JinXilu Scandal

Young Lady Xilu Yan Zhi is the only child of Prime Minister Xilu Hai. As a noble lady from her childhood she is treated like a princess for her beauty and also for her father's influence in the politics. But she is mainly famous for her well-known rude and arrogant character.

Yan Zhi has never seen her mother after his birth. Nobody from prime minister's mansion knows anything about Mrs. Xilu. It's still a secret. Though there are many rumors. Some say that she was a brothel lady. But it's can't be true. Minister didn't marry again. So, people assume that she was died early. "Who will remain single for a prostitute? Because those women are only for people's pleasure, not worthy of get someone's love!"

Because of the lack of motherly love and guidance Yan Zhi grew up unlike other ladies at her age. In addition, her father spoiled her by giving too much love. She doesn't care about manners, politeness or womanly elegancy.

And at the end the she become one of the 'Two Most Notorious Lady' of the kingdom; the other one is our beloved "'Princess Su Jin, The Royal Brat of Shan'.

It's said that most of the wild flowers are very pleasing for eyes, but at the same time some of them are too poisonous to enjoy their aroma. Young lady Xilu is a wild flower and definitely the most poisonous one. Because of Lady Yan Zhi's this unparalleled glory and fame, no one was interested to build an intimate relation with her. Though, many of them were very much interested in her father's wealth and influence. War minister Xu is one of them. His son Xu kai is an absolute trash, ignorant and a bummer. So Minister Xu thought it would be good to set up his son with the infamous tigress of Xilu. If deities want, he will get a lot of dowry in addition.

Prime Minister Xilu is a clean and simple man. Unlike other top rank officials, he is very soft to his family. Too bad, he has no son and he isn't young enough to produce new one. So who will protect his family and continue 'Xilu' family line after his death? His brothers and nephews aren't reliable. They are only after his money. He hoped that the king will consider his ancestors sacrifice for their kingdom and accept his only daughter as a daughter in law of the palace. But the king wasn't as thoughtful as he expected. The crown prince got married with Hei kingdom's eldest princess. Soon younger also followed same path. His daughter was remained unnoticed by the royals. After the marriage of youngest prince Yan You, prime minister lost his hope. He realized his expectation was too high. Then he started to look into the noble families to find suitable candidates for his daughter. But nobody was responded positively to accept his 'tiger-cub' because of her reputation.

Surprisingly war minister Kai voluntarily proposed for marriage with his elder son. Though this Xu Kai isn't very well known but Xu clan is influential and holds strong military power. Prime Minister was sure they will protect his daughter. So, he accepted the proposal kindly.

Everything was going well. But one week before the wedding ceremony, Xu Kai fled with his lover. And it was revealed that the lover is prime minister's half brother Xilu Feng. Hearing this news young Lady Xilu became furious. It was not that she was eager to get married. At first she also opposed this idea. But her father forced her first time in life and as a result she gets this humiliation.

Rumors run father than wind. This matter became fun and gossip to the common people. People started to defame the spoiled young lady of Xilu. They started to say that, innocent Xu Kai chose a man rather than marrying Yan Zhi because of fear. "Poor Xu kai! No wonder nobody wants to marry that witch! "

"Witch? Those witches dared to call me witch!"

After that incident Yan Zhi swear not to marry any man and shut herself in her cabin. Minister Xilu was too ashamed to apologize and comfort her daughter. So he let her do as she wants.

It was two years since then and Yan Zhi is now 22. Probably she is one if the oldest single noble women in the capital. At her age most of the women become mother of multiple children.

But she doesn't care it. She spent last two years in her cabin so she had no idea what have been happening in the outside world. The only medium with outside world is her maid "Gossip Queen Bai" aka GQ Bai.

GQ Bai has many things to say today. Last week she traveled from streets to streets to increase her Knowledge. Now she comes to her lady to share the light of her Knowledge. Yesterday she heard something juicy. It isn't digested yet.

"My lady, how this world become so low. God creates man for women. Women are for men. Shame! Shame! Shame them."

"Hey gossiper, what happened? Say clearly or get lost. I am not interested in your sermon. "Actually Yan Zhi is very much interested unlike she said. GQ Bai never collects something which isn't scandalous.

Gossip Queen didn't mind her lady. How could she get lost before sharing this new knowledge?

"My lady, believe me. You never heard something like that before."

"Okay what is it?" Yan Zhi gets up from her bed and sat before Bai. Bai's excitement becomes triple.

"Dear love deity, save us. Women love men, men love women. It's the law of nature. In exception some men love man like Master xu kai...."

Bai stopped after realizing what she was about to say. Xu kai is a taboo in this mansion. Because of that homosexual lord her lady endured a lot of disgrace and humiliations. Today is GQ Bai's last day for sure. "God, save me, I will never gossip again."

But surprisingly her lady is calm.

"My lady....!"

"Continue. It's doesn't a matter anymore. People already forgot it. I hope my uncle is happy with bastard Xu kai. if it wasn't for my father I would not accept that marriage, but dog Xu kai left all blame on me and I became villain at the last. My uncle is a strong man. I hope uncle get Xu Kai from behind and xxx him so brutally that he will want to die."

Gq Bai couldn't stop herself from giving sermon. Her lady is really innocent. No wonder she has no experience. But as an expert and sexologist it's her duty to spread right knowledge.

"My lady, you are wrong more than the wrongest (!!!!!) If your uncle do xxx from behind, Master Xu Kai will die for sure. But he will die in excitement.


"Nothing." GQ Bai sigh in relief. Lady xilu was distract for a moment. Seems she doesn't hear Bai's lecture.

"Nothing, then why you are here? Get lost"

"My lady, please calm down. I haven't told you today's main topic yet."

"Ok continue." Yan Zhi whispered, "I shouldn't sound like exited."

Bai continued, "My lady. Men love women. Some men like to xxx other men from behind like your uncle and Xu kai. But have you ever heard of any woman sleeping with other woman".

Young lady Xilu was confused. "Why? You sleep with me sometimes."

"My lady is really innocent. Holy! Holy! This world changes a lot. This 'sleeping together' means....two lady doing xxx together. Shame! Shame!


"Yes, my lady. Everyone in the streets say that Princess Su Jin xxx... I mean slept with one of her maid. Holy! Holy... sorry... Shame! Shame!"

"Ha!! What!"

"It's not gossip. It's confirmed by reliable source, my lady."


"I justify your judgment. It is indeed disgusting. Female with female!! God will punish such sinnnnnn.....what?"

"I want the princess."

Gossip queen Bai shocked after hearing her lady. Did her lady said that she want the princess? What does that mean?

"Tell me I heard wrong, my lady."

"You heard totally right. I want Princess Su Jin. It's disgusting, how could she choose a low maid over me. From the childhood I wanted to be a real princess. Father promised that I he would help me. I was patient but no princes chose me to become their princess in the end. They ignored me and got married with real Princess of other kingdoms. Then I swear not to marry any other man. But now I will not accept the unknown fate anymore. Love deity surely is the greatest of all. She gives me a last chance. I will not waste it again like a fool. Princess will be only mine. I am the most suitable candidate to give birth princess's baby...I will become princess's princess for sure!!! "

"My lady two women couldn't make baby", GQ Bai wanted to correct her lady but didn't dare.

Xilu! Oh poor Xilu. You only gain arrogance over this year. But your Knowledge is still lower than any child. Let me give you some sermons. God save the stupid. Amen!