Loyal Servants

"Where does Miss want me to go?" Zi Yuan asked about An Jin.

"You're not young anymore, so you found an honest and good man to marry to." Eunuch Xie is probably outside the door. An Jinxiu couldn't speak loudly, so she said to Zi Yuan in a soft voice, "I'll give you the documents. You're not a servant anymore. Live your life properly."

After An Jin had married into the Shangguan family, she had told Zi Yuan that when Zi Yuan was married in the future, she would give her freedom as a slave under the decree of a slave. However, at this time, An Jinxiu mentioned this to Zi Yuan, who became anxious and said, "I'm not marrying. How am I supposed to leave like this, young miss? I'll follow you, and I won't go anywhere! "

"If you follow me obediently, you won't end up well!" As An Jinxiu covered Zi Yuan's mouth, she said, "Do you want me to watch you die again?"

Zi Yuan shook off An Jinxiu's hand and knew why she covered her mouth. She lowered her voice and said, "Miss, who do you think I am? "If you want to die, then die together. I am not the type of person who would break a spirit of loyalty!"

An Jinxiu was at a loss of whether to laugh or cry. This girl still wanted to be loyal to her!

"If you want to chase me away, then so be it." Zi Yuan looked around the room, but didn't see anything useful. She told An Jin, "I'll just ram my head into a wall here for you to see!"

An Jinxiu wanted to be angry, but she couldn't release her anger when facing Zi Yuan. She could only sit down with her and say, "I'm going to enter the palace. Your temper won't last even a day in the palace. If you don't want me to die of anxiety, then obediently listen to me!"

"As long as young mistress can live, I can live!" Zi Yuan also didn't understand why An Jinxiu wanted to go to the palace, but she couldn't care less about that right now. "I'm just a servant girl after all. I'm not afraid. "

"You don't know how to be afraid!" An Jinxiu said, "The general is in Xiang An city. Why don't you go find him? Serving the general is tantamount to serving me."

"Miss!" "You want to give me to the general?"

An Jinxiu was stunned by the shout of Zi Yuan. She hadn't thought of this, but now that Zi Yuan had called her out this idea. She suddenly thought of another woman accompanying Shangguan Yong in the future, and her heart was once again cut by a knife.

"I won't do it." Zi Yuan didn't wait for An Jinxiu to speak and directly told her, "I will serve the young miss. I can't just watch the young miss enter the palace by herself!"

"Do you know what I'm going to do?" An Jinxiu asked.

"I've heard about what happened yesterday." Zi Yuan sat down next to An Jinxiu and said, "I don't know what happened to Miss, but I know that Ping An, Second Young Master, Third Miss, Nanny, and even Aunt Xiu are all dead. Miss, you must want revenge, right?"

An Jin didn't say anything, but the look in her eyes became fierce.

"Zi Yuan also wants revenge!" "The person who harmed Ping An and the others is also the enemy of Zi Yuan! If she did not avenge this enmity, Zi Yuan would not be able to live in peace for the rest of her life! "Miss, you also need someone to take care of you, who do you think will be loyal to Miss in the palace? "

However, she didn't want to implicate Zi Yuan anymore. She shook her head at Zi Yuan, "If you're by my side, I have to worry about you. How do you want me to concentrate on my revenge?"

When Zi Yuan heard An Jin's words, she became sad. She had just stopped her tears for a moment before she said fiercely, "Then I won't implicate Miss. I'll see them go safely!" At this point, Zi Yuan rammed her head against the wall beside her .

"You!" An Jinxiu stretched out her hand to pull her, but how much strength could a sick person have? She did pull on her hand, but she could not hold onto Zi Yuan as she led her to the ground.

Outside, Eunuch Xie heard the sound of tables and chairs falling to the ground. He quickly brought his subordinates to the room and saw that both Master and Servant in the room had fallen to the ground.

"What's going on?" Eunuch Xie hurriedly came forward with the eunuchs. He personally helped up An Jin and asked, "Madam, are you alright?"

An Jinxiu pointed at Zi Yuan and said to Eunuch Xie, "If she doesn't listen, then chase her out for me!"

Zi Yuan was pulled up from the ground by the two eunuchs, and started to sob loudly. "If Miss doesn't want me, then I'll die!"

"How dare you!" Eunuch Xie suddenly roared at Zi Yuan, saying, "Is this your attitude when you talk to Master? If this was the palace, you would definitely be beaten to death! "

After being yelled at by Eunuch Xie, Zi Yuan did not even dare to cry.

Eunuch Xie turned around with a smile on his face to face An Jinxiu. After helping her to a seat, he whispered to her, "Madam, this girl is someone you're used to. You should take her with you." There is no need to worry about being left unattended when you arrive at the palace, but you must also have a loyal person who knows the weather and knows the heat at your side. "

An Jinxiu looked at Zi Yuan and sighed.

Once she entered the palace, she didn't know how long she would live. How could she find a good home for Zi Yuan? An Jinxiu still shook her head.

"Madam, it was also His Majesty's intention to have that girl serve you," Eunuch Xie took out the name of the Emperor and told An Jinxiu, "Look at this imperial edict, none of us dare to go against it."

An Jinxiu looked at Eunuch Xie.

"This is one of the people by Madam's side. The fewer people in the world who know about Madam, the better. If that girl isn't with you anymore, then His Majesty won't keep her life any longer!"

An Jinyan seems to had forgotten to silence Zi Yuan. An Jinyan and Madam Qin had even burned down her home, so how could they leave Zi Yuan alive? Once she understood what was going on, An Jin pretended to jump up in fright. She was pressed on the shoulder by Eunuch Xie, and then she sat still again.

"Alright." Eunuch Xie saw that An Jinxiu understood his words and felt a little satisfied. He straightened his body and said to his subordinate, "There's nothing else to do here. Let's go out."

Once again, only the master and the servant remained in the room. Zi Yuan rushed in front of An Jin and said, "I'm not leaving."

An Jin got up and walked to the new bronze mirror in the room and said to Zi Yuan, "If you don't want to leave, then don't. I can't kick you out either. "The Grand Preceptor's coming over soon. Help me comb my makeup."

When Zi Yuan heard that An Jin wouldn't chase her away, she relaxed and walked over to help her comb her hair.

An Jin look at herself in the bronze mirror. She whispered to Zi Yuan, "Little girl, follow me. From now on, we won't be good people anymore."

Zi Yuan said, "Miss is not a bad person, so why can't we be good people?"

Currently, there was no one who could be trusted to escort Zi Yuan away from the capital. An Jinxiu could only bring her along with her, so she had to let her know about what had happened last night.

After Zi Yuan listened to half of An Jin's words, the comb in her hand dropped to the ground. She was so shocked that her soul almost left her body as she muttered repeatedly, "How can they be like this? How can this be? "

An Jin put on her makeup and waited for Zi Yuan to calm down.

Zi Yuan mumbled absentmindedly for a while, before pulling An Jin's hand as she put on her makeup. "Miss, we can't just let it go like this!"

"Mm," An Jinxiu said, "We can't just let it go like this. Pick up the comb, we will not have the same life as before, and your temper can no longer be rough. "

Zi Yuan bent down to pick up the comb that had fallen to the ground. She held it in her hand, but didn't move to comb An Jin's hair. "Miss, we shouldn't have come here yesterday."

An Jinxiu smiled bitterly and said, "If we don't come, we'll die together with Ping An and the others." What's the use of saying this now that it's all happened? Don't just stand there. Help me comb my hair. "

Zi Xian bit her lips tightly. Her hands, which had been combing An Jin's hair, were trembling.

On the other hand, An Jinxiu cruelly narrated what had happened to her. Finally, she asked him, "Do you still want to follow me into the palace?"

"Go," Zi Yuan wiped her eyes and said with a tearful voice, "Zi Yuan said that she would take revenge."

Both Master and Servant were silent for a moment. One of them was wearing makeup while the other had her hair tied up in a bun. They were both absent-minded.

Grand Preceptor An was found in the justice courts by a court eunuch. When he heard that the eunuch wanted him to go to the monastery, he shook his head out of instinct.

The young eunuch didn't waste any more words with Grand Preceptor An, but said, "This is His Majesty's intention."

Even if he didn't want to see An Jin anymore, Grand Preceptor An couldn't even refuse.

"His Majesty wants the Grand Preceptor to go to the private hall?" Lord Wei said.

Grand Preceptor An could only smile at the old man. "His Majesty spent the night in my Anshi Hall last night"

"Since it's like this, this official won't dare keep the Grand Preceptor any longer, "Lord Wei Xi stood up with a smile and clasped his hands at the Grand Preceptor." The Grand Preceptor should be careful on his way. "

Grand Preceptor An came out of the justice courts, got on a palanquin, and headed straight for the monastery. As he sat in the sedan chair, Grand Preceptor An mused, "What should I do when I face An Jin?"

In reality, the An clan had given up on this daughter of him and had chosen An Jinyan.

Hearing the voices outside the palanquin, Grand Preceptor An was filled with annoyance. He opened his mouth several times to call for the sedan bearers to turn around, but the Grand Preceptor didn't dare disobey the words of the Emperor.

Grand Preceptor An sat on the palanquin as if he were sitting on pins and needles. He really wished there was a eunuch from the palace who could catch up and tell him not to go. When the sedan chair landed on the ground, his own hall was right in front of him. Even Grand Preceptor An hadn't been able to wait for this eunuch.

After standing in front of the entrance for a while, Grand Preceptor An spoke to his followers. "I'm going in. You guys wait here."

The servants of the Residence of An saw the guard with a saber standing in front of the entrance to the main hall. They were all secretly shocked, not knowing what had happened inside the main hall. From yesterday to today, the events that had happened in the Residence of An had happened one after another. Although it was not enough to make their hearts palpitate in fear, they were still dazzled.

Grand Preceptor An walked up the steps. A guard with a saber opened the door for him. He had seen this guard at the side of the Emperor. He was one of the Emperor's personal bodyguards. The reason these people had come to watch over this hall was to ensure the safety of An Jin? Grand Preceptor An couldn't think of any other answer, nor could he ask. He could only enter the hall full of doubts.