The Greatest Lesson Of Life

Today is the day of hunting. Princess Su Jin looked very excited. According to the rules, after the birth, women of the palace do not get much chance to travel freely. The rules were stricter for the princess. She is the king's only daughter. So in her seventeen years of life, she was never allowed out of the capital due to security concerns. Although it is said according to the official report; the rules couldn't lock princess inside the courtyard of the palace. She has often gone to many places in secret by tricking the eyes of palace maids and royal guards. But this is her first official visit to outside of the capital. This time she doesn't have to hide anything. She can reveal her true self and don't have to disguise herself. She will be able to move around freely...

-It's what princess thought so at first. But her enthusiasm was soon quenched. The king himself poured water this time. The princess was shocked to see the guards in front of her mansion.

"For whom so many bodyguards!!" she asked.

One of the guards, a middle-aged man came forward. He bowed, "Greeting to the Princess. I am Wan Yu, one of the five commanders of the personal guards of his highness. The king has sent us to ensure your safety. Today we will protect you from all day long."

"What!" Princess screamed. She can't let them ruin her plan. "No need for it. Protect yourself if you want. I'm alone enough for my safety. Leave me alone. And tell father not to worry for me. Go. Go," she ordered.

But no guard moved from their place. Princess looked surprised after see the reaction of the guards. Does she have no respect as a member of the royal family? Even the guards are not afraid to disobey her!

"I'm really surprised at your courage. If a prince had ordered you in my place, would you disobey?"

No one answered. The princess seemed a bit shocked. "You do not feel the need to answer me."

Same as before nobody answered. Princess realized these guards are not like her maids, who will do anything she order them to do. "So, they are from real army. I heard they are very hard to deal," princess thought, "If I threat or order them, they will not listen. But I have another weapon in my hand. No matter how hard-hearted these soldiers are, they are also human beings. Not a donkey like brother Yuzu. Let me see, if you really can disobey me. You bunch of featherheads!! Definitely fall in my"

"I have no respect for being a girl," The Princess planned to emotional blackmail the guards. Those experiments were quite successful on her parents and people from the palace. These guards are no different.

"Guard brothers, wouldn't you listen if your sister was requesting you? This is the first time I will be outside of the capital. Who knows when I will get this chance again? I just want some time alone. No one is paying any attention to my words as I am a helpless girl. Will you not fulfill this little poor sister's last wish?(!!!!)" Princess made a teary face. She is such an actress!

The middle-aged guard who spoke earlier also replied this time, "Princess, forgive us."

Princess thought, "As I guess, you people are just a bunch of lonely men. How could you refuse a cute girl like me! Hu Hu Hu!!!!" She smiled, "So, finally you understand. Well, I have already forgiven you. I know you are good people. You go and enjoy yourself. There is a brothel house near from here. Don't worry. I will not tell my father anything. I will manage everything. Brother Yuzu, give these brother some money to buy need to thank me." The princess stepped up to go. But the entire platoon of guards barred her way.

"What?" princess shocked. "You need more money? Just tell me. Why scare me to death? Bother Yuzu, give these brothers some more."

Yuzu took out some gold coins and went to give among the guards. But their commander stopped him.

"Princess, I think you did not understand my point. I am really sorry. We can't leave you alone. Not even if you order us.

We just listen to the king's orders," Without moving from his place, he replied. "Although you are a princess, we are not obliged to obey your orders. Please let us do our own work."

All was in vain. All acting and all fake tear.

These guards are members of the king's personal force. They have been practiced under difficult rules for many years. Thus, the princess's words could not sink their minds.

"Then why so few guard has been appointed to protect the other princes. Why so many for me," princess warned to give the last try.

The guards did not answer.

"Because, you're a princess." Somebody replied from behind. A young eunuch called Eunuch Long appeared.

"What are you doing here? Don't tell me you are here to protect me?"

"Yes, I came to protect the princess. Protect her from lower herself in front of the guards. But my main job is monitoring you." Eunuch Long said in a serious tone.

"Don't make me laugh. What's left to hear!

Father has no trust in my skills. He trusts a eunuch more than me." Princess had no intention to hurt eunuch Long. But she was angry. She said, " The 'half-man' who couldn't protect his own 'ball', has the guts to protect the princess of this kingdom. Funny!"

"Princess, don't lower yourself anymore," eunuch Long stopped for a moment. He came closer to the princess and whispered, "And don't call me half-man. I know your little secret. I thought it would be great to see you bathing. But who thought it would be so disgusting. Who imagined our legendary beauty is....ha..ha ha. Don't try to provoke me. Otherwise your secret will no longer be secret."

"What? Don't tell me you bastard was stalking me around." princess became speechless in anger. "How dare you." Princess raised her hand to slap the eunuch but stopped by eunuch Fang. He appeared from nowhere. Who knows what he thought.

"Princess, don't be angry", Eunuch Fang said,

"Eunuch Long is innocent. His Majesty orders us to accompany you. Whatever the king does, it is for your good."

"I am not angry, Eunuch Fang. I am happy to see you." Princess tried to be calm, "Actually Eunuch Long said me something interesting. I raised my hand in excitement. Not to punish him."

"Is that so?" Eunuch Fang relived. "So, what are you told the princess that makes her so exited?"

"Don't ask Eunuch long," princess said, "It's a secret between us."

"As your highness want."

"But now I want these guards to leave me. Old brother Fang, helps me."

"Your highness, I am sorry." He lowered his head, "It's out of my control. The king is very concerned for your good."

"If father is concerned for my good, then why do I feel like a dead person because of his care? What is the difference between me and the dead body in a coffin? I am not free to do anything. Every moment of my life is controlled by others. I have to do what others want. Why?"

Eunuch Fang patted Su Jin's hair. This little cub is partially raised by him. He knows all of this girl's secrets, even the secret the king doesn't know. "Princess, the outside world is not safe for you." He tried to console her.

"If you tell a cage bird that the forest is not safe for him. He may believe you. But I'm not a cage bird. If I can't fly, then what's the benefit of these wings?"

"Princess, you have wings?" Yuzu interrupted. He seemed exited to hear that princess has wings. He wanted to hear more. But princess did not feel the need to answer him, She looked at eunuch Fang, "Why do there are so many rules for me?"

"But you usually don't obey those rules," eunuch Fang said.

"What?" princess surprised.

Eunuch fang didn't answer. "Do you know what happened to Princess Jin Jing last year?"

"Jin Jing. Who is she?"

"She is the princess of the kingdom of Jin. She used to think like you. She wanted to be free as you want. But do you know what happened to her because of her careless actions?"

No one answered. He continued,

"She had a bad habit. She would often go out of the palace without telling anybody. Just like you."

Princess Su Jin swallowed her burp. "How do you know?"

"I have been in this palace for many years. Of course, I know everything; who does what inside the walls of the palace. None of those is unknown to me."

"Thanks for not letting father know." Princess hugged eunuch Fang. "You are so nice Fang bro. Though you talk like the crow! Annoying!"

"No need to thank me. Just be safe. Now let me finished the story. It's not just a story. It's a true event that happened not long ago." He continued, "As usual, one day princess Jin Jing was went out of the palace. But her fate was not good that day. She was captured by the spies of the enemy country. Letter they killed her brutally.....Then the end."

"The story is so short. I expected more. But that's enough to make me curious. Brother Fang, did they find any evidence or did the killer announce their identity? How did they know that she was killed by the enemy country," princess asked.

Old Fang took some time to find an answer, "Because she was a princess. Who dare to kill her, if not enemy country? "

"You said, princess Jin Jing is used to disguise herself before go out like me. Nobody knew she was a princess. So, it is low possibility that the killer were from enemy country. The killer might be any local mobs." Princess looked sure. And old Fang didn't want to lose to this little brat.

"But local mob are not skillful enough to kill a princess."

"Why. Are the royals made of iron? And you don't need to be skillful to kill someone. "

"You! Who is older here? Do you know better than me? I say she was killed by the Spy of enemy country." Eunuch Fang tried her best to prove his statement by yelling loudly as much as possible.

"Ok. Ok. You are right. I accept my defeat. "Princess didn't want to argue.

"I am always right." Eunuch Fang smiled, "you young people just don't want to believe and respects the elders."

"Ok. I respect you." Princess bowed.

"No need." Eunuch Fang seemed very happy. He stopped a little, "Then, Princess?"

"What?" princess smiled, "Do you want to tell me another true story?"

"No, that's not it. I mean... what did you learned from 'Princess Jin Jing's' story?"

The princess came forward and put her hand on eunuch Fang's back. "Thanks for telling me such a beautiful story."

"It's OK." Eunuch Fang raised his head more than he needed and looked at the clouds. What! He tried to act like the philosophers, "Hopefully, from now on, princess will follow the advice of this story."

The princess smiled, "Definitely. Today I learned the greatest lesson of my life. I learn that we should never rely on others. And girls should learn martial arts like boys. If the Jin Princess knew how to protect herself, this story would not have a tragic end. We also could take her testimony about the unknown killer who killed her! What a sad story!" Princess took a deep breath and grinned, "But old Fang...."

"Yes, Princess?" eunuch Fang replied nervously.

"Try to write some better fiction. And don't kill alive person in your novel. Last month I met Princess Jin Jing. She wanted to hear your stories."

(Uchsash Maruf. 07/09/2019)

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