Come with me

Before her graduation, Alice started to produce her own cloths. She designed and sewed them personaly, then sold them through her online shop. Her design was welcomed by the public especially teenager and young adult. Her fashion carrer started to blossom.

One fine summer day in June, Nick was so exciting to tell her a good news "Honey, have a good news. my contract here got extended. I'll stay until november.

After november, I'll back home and bring you with me."

Alice was starled. She just remember he was her for work not exiled like her. He would come back to his family one day. Also, she didn't expect nick asked her to come with him. She was happy with his offer but she was hestitate at the same time "I don't know if I can come with you".

"don't answer it now. think about it. ok?" Nick cuddled her.

few days later, she visited The Mo food stall. The Mo's noticed her gloomy face.

"did you both have a quarrel ?" Mrs Mo could not help but asked


"but, why is your face very sour ?"

"His contract will ended soon. He will back home in november. And.. he asked me to come with him"

"tzt. Go then.. what are you waiting for ?"

"Aunty, I am scare. His family may oppose us"

"then fight for their bless. He loves you, he've done alot for you. You need to stand with him if you really love him" Mr. Mo felt it was unfair for Nick.

But she was not convinced.

one day, she met Mrs white

"girl, I heard Nick boy is going to back home? is he asked you to go with him ?"

Alice nodded

"hahah.. good. He proposed you hahah I wish you best."

Not only Mo couple and Mrs white, All elders supported her to come with Nick.

Nick and the Mo couple kept persuading her to come this him.

But she still could not overcome her convern. She was worry his parent might not like her, she was worry, they would scheme her. She didn't know how to face any challenges ahead.

Nick was fully aware of her trauma. he reassured them that she would be ok becasue he would there next to her protect he.

She kept changing her mind but every time Nick asked her decision. However, at the end she always said No. Nick was helpless, he didn't know what to do, even Unclo Mo was disappointed with her.

IT was on september when Alice suddently had a phone call from her mother. her mother wanted to introduced her to a man, a rich one. Her mother kept calling and forced her to meet and start relationship with that man.

Few weeks later her mum called her

"I've arranged a meeting for you and Mr Leng this weekend. He is mature man, he did maried before but divorce. But he's rich. He is good option for you. Text you the detail soon. Remember you must come" then hang up.

A text message arrived a minute later, she read it 'weekend at AbC hotel at 7o'clock . Don't forget ! dress up and do your best to seduce him !".

She signed and texted back "ok".

Alice put her phone dow and she shocked as Nich was standing behind her. "did he see my message?" she was worry.

His eyes was darker "I understand now,

I've been begging for months but you rejected it. I asked why you are not willing to come with me. So is it the reason ?"

Alice paled, he really saw it "My mum forced me. I can't said no".

Nick was hurt, angry "but you say 'no' to me, what am I for you ?" then left her.

They didn't see each other after that day. Alice avoided him as she didn't know how to face him.

On weekend, Alice went to the dinner that her mother arranged. she did dress nicely and put some make up on. she looked at her left on the mirror, She stared at her necklace on her neck, the one tha

at he gave to her the heart shape with ther name on. She took it off then put it on her drawer before she went out.

On the hotel Lobby, Mr Lenh had waites for her. He was at the same age as her dad. She was so upset, her mum tried sold her. During the dinner, She had to keet her smile and acted good, even only for courtesy. But she didn't realise that Nick was watching her, he followed her from home.

He sat on a bench of a kids play area nearby their apartement. He did his self reflection.

"She is dress up for him, she never do it for me. She smiled sweetly for him. She took off my necklace, our love token. " Nick mumbled to him self. He sneered at himself bitterly "I am just no body to her"

Alice was back home after the blind date, she was looking for Nick. She really wanted to talk and felt his warm but he wasn't at home, his room was dark.

The next few days, her mind was full of trouble from her mum. It seems that man fancied herHer mum pushed her on second date and talked about her being together with that man. At the end, She decided to change her phone number to avoid her mum.