Brilliant designer

Alice and Josh just finished the gowns for Mrs Feng and the girls. They hung them in clothes rack in the living rooms and stared at their first masterpieces without blinking. They were very satisfied with them. "Thank you Josh" Alice hugged him, without him she woould not be able to finish the clothes very soon.

"One more job left. your dress" Josh gave her a cheeky smile "They are going to try them tomorrow right ?"

Alice walked to the kitchen, it was nearly 5 o'clock she had to prepare dinner for her man "Yeah, they will be here in the morning. Are you coming as well ?".

"I can't. Fred asked me to go with him. Tomorrow is his uncle birthday, It's My first time to visit his family since we are together" Josh helped Alice to tidy up the living room.

"Have mum and dad met him ?" Alice asked while preparing dinner.

Josh felt uneasy "No. I am a bit worry. I am not sure how they are going to react, Especially Cacha".

"It's should be ok. I want to see him as well. we can give you our opinion about him". She was sure the whole family would have a fair jugdement. They knew Josh abnormality.

"I'll bring him home next week. Elder sister, I am back home first"

"Why don't you stay for dinner ?"

"I'll have dinner with him"

"Fine, Bye"

The next day, 9 o'clock in the morning Lana was the first one to come. She rented an apartment in city which she shared with her female friend, she just occasionally stayed over night at the Feng house. That day, from her place, she went to Nick apartemt directly.

"Lets try your one first" Alice picked up a gown and handed it Lana.

"Is it mine ?" Lana eyes popped out.

"Let me help you" Alice took Lana to her room.

" Honey, I am going downstair to open garage door for dad. Sasha and Cacha is coming in two minutes, I just opened the door for them" Nick knocked the door and spoke from the living room after he answered the bell.

"Ok" Alice was trying to figure out if there was any part that need to be adjusted.

"Elder sister" It was Cacha.

"Come in side. I am in my room" Alice shouted. Sasha opened the door, she was stunned "wow, it is so pretty. Where is mine ?"Cacha could not wait to try hers after she saw Lana dress.

"They are on the clothes rack in the living room. I put label on". "Lana, are you ok this area ?" Alice were concentrating in Lanas' first.

"Leave it. I am very happy with it" Lana was very satisfied with her dress. She was very impressed with Alice talent.

Cacha came back to the room with two gowns. She handed Sasha who were already in the room. She handed one of them to Sasha, then both of them tried theirs.

" Honey, Mum and Dad are here" Nick, Mr and Mrs Feng came in to the house.

Alice came out to the living room to greet them "Hi Mum, Dad. They are inside".

Mr and Mrs Feng sat on the sofa while Alice headed to the kitchen. She wanted to brew some tea, but Nick was faster them her. He came out from the kitchen with a pot of tea and three tea cup.

Cacha came out from Alices' room wearing her gown "Mum, Dad. Look. it's pretty. isn't it ?" She turned around and back and around again.

"Very pretty" Mrs Feng stood up and got closer to her youngest one.

"Mum, this one is your. Do you want to try it now ?" Alice took the last gown on the rack, the burgundy one.

Mrs Feng nodded and went to Alices' room followed by Alice and Sasha. She was amazed when she saw Sasha and Lana clothes "Alice, you are brilliant".

"You are absolutely right mum. Look, I don't think there is anything to adjust for me" Sasha was very please.

"Of course. But it's as long as you don't gaint any weight" Mrs Feng teased her.

While the ladies were happily fitting their clothes, Nick and Mr Feng was in the living room, enjoying their tea. Nick was frowned when the bell rang again. Alice told him that Josh would not come today, he just wonder who came. He looked at the security monitor and startled to see Mike and Lisa. He pressed the security button to open the access to the building and opened the door.

Mike was the first one to entered "Mate, She forces to come since Hans told us the girls in your family is going to fit their gown today" his eyes hinted to Lisa.

"They are inside my room. Just go there" Nick was talking to Lisa. Lisa dashed toward the room without any hesitation After abandoned by his girlfriend, Mike sat on the sofa joining Nick and Mr Feng.

When Lisa opened the door, She was dumpfounded. "Hey, close it" Sasha protested. Lisa regained her composure and closed the door "Wow, they are very beautiful".

"we are beautiful" Lana was being narcissistic.

Lisa chuckled "The clothes are. Oh My god, Is it really you who design it ? Did you make them by your self".

"She is" Cacha was so proud with Alice.

"Josh helps me" Alice was shy.

"You are so talented" Lisa gave her thumb up to Alice.

"What do you think ?" Mrs Feng came out from the Bathroom.

"Wow ! aunty, you looks younger. Gosh, Alice you are brilliant" It was second time Lisa gave Alice compliment.

"I think, you don't need to make any adjusment at this moment. Just wait a week or two closer to the date" Mrs Feng were very pleased her clothes.

Lisa touched the dresses "Oh my good, My lord. Alice you are really a jewel. Look ! these clothes are comperable with those branded one. Yours one are even better, The style is gorgeous" Lisa came from a prominent family in country B. Her paternal relative involved in business while her maternal family were in politics. She was very familiar with branded stuff and very demanding about fashion. If Alice was able to impress Lisa, It means she was really something .

"Stop. Don't say anything else. You make me big-headed" Alice was very humble.

Mrs Feng smiled and caressed Alice's back, she was blessed her son chose this woman as his other half.