He will find better girl

Alice and Nick was on the plane. She chose a window seat and Nick was next to her.

When the plane started to move, Alice threw her last glance to the city where she grew up "Rest in piece Xinxin, please bless me , Alice. So I can live happily with my man and my new family in my real wonderland. Good bye my sad past life, I won't and never miss you". It was her last farewell as the plane took off.

Alice arrived back to s city in high spirits. "There, Mum and dad are there" Alice dragged Nick to the right. Nick was stunned when he saw his parents. He was wonder how Alice was able to spot his parent among the crowd easily. She left him behind as She dashed to hug her mother in law "Mum, I miss you".

"ck ckck, look at you. You are more dazzling then the full moon" Mrs Feng teasing made her blushed.

"See, you just worried for nothing. They are good. They enjoyed their time, can't you see from the pictures our daughter in law sent" Mr Feng patted his wife shoulder. His word made Alice face even redder.

"Lets go dad. Please stop tease her" Nick hugged and kiss his mum cheek and got a pat on his arm from his dad. Mr Feng was grinning proudly to his son.

"Where do you park, dad ?" Nick asked.

"This way" Mr feng pointed to the left. Alice walked in the front while hugging Mrs Feng arm where as Nick and Mr Feng followed them from behind dragging the suitcases.

Different from the ladies that didn't talk, the men had a light conversation.

"Has everything been solved ? Mr Feng askes his son.

"Eventhough the result are not as you expected, yes all done" Nick let out his deep breath.

"You did very well" Mr Feng rubbed head made his hair messy

"Dad. stop it I am not a kid any more" Protest Nick as he tidied up his messy hair.

"Of course you are still my kid eventhough you can made kids" Mr Feng patted his son head. "Please stop treating him like that" Mrs Feng shook her head when she viewed what her husband did to her son. She just wonder why his husband couls not give their son face in front of his fianced.Alice was giggling at them as she was astonished how close this father and son relationship.

Alice and Mrs Feng sat at the back where Nick was on driver seat and Mr Feng on front passanger seat. "How was you trip, dear ?" Mrs Feng expected Nick and Alice told them about their meeting with Alices' parent. However, Alice only told them all the happy story while they were in country T. Since Alice was unwilling to talk about her private matther, Mrs Feng only could dig information about Ed. She was so happy when Alice said Ed would attend their wedding.

They went directly to Nick and Alice apartement. "Mum, Dad. Please come inside first " Nick asked his parent.

Mr Feng and Nick draggednthe suitcase while Alice took the handcarry and mrs Feng brough a green reusable bag.

Once they entered the house, Mrs went straigh to the kitchen with Alice followed her from behind .

"I packed some food for you two, so you don't need to go out for lunch and dinner. Just have a good rest today" Mrs Feng put the food container in side the fridge.

As soon as Mrs Feng closed the fridge door, Alice hugged her from behind and she wept.

Mrs Feng was starled, she moved around and wiped her tears "what happen ? Why are you crying ? did Nick hurt you somewhere ?"

Alice shook her head, she needed time to control her emotion "Mum, thank you. Thanks for your care and love".

Mrs Feng smiled and caressed her head gently "You thank me now. But one day you will complaining behind my back like all my kids do. You know very well that I am demanding old woman and I also love to scold people. Don't say you won't".

Alice giggled when she heard what Mrs Feng said "You are not old, just mature. Not demanding just a too care and loves us". "Did you learn this sweet talking skill from Ed ?" Mrs Feng and Alice both giggled.

"Lets go to see those man" Mrs Feng took Alice to living room where Mr Feng and Nick was seated waiting for them. Mrs Feng sat next to her husband and Alice was next to Nick. Mrs Feng suddently took a deep breath "My three sons, One of them has a settle relationship, the one here is just about to start his new life but the other one just ended his love story. Why can't all my boys have a good life ?"

"what ? Did Sean brake up ? I thought Bella family has accepted him" Nick was Shocked.

"They broke up few months ago. They hid it from us" Mrs Feng was bit unhappy.

"It's ok. Our Sean will find better girl. The one that more suitable for him and love him dearly. Our Eldest is the example, right ?" Mr Feng hugged his wife.

Nick held Alice's hand "That's right mum. don't worry too much".

"Finger crossed" Mrs Feng Wished Sean would find a good woman soon.

Alice was dumpfounded when She heard about Sean and Bella. She always thought they had smooth relationship. She never suspected that Bella family was against them.

"I just hope it didn't jeopardize sasha and Bella relationship" Nick really mean it. Sasha and Bella knew each other since they were started in year 7. They were classmate and become bestie since then.

"You wish. she is you sister, you should know her. Sasha was upset and disappointed. She had suspected about their brake up for ages. Apparently, She saw Bella went out with other man about 8 months ago, She did tell Sean about it but never told us. Sean said Bella and that man started their relationship around the time Sasha saw them. Since Sean has announced their break up, Sasha deleted Bella from your wedding commitee instantly" Mrs Feng revealed part of Sean bitter love story.

"By the way, Your mum and me, we are planning to arrange BBQ party to welcoming Sean home this saturday. We just invite some of Sean close friends and may be your bestmen and bridesmaid plus Hans. What do you think ?". Alice and Nick were agreed with Mr Feng idea, their bestmen and bridesmaid were quite close to Sean as well.

"Mum, dad. We bring a lot of stuff from country T. I'll get them for you" Alice said.

"it's ok. No hurry. Just have a rest first. We are going now. Lozano family hold a small gathering today " Mr Feng signaled his wife to go.

"Ok. Bye Mum, dad . See you this weekend" Alice gave Mrs Feng another hug before sent their parents away.