The First Customer

It looked amazing! The matte paint perfectly showed how beautiful the vintage car was. It also contrasted quite well with the velvet-colored seats. The beautiful design of the car clearly showed the benefits of his advanced design skill.

He decided to drive over to a large car park and sleep in the car for the night because he didn't have anywhere to stay the night.

'What should I do with my future? First things first, I need to earn some money since I'm broke right now. What are my talents? Design? WAIT! I can be an Automobile Tuner!'

An automobile tuner was a relatively recent new job field that had opened up. Because people were starting to earn more money due to the upward trend of the economy, they began to spend their money on their valuables like their cars and houses. In order to show off their wealth, they spent money to modify their cars. Bruno had heard about this career in his high school design class and thought that it would be the perfect career for him. With his system, he could modify the cars simply by paying the fees that the system required.


The next morning, Bruno woke up and decided to find his first customer. However, no one in a car park would be willing to spend money on painting their car. They already had enough problems to deal with. In addition, they didn't trust a high schooler with their car.

Tired of all of the rejections, Bruno decided to take a drive in his Camaro in order to clear his head (A.N. deja vu?). He suddenly heard someone calling to him and pulled over next to the voice. He looked up and saw a fat teenager waving his hand rapidly.

"Hey, where'd you get that sick paint job?" the fatty yelled.

Bruno immediately realized he might have a customer. He started to pitch his paint job and seats.

"I like to modify cars and I do this in my free time. Would you like me to do a paint job for you?" Bruno replied. He realized the fatty was wearing expensive apparel. "It might be kind of expensive though" he added.

"Of course I can pay. How much would it cost for you to repaint my Porsche 911 Carrera?"

Bruno thought to himself. A high-end paint job is around $1000 but the paint job from the system is completely perfect. He should be able to raise the price by quite a bit, especially because this "customer" would be willing to pay quite a bit.

"I don't have much time" Bruno lied. "It'll cost around $1500 for me to squeeze out some time and paint your car."

"You weren't kidding about how expensive it was. But I'll do it. When should I give you my car?" The fatty seemed quite gullible. He was ready to give his Porsche to Bruno without even thinking that Bruno would steal it. Of course, Bruno wouldn't do such a thing.

"How about right now? I can take it home and work on it. I can try to get it back to you by tomorrow."

"Tomorrow! You're fast! I thought you had a lot of work."

"I can free some time up for you." Bruno reprimanded himself mentally. He should have given a larger time period because he just told the fatty that he had a lot of work. "Tomorrow evening, come to the car park at the intersection of Bryant and Crawley. By the way, I didn't catch your name."

"My name's Robert, but most people call me Robby."

"Okay, Robby. Drive your car to the car park with me."

"Sure, but why the car park?"

"Because I don't want my parents to find out that I'm gonna paint other people's cars for them" Bruno lied. "They think that I already have too much work on my hands."

Robby bought his statement and drove the Porsche to the car park. He gave Bruno a deposit of 10% and left.