Very intense

Alice was horrified "How come ? the girls are so cute, Sean and Alan are awesome"

"At that time, they both were still in uni. No body predicted they would have a successful carrer like now. And about my dear sisters, they could become sinister if they are in bad mood or if they met people that they dislike. A lot of people can not handle them. And Mum, she is "

"Stop. I won't allow you to badmouthing my family" Alice glared angrily at Nick.

"what ? They are mine" Nick was dumpfounded.

"They are mine too. I won't allow you to slender them, especially mum. She was the first one who was angry at me because she cares and loves me. Do you remember when I cut my finger ? Mum scolded me but she put antiseptic on my wound. Also, when The hot oil spilled to my hand, she did the same, she was angry at me but help me to put the oitment" Alice grinned happily.

"When I had this wound, no one cared. They just laughed at me" she touched her forehead, instantly her happy grinned transformed to bitter sneer.

" You'll have more scolding from. One day you have enought and start complaining like us"

"Hey, I won't" Alice was sure. But Nick sneered,so she pinched his abdomen with no success as his was well tone one. Her action made Nick snorted.

She sneaked back to his chest to hide her blushed face. She inhaled his male scent which intoxicated her but made her relaxed.

Nick took her hand and played with her finger "why did you keep attending your family function if they bullied you the minute they saw you ?"

"Because that was the only time I could see my father, even if it was only from far away. He, he never came to see me. He never came to my school when I received award. But, he came for the rest of his children" Alice mood turned very gloomy when she remembered her old days. Nick didn't say anything, he just kissed her hand gently which was effectively bright us her mood.

"Stop talking about me. Back to the main topic, Did you kiss her, your ex ?" Alice finally spoke out her main question.

Nick was tighten his embraced "I did few times. But just a light peck. You were the only one got my passionate kissed. the only one I share my bed with. Also , only you that was able to see my well tone body as well as my private part".

"Shameless" Alice slapped his arm fiercely.

Her face blushed again as her flash back memory replayed. It was they first few days became share-mate back in country U. She accidently opened the bathroom when he was having shower. She saw him in his birth suit and stared at him with her mouth opened. As her memory ended, She closed her eyes and cover her face.

"Did you miss it ? Do you want to see again and touch it ?" Nick teased her, while directing her hand to touch his chest and moved it to south. Alice removed her hand and slapped his shoulder with all of her strength.

"ouch. you are my present and future. I love you Babe". Nick grasped her hand and licked his lips with smirked.

Alice stared at his lips. All of suddent anger raised for her hearrt. she was angry somebody else had taste it before her. His lips should only belong to her, only her, no other woman was allowed to touch his lips. She leaned forward to kissed him then bite his lips hardly "Tooth for tooth, eye for an eye, so lips for lips as well" she returned him his own medicine. Nick hissed as he registered pain on his lips. But, He didn't angry. He was very pleased that she was jealous.

"ho.. ho.. My women is quite scary when she is jealous" He giggled then laughter was broken.

"Why did I feel something vibrated from underneath the bed cover ?" Alice stopped her laugh and asked innocently.

Nick tittered. He put his hand to search his phone from underneath. He checked his phone and he saw 10 misscall notification, they were from same number. It was a local number that was alien for him. He called the number back

"Hey bro. Did you just finish your quality time with sister in law ?" It was Ed Ming.

"yes, It was very intense one"

"Hey"Alice smacked his shoulder.

The other side chortled "Bro, what time is your flight tomorrow?"

" 9 at night"

"Let me pick you up at 10 in the morning. I'll take both of you somewhere first, ok ?"

"Sure. thanks Mate"

"See you tomorrow, bro. Sorry for disturbing your time. Please continue" Ed endes his called

Nick set alarmed at 8.45 then lay on the bed "lets sleep. We need to checkout at 10". Nick closed his eyes and Alice closed her eyes as well. They fallen into deep slumber with smiled as she knew his heart now belong to him and he was pleased that even her first kiss was belong to him.

Next morning, they woke up, refreshing their self then packed their stuffed before when to receptionist to finalised their check out processed. Ed Ming as alreay waiting for them in the lobby.

He marched to them as soon as he saw them.

"Lets put your luggage in my car" Ed took over to drag travel luggage from Alice. They only had 2 medium luggages.

Ed frowned and giggled when he saw their lips "last night, it was indeed very intense. I can see the mark left behind. I didn't expect you guys like a rough one"

He tittered and left the couple behind.

Nick twitched "His young man really has wild imagination"

"Thanks to you" Alice was being sarcasm.