I'll break your leg

Every one giggled when they heard what Their father said except Mrs Feng who glared at Her husband. Nick sat abit far away from his parent and took Alice with him. he tried to distance his women to make space for his mum to deal with Sean. Sean Frown "Dad, If Bella was pregnant, your grandkid will be more than one year old. I only slept with one woman and it was her. It happened long time ago, it was the day before I went to Europe".

"Sean, Sit here" Mrs Feng patted empty spot next to her. Sean was obediently follow her order.

"what did you say, boy ? say it again ?" Mr Feng voice was gentle but everyone could sense danger.

"I was her first. We did it the night before I went to Europe. I feel guilty that I took her innocent. that's the reason why I kept plea to her not to ditch me" Sean hung his head.

Mrs and Mr Feng exchanged glance and turned their glance at Sean then to Nick while the girls and Josh gasped and clapped their mouth in shock.

"Why did you glare at me ? I had nothing to do with it, for real. I also knew it just now" Nick felt wronged.

"You two are really something" Mr Feng was amazed this his boys. One shared bed with his girlfriend for ages but never do that deed. while the other one never lived together with his girlfriend but already did it. But He didn't sound it for Alice sake.

"Sean, I warn you for the last time. If you still meet Bella and persue her, I'll break your legs. I really don't want to make you cripple. but I don't mind if I need to do it for your own good. She is the one that endes your relationships, no need to feel guilty at all as you've done everything you could. As a men, you need to hold your dignity. understand ?" Mr Feng was very upsad.

"Dad's right. She has a new one. I told you they started to see each other months before your broke up. howcome she did it to you and to our family" Sasha was also emotion exploded again since her best friend had betrayed her brother. For her, her brothers and family were more important than friends or anyone else.

"I am over her, I won't see her anymore. I swear. Honestly, That's not what I want to talk about that, I want to talk about My carrer, I also want to move on" Sean paused to see everyone reaction. it looked fine so he continued.

" as you know, if I want to have license to practice law by my self, I need to join professional lawyer for 3 year. I've done it. So Last week, I applied the license under my own name. Once I've got mine, I want to have my own law firm. But Don't worry, I will still work for my current company but as a freelance lawyer. I also want to involve more on criminal and family law"

Sean kneeled between Mr and Mrs Feng "Mum, dad. I am very lucky to have you look after me since I was 13. You give me love, care and family. But, there are still a lot of kids that suffer like I was before.

I really want to help them, also help the poor and disadvantage people. I can only do it if I have my own practice, so"

"Definitely, go for it. We will support you. Sean, you are a wonderful soul" Mrs Feng hugged her second son and wept, she was proud of him. "Mum, thank you" Sean wiped Mrs Feng tears with this bulky finger bedore he kissed bithe her cheer gently.

"Good. when will you know the result ?" Mr Feng smiled at his second boy proudly.

"in 6 weeks perhaps" Sean was over the moon.

"Yay, another party in 6 weeks" Cacha clapped her hands. Every one also cheered. Nick came forward, pulled Sean up and hugged his brother. They congratulated each other.

"Sister in law, I borrow him tonight. You have him every night, let him be with me just one night" Sean winked at Alice.

Sasha and Cacha directly shooed them away to the granny flat by force. Once those men waa outside, They started their birthday surprise with Lana help. Alice and Josh were discussing about the party gown detail for the girls. Josh told her that he just made some pattern for Michele dress, he just got it yesterday from Alan. Meanwhile Mr and Mrs Feng were enjoying their tea time happily talking about their kids.

Nick and Sean stayed on the granny flat that night. They suspected something was going on as their sisters were so keen to kick them away from the main house. However, their brotherhood quaility time drove that though away, they wished Alan was there with them like the old days. They talked about a lot of think from personal, love, work and their future. "By the way bro, Ed is helping me to investigate something about those Alice fake picture. I am really curious about it".

"But you need to tell him a clue. He ia smart man but sometime his imagination run wild" Nick was agree with Sean, he experienced it before.

"I did have some suspect. Lets discuss it after He found new clue. Lets talk about yours now." That night, Nick and Sean had a chat until early morning.