Our family lawyer

"Alice, lets back to our hotel. We call our Mr lawyer first before going any further. I don't want you do something againts the law". Alice obeyed Nick, she knew he had high IQ and EQ, he could find better way.

That night, Nick called Sean to assist them with legal matter by phone.

Sean asked full story from Alice, he needed to know every detail.

He asked Alice few question

"Miss, do you want to teach those bastards a lesson ?"

"of course I do"

"That mother of your is very easy to deal with. Do you want to get what belong to you back ? your mansion ?"

"No, there was no happy memory on that house. The point is I don't want her to bother me again in the future. She arranged me with some guy for few times. I want to cut my tie with her so she wouldn't gave Nick trouble in the future."

"Take picture of all documents you have there, including your bank account exit statement and send them to me. give me an hour, I'll call you back" Sean ended the call.

Alice did all the tasked that Sean asked, once done she returned the phone back to the owner. Nick asked her to take shower. She was so tired but couldn't sleep, she kept thinking how to punish her mother. she really resent her, she want that hearless women felt what she had been through.

Less than an hour later, Nick phone rang.

He looked on the screen, He was relief it was Sean. He took the call, but Sean didn't wish to talk to him "Bro, let me talk to your woman first".

he handed his phone to Alice "our Lawyer"

Alice smiled "Hi, Sean"

"Hey, lets punished her. I have a way to do it but it was not an instant one. In the future she will taste her own medicine. are you agree with me ?"

"ok. but how ?"

"You'll know tomorrow. You don't need to give her money anymore."

"Thank you Sean"

Sean chuckled "if you want to thank me, just serve my brother well tonight, but let me talk to him first ."

Alice blushed and handed his phone back "he wants to talk to you"

Nick was confused when he noticed her blush. He took the phone and went to the balcony "hey bro, what did you said to her"

"hey, I have a friend who is a lawyer there. I send him all documents. First one is to annul her previous power of attorney, make sure your wife sign it.

Second, it was statement for that woman. It basicly it's her testimony that she forge document that your wife gavr her house to her and that Huang man. That woman need to sign it, ok !?"

Third document is agreement that your wife is agree to gave her USD 150,000 then we will not relate to each other again, but I put a clause "the amount was counted from the day she was 19 until current" both party have to sign it. Any question ?"

Nick frowned "why do we need 2nd document ? Alice doesn't want the house"

"I'll explain it when you are home. I am with our family now"

"what ? s**t, when did you vome back ? did you tell them about this matter?"

"Just a bit. Mum is worry. I'll text you my friend office. But read the document first ok !? my friend mind is sometime a bit off. For her dad, you have to work it out by your self for now on, lets discusses when you are back"

"Sure. By the way, tell mum and dad I'll call them later. thanks bro, our family lawyer is the best"

" Mum said that you need to have rest, back to your bed now. Let your wife serve you hahaha.."

Sean ended the call before could asked him more."

Sean texted Nick five minutes later "Bro, bring her to meet Lawyer Ming & Associate, address Aaa street, building NN, level 5 before 10. asked for Ed Ming. that women will be there at 10."

Nick texted him back "thanks bro".

Nick went back inside and close the balcony door. He saw Alice was sitting on the bed doing something on her phone. He sat next to her and rest his chin of her. shoulder "What are you doing ?".

"Banking. I am checking the balance. Sean said I don't need to give her money but I really want to give her for my conclusion.

I just thank her for giving birth to me for being My surrogate mother. Don't worry, I still have the money from selling my baby. I just trade my old baby with new baby" She bit her lips while her index finger caressed his chest.

Nick chuckled "we will asked her bank account tomorrow. Lets have a rest, tomorrow is going to be a big day for us.

By the way, what did my brother tell you before ?"

Alice put her phone down "Lets sleep.."

Nick snorted, he could guess what it was.