The dog

The old woman had been pleasantly surprised by this young lady, but she is becoming enraptured with her; she wanted to know everything about her. So Ego told her the story of her life – right from when she was a little girl to her marriage and widowhood.

The old lady was moved with compassion after hearing her story. "I now understand why you don't want to remarry. You were really lucky my dear, finding a man that loved you that way, even though you weren't able to bear children. Most men would have married more wives or kept mistresses. "But I must say, your courage and determination to succeed are commendable. Most women, especially the young women of today, would rather have a man they can depend on".

"Fending for myself has been really difficult, but I prefer being in charge of my life; at least nobody abuses me due to my childless state.". She added as the tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. She cried till she felt better, then she wiped her eyes with her wrapper.

"Nne enough of me, let's talk about you". Ego said now taking her glance from the old lady's shoulder and positioned it on her face before she asked: "Where are you from and why do you live alone in the middle of nowhere?"

The old lady was quiet for a while, then she gave her a childish smile before she began in a very low tone; Ego could barely hear her. "I used to live in a town very far from here, I …" Ego had to cut the old lady short with her question "Nne can you hear that?"

"Hear what?" the old lady replied looking surprised.

"It is like something is approaching this hut from behind" In few seconds after Ego said that the shadow of the animal was already visible. "What animal could be coming?" Ego asked already afraid.

She laughed gaily "it is nothing to be afraid of", she said with mirth.

Moments later, a large dog entered the hut, went straight to Ego began licking her legs and wagging its tail excitedly. It was obvious the dog was pleased to see her. When Ego saw it was her ungrateful friend, she was filled with joy and excitement quickly knelt down to check the leg of the dog, before she began gently rubbing its head and some part of its body. "At last, you have learned manners eeh, my canine friend?

The old lady who has stopped laughing was now watching the interaction between dog and woman. "Ego!" she called out.

"Nne" she answered still engrossed in her ministrations.

"I take it that you have met Ogologo before?" she asked smiling.

"Who is Ogologo?" Ego asked looking around the room.

"My dog" she replied, pointing at the dog.

"Oh, it's yours? Ego asked.

"Yes, it has been with me for a while now".

"Ogologo is quite a funny name for a dog, how did it come about?" Ego asked curiously.

"I met her some years back in the forest when I went to pick fruits. As I was picking fruits, I heard her whining from a distance. At first, I ignored the sound but I later went in search of what was calling out and found her in a pit. She looked dirty, hungry and exhausted from trying so hard to get out of the pit, it must have fallen in there the previous night. I had compassion for it, it was so young then, the pit was not shallow so it couldn't get out of it.

I couldn't get in because no one would get me out; I couldn't throw in a rope or stick and just ask it to hang on it so I can pull it out. While I was trying to figure out how to get it out, the dog kept on crying and whining, trying to jump out of the pit, making lose sand fall on her. That gave me the idea of closing up the pit, reducing the depth so it would jump out on its own. It was risky but I had to do something, so I began pushing the sand that was surrounding the pit into it.

As I was closing up the pit, Ogologo kept up it's wailing like I was killing it; then suddenly she went silent when she realized that I had a plan to rescue her; she suddenly became active and climbed on the growing mound of earth. After a while, the mound grew high enough for her to jump out of the pit.

It was so tired it couldn't even walk home with me. I had to carry her home, her furs were mangy and she slept for hours. I really thought she will die but she pulled through and we have been together ever since. I call her Ogologo because of the time it took to figure out how to get her out from that pit.

"That was really kind of you," said Ego with a smile.

"I was still a good person then and was really in need of company". She said with a weak smile. "So tell me, how did you meet Ogologo?" She asked

Ego narrated how she met the dog in the forest wounded, how she treated it with some of the leaves she got from her long trip into the forest and of course how it was ungrateful at the end.

The old lady called the dog to take a look at its wound that has been padded with green leaves. She then blessed Ego saying "Thank you, my daughter, may the gods of our land bless you abundantly with long life".

"It is nothing Nne. My mother said that showing kindness is our way of paying for the life that the gods have given us for free. We owe it to nature to be kind because a little kindness can make the world a better place".

"Your mother is very wise", the old lady said nodding her head.

"So, how did Ogologo end up in the forest alone?" Ego asked

"We both went to the forest and while I was gathering the firewood, she went in pursuit of a squirrel, which she does most of the time we visit the forest. I waited for her to return but when she didn't, I thought she must have gone home alone as she does sometimes, leaving me to walk home alone. I didn't even know she was in trouble". The old lady lamented.

"Well, thank the gods she was able to free herself from the trap and that I was there to help her. It could have been worse you know, she could still be trapped there, or worse, a wild animal could have devoured her. So, calm down for she's okay now. The poultice will prevent infection so there is no need to bother, she would be fine in a few days", Ego reassured her.