter to Shangguan Rui, "You can leave the city tomorrow morning."

"What about you?" Shangguan Rui asked.

"I can't leave, I'm leaving, then our path to survival will truly be severed," An Jinxiu said this and searched her body. She wanted to find some silver taels for Shangguan Rui, but discovered that she was penniless.

"Why can't you go?" At this time, Aunt Xiu asked her anxiously.

"I can only stay here and make sure that His Majesty won't get angry," An Jinxiu said as she used her fingers to move the candle wick. The burning pain reminded her once again that she really wasn't having a nightmare at the moment.

"Why will His Majesty won't get get angry if you stay?"

"His Majesty might be angry," An Jinxiu said coldly. "But perhaps he won't be angry." "There has to be a reason for what happened today. Perhaps if I take the initiative to seduce, it will be a reason, I …"

Shangguan Rui slammed the table again, fiercely, almost breaking his own hand.

An Jinxiu couldn't calm Shangguan Rui's anger, she could only ask Shangguan Rui one more time: "You need to see a doctor for your injuries, can you still walk?"

Shangguan Rui didn't know how much damage he had sustained, and he couldn't care less about himself. All he knew was that this time he couldn't even protect his eldest sister-in-law.

Shangguan Rui had always been calm and meticulous, so even though he was in pain and wanted to seek revenge on his enemies right now, Shangguan Rui could still understand that what Aunt Xiu said was not wrong. They had to prioritize the living.

"I'm fine, "Shangguan Rui rubbed his face," It's fine as long as I don't die. Eldest sister-in-law, did you really think about it? "

"You and the general can't get into any more trouble. The Shangguan Yong is in Xiang An city now, so go find him there." An Jinxiu got up and draped the monastic robe she was wearing over to Shangguan Rui's body. It was very loose, and even Shangguan Rui's clothes didn't show any male or female patterns.

"Xiang An city?"

"The emperor told me personally, so it shouldn't be fake," An Jinxiu tied the belt of Shangguan Rui's monastic robe.

"You take this money as well," Aunt Xiu stuffed a small bag of money into Shangguan Rui's hands.

"Let's go," Shangguan Rui wanted to say a few more words of thanks to the Aunt Xiu, but was urged to leave by An Jinxiu. "We have to persuade the general that things won't go well forever."

Shangguan Rui took one last look at An Jin and dashed into the heavy rain, leaving without looking back.

"Mother," After Shangguan Rui had left, An Jinxiu said to Aunt Xiu, "You said that Zi Yuan is waiting for you on the mountain. Go find Zi Yuan."

"What about you?"

"I will stay," An Jinxiu said. "An Jinyan wants me to die. I can't let her have her wish so easily."

"What are you going to do?" Aunt Xiu held on tightly to An Jin's hand and asked.

"Mother, did His Majesty really do nothing to you?" An Jinxiu asked again, "Did nothing happen?"

"No," said Aunt Xiu, "Mother still wants that face. Nothing really happened."

"Go look for Zi Yuan," An Jinxiu said to Aunt Xiu in a low voice. She took off the headband on her head and stood in the rain to tie up a bun for her. "Mother, you have to think for Yuan Zhi, your daughter is useless." She continued, "Just pretend that you don't have a daughter like me from now on."

"Ah Jin!" At this time, Aunt Xiu could not hold on any longer. She wailed her name before reaching out her hand to grab it.

"Let's go," An Jinxiu turned around and left, "Mother, I won't die so easily, so you can rest assured." As for tonight's matter, just pretend that nothing happened and no one knows you've been here. You've always been halfway up the mountain, sheltering with Zi Yuan from the rain, and you'll say that no matter who asks you in the future. "As she went through the side door of the hall, An Jinxiu closed it behind her and said," Mother, no matter what happens to me, you'll have to wait for Yuan Zhi to come back from the Residence of An. "

"Ah Jin." Aunt Xiu took a step forward, but could only watch as An Jin closed the side door.

An Jinxiu did not know if her mother was still outside the door, still in the rain. She did not open the door to take another look. On the way to the guest room where the Emperor slept, An Jinxiu lost track of how many times she fell. It was as if she had forgotten how to walk, and just as she stood up, she fell back into the rain. Once she fell, she stood up and walked away. When she finally reached the door of the guest room, she once again fell down and sat in the courtyard outside the eaves.

This time, An Jinxiu did not manage to stand up again. The water in the courtyard completely covered her body, from her knees down. She could only raise her head and let the rain wash her face. Ping An 8s dead, Shangguan Ning is also dead, she would never see Shangguan Yong again. In this life, she had still harmed this man. Just what was the purpose of her coming back in this life?

Humans were mysterious creatures. When their grief reached its peak, they would become silent and indifferent. An Jinxiu touched her chest. There was no heat here, but her heart was still beating fast. Aren't you sad? Because she had died once, even if Ping An and Shangguan Ning had died, how could she remain indifferent?

Tears had actually been streaming down her face the entire time, but An Jin had not noticed it. Perhaps it was because the tears had been washed away by the rain, so she couldn't feel them. Maybe I shouldn't have turned back from the Nai River Bridge then, An-jin thought to herself.

The person who could keep up with Shangguan Yong until the end of his life was destined not to be me. Thinking of this, An Jin's face revealed a gloomy smile. This life was not as good as the previous one. In the previous one, he could at least raise up Ping An, still have a wife and children, and continue the Shangguan family's joss stick. In this life, they died. "I shouldn't have turned back," An Jin muttered to herself as she sat in the torrential rain.

While Shangguan Yong was still wandering around the city, he saw the red sky above the south side of the city. Although he did not know which family had caught on fire, but his own home was also in the south side of the city. Shangguan Yong no longer thought that his own return home would be a burden to his family, so he ran all the way to the south side of the city.

"The Shangguan Family is all dead!"

By the time Shangguan Yong reached the old alley to the south of the city, the one he used to be familiar with had already disappeared. Just as Shangguan Yong was still in shock, two yamen runners walked past him and said something that made him lose both his mind and heart.

The thick smoke and the heavy rain mixed together into a fog. Not only was the light not able to illuminate the fog, it even made the fog turn yellow and hazy, making people unable to clearly see the road under their feet. Shangguan Yong's ears were filled with the sound of weeping and shouting.

Those who lived here were not rich families, and this fire had burnt countless people's belongings, as well as those who had lost their loved ones. Their wails were even more mournful. Shangguan Yong turned a deaf ear to the cries of pain, he could not see the road under his feet, he could also find his own home based on his memory, Shangguan Yong ran home thinking, I must have heard wrongly just now.

The Shangguan Family's residence was no longer there. Even though it had been continuously washed away by the heavy rain, the strong stench still lingered on the ruins of the Shangguan Family residence. Those who had been exhuming corpses from the ruins covered their mouths and noses with thick cloths. Even so, many people still felt nauseous from the smell.

"What is this smell?" The Supreme Court official, Wei Xi Sheng, who had already rushed to this place, covered his mouth and nose with his hand and asked the Nine Gate Supreme Commander, Jiang Xiao Ting, standing beside him.

As a general, Jiang Xiao Ting's expression was ugly. Even though the civil officials didn't know about it, they knew very well that this oil was used to burn corpses in the military. It was refined from whale fat, and after igniting it, the water would not extinguish and the soil would not extinguish. There was a murder here, not an accident.