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"Get out!" After the Emperor Shizong asked who else was at the Temple, he said to Eunuch Xie, "Go and order someone to heat up hot water."

Eunuch Xie did not dare to stand up. He crawled on all fours and retreated from the ground.

After Eunuch Xie climbed out, Emperor Shizong got up and hung up the bed curtain himself. He saw that An Jinxiu was still hugging her knees, crying sorrowfully, her tears rolling down her face like beads with broken strings. Emperor Shizong had always hated women crying. He knew that none of the harem girls would dare to cry in front of him. However, when he saw the tears on An Jin's face, he couldn't bring himself to get angry. How many tears could this little girl shed? And these tears, how can they be like big transparent beads? Can tears be like this?

When An Jinxiu saw the Emperor looking at her, she lowered her head and rubbed her tear-filled face against her knees. When she raised her head again, it was only a moment before her face was once again soaked in tears.

"You really have a lot of tears," Emperor Shizong helplessly sat down next to her and wiped her tears off with his hand, "Do you want to ruin your eyes by crying? I've said that I will protect you, do you not believe me like this? "

As if she was shocked by the Emperor's words, An JinXiu's body trembled and shrank even more.

Emperor Shizong didn't think that a single sentence from him would be able to shock this little girl. He hurriedly patted her back and said in a softer voice, "If I didn't allow your marriage before you, you would be my woman from now on. Can't I even protect my own woman?"

"His Majesty's woman?" After she repeated the words of the new dynasty, she suddenly shook her head. "A woman like this concubine dirtied His Majesty's heroic name." Your Majesty, this concubine doesn't dare to think too highly of herself. "

The Emperor was stunned. This little girl was crying like this, yet she was still thinking for him? The Emperor Shizong suddenly thought of that time in the Fragrant Garden when this little girl was protecting her little brother, "Jinxiu, tell me, what do you think of Shangguan Yong?"

An Jinxiu shook her head and said, "He is my benefactor. If it weren't for him, who would let a woman like me wear red clothes and leave the pavilion? It was he who had brought this concubine out of the Residence of An. "The general is a good person, and I don't have a good background. The general doesn't mind me being a concubine born, but he is a good person."

Benefactor? So the only way to protect each other was to repay the debt of gratitude? "The Emperor looked at An Jinxiu and then thought of Shangguan Yong. The two of them didn't match, so why would An Jinxiu fall in love with a military man like Shangguan Yong?

Forgetting Shangguan Yong, Shizong lifted An Jin's chin, which was sharp to the point that he didn't know if it was even half a tael of flesh," From now on, you will be my woman, and I will arrange everything well, so don't think about anything else. "

The two streams of tears from An Jin fell onto the hands of the Emperor. In fact, in her previous life, in the imperial harem, in the latter half of this Emperor's life, the most beloved woman of the imperial clan was a woman from the Qiao family clan that came from Jiangnan. She was delicate and exquisite, and when she cried, she would always cry silently, like a candle that could be extinguished at any time in the wind.

An Jinxiu deliberately touched his hand with her own face. Her face was ice-cold, and even her hand, which was soaked through by the rain, could not feel the heat. If this was Shangguan Yong's hand, then it would be warm. An Jinxiu thought sadly that her husband had a pair of hands that were warm even when they returned late on winter nights. She would never be able to touch those hands again.

The Emperor Shizong wiped away the tears of An Jin. "A little girl like you is also very beautiful when you cry."

These are your favorite tears, which is why I'm crying like this. An Jinxiu covered her heart with her sad face. Bai Chengze had let many women learn the crying technique of the woman who had spoiled the entire Six Palaces. In the end, the girls could at most learn 90% of the crying technique, but she had learnt it by watching by the side. In the end, no matter how much she cried, whether she cried or faked it, it did not make Bai Chengze soften his heart.

"Your Majesty," Eunuch Xie's voice came from outside the door.

"Come in."

Eunuch Xie breathed a sigh of relief. This time there was no more rolling in.

Four young eunuchs carried a bath barrel filled with warm water and followed behind Eunuch Xie.

"Wash yourself well," Emperor Shizong said to An Jinxiu, who was hiding behind him again. "Jinxiu, did I hurt you?"

An Jinxiu's pale face flushed red as she shook her head in panic.

"Your Majesty, the justice court's Official Wei and the Minister of the Nine Gates, Lord Jiang, are outside the main hall seeking an audience. They said they have important matters to attend to."

"Wait until I return to the palace," Emperor Shizong said.

"Your Majesty, Sir Wei said that something happened in the capital tonight. He and Mister Jiang were forced to come here to seek an audience with Your Majesty."

Something had happened in the capital? Emperor Shizong stood up and asked, "What happened in the capital?"

Eunuch Xie stole a glance at the bed and looked at Emperor Shizong with a troubled expression.

"Let's talk outside," Emperor Shizong said as he strode outside.

Eunuch Xie quickly followed out the Emperor Shizong.

After standing under the eaves, Emperor Shizong asked, "What is it?"

"Sir Wei and Sir Jiang have come to report that Old Lane in the south of the city was set on fire tonight. The entire Shangguan family is dead."

"What did you say?"

At this time, Eunuch Xie shed tears as well and said, "Your Majesty, Sir Wei and Sir Jiang came to report that there was a fire in the old alleyway in the south of the city. More than half of the streets were burned, and quite a few people died.

Emperor Shizong turned his head to look outside the eaves. "That child called Ping An is also gone?"

Eunuch Xie said, "Sir Wei said that no one from the Shangguan Family could be saved, and that Young Master Shangguan Rui must be gone too. How could this happen to Miss An, aiya! " As Eunuch Xie said this, he wiped his tears away again.

The Emperor was relieved, but unfortunately Shangguan Yong was still alive, otherwise the matter regarding An Jin would have been easy to handle.

"Your Majesty, what do you think?" "Would you like to meet the two lords, Wei and Jiang?"

"Announce them to enter the private room in the front yard," Emperor Shizong said, turning to return to the guest room.

Eunuch Xie hurried back to the front yard. At this time, Eunuch Xie still didn't know about the empress's matters. He only thought of An Jinyan. This princess was too cruel. Not only did she want to kill An Jinxiu, but she also wanted to kill her entire husband's family.

It was just that as Eunuch Xie walked gracefully in the rain, his heart was filled with the joy of watching An Jinyan in action. From the looks of the Emperor, An Jinxiu was definitely not going to die. Eunuch Xie didn't know what methods this little girl had used to coax the Emperor into taking care of her.

"Chief Eunuch," a young eunuch caught up to Lucky.

"Go back to the palace and call for the two imperial physicians from the Imperial Physician Courtyard," Eunuch Xie instructed as they walked. "Remember not to alarm the empress."

"Yes," the eunuch replied before running off.

Eunuch Xie called out to the young eunuch, "Did I let you go? Do you know which two imperial physicians you want to call? "

The young eunuch hurriedly lowered his head and followed behind Eunuch Xie.

"Go to the Imperial Physician Xiang and Imperial Physician Rong," Eunuch Xie said. "Tell them to hurry over."

Imperial Physician Rong Shuang was an Imperial Physician who specialized in diagnosing and treating the world's ancestors in Imperial Hospital. After hearing the names of these two Imperial Physicians, the eunuch was shocked.

"Why are you following me?" "Do you want me to teach you how to run?"

"This servant will go right away." The young eunuch quivered at the sight and hurriedly ran away.

"Useless thing," Eunuch Xie scolded the little eunuch, and then walked out into the front yard.

In the guest room, Emperor Shizong waved his hand to dismiss the four eunuchs who had brought the water over. He then turned to An Jinxiu and softly asked, "Why are you still sitting here?"

An Jinxiu was about to get down from the bed, but the moment her legs touched the floor, she let out a "Ya" and fell to the ground.

"What happened to you?" The Emperor Shizong hurried forward to take a look.

An Jinxiu only shook her head, but didn't seem to be able to stand up.

The Emperor became anxious. There had never been a woman who could make him worry this much. "What happened to you? Speak!"

"I don't have any energy on me," An Jinxiu timidly said to the Emperor, "I can't stand up."

"Does it hurt here?" The Emperor Shizong pointed at the secret acupoints beneath An Jinxiu. He had so many women. Even if An Jinxiu said something vague, he would still know what was going on with her.

An Jin's face turned from pale to red. She looked at the Emperor as if she wanted to find a hole to hide in.

When faced with An Jinxiu and thinking of her son's death, the Emperor no longer felt as relaxed as before. He thought about how this little girl would cry after knowing that her young son had died, and felt even more pity for her. He wanted to tell An Jinxiu about Ping An, but he swallowed his words back. He didn't want to see her tears again.

"Is His Majesty going to see the guests?" An Jinxiu asked the Emperor at this time.

"Yes," the Emperor said, "I'll go to the front yard first. Take a bath and wait here for me to come back."

"You're wet."

The Emperor Shizong suddenly picked up An Jinxiu and placed her on the bed, saying, "Wipe my hair."

She took off the Shizong's bun and used a handkerchief to wipe his hair bit by bit. The Emperor Shizong's neck was exposed in front of her, and she was completely unprepared. If she had a blade or sword on her right now, this Emperor would definitely not be able to escape death.

When the Emperor was young, he had already commanded his troops to guard the borders. She had never seen this person's martial arts, but she knows this person slaughter his way to the throne. She was not this person's match.

"Ah Jin." The Emperor was enjoying the treatment provided by An Jin. Suddenly, he said to An Jin, "It would be great if I could see you before and betrothed to me instead."

"I've never been a lucky person," An Jinxiu said softly.

"I will give you your blessings in the future." The Emperor turned around and looked at An Jinxiu seriously. "Do you remember my words?"

An Jinxiu stared blankly at Shizong. She didn't show any gratitude. Instead, her entire body froze in place.

"No wonder you're being bullied," the woman he had longed for, looking completely harmless. This pleased the Emperor, and after pinching An Ying's cheek, he laughed, "Do you not understand what I'm saying?"

An Jinxiu shook her head and said in a low voice, "I don't deserve it."

"It is up to me whether you're worthy or not." Shizong moved forward to kiss the little girl's face, but An Jin dodged him.