Kiss her

The gilrs cocked their head while chewing their food, they imitated the chipmunks on the movie. Mr and Mrs Feng frowned. Lana shifted to the otherside and Cacha who sat next to Alice moved to Lanas old seat. Where as Sean glared at Nick and tilted his head towards Alice direction. Nick understood that Sean asked her to sit next to her. He was abit reluctant, but after sensing Mr Feng glared, he did shift his seat. "Tell me what happen" Mrs Feng command the young couple. Her voice was firm but very dominant.

"We have been arguing for few day. It's about wedding procession. I said I am going walk with her. But She insisted to walk by herself" Nick could not against his mother wish, he only could tell them honestly. He hung his head while his fingers in his hand interlocking with his own finger from another hand. He didn't glance at Alice at all.

"I don't understand why big sister want to walk by her self. Does any one from her family come ? her parents ?" Sean glared at Cacha but she realised it too late. She had already expressed her curiousity.

It wasn't only Cacha, honestly speaking Sasha, Lana and Josh were wondering whu Alice never mentioned her family since she came to their family.

"I don't have parents" Alice hang her head. Nick who already sat next to her clunched her hand and brought hers in between his two hands. He could feel her spirit was downhill.

"My parents hate me. They disowned me years a go because for them I am dirty, I am a b***h" Before Alice completed her words, Nick already put her on his embrace, he didn't want her to say any further. "enough. It's enough. Honey, say no more" he whispered softly in her ear and caressed her head. He was regretted to confessed their argument in front of everyone. He should had discussed it with his parents days ago. the girls, Josh and fred were shocked with what Alice just said.

Josh showed his empathy to Alice by patting her arm gently. He knew very well what Alice sentiment, he had been through that situation in the past as well.

"You are going to walk together when you enter the function room" Sasha nearly cried. "I am with you" Cacha wept. Lana was still clapping her hands on the mouth.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier ?" Mrs Feng was very disappointed.

"As Sasha said You both are going to walk together when you enter the function room and some one will walk with Alice on the isle" Mr Feng spoke up.

"Your uncle is more than willing to do it. If he refused, your dad will do" Mrs Feng had decided.

"Mama Feng is right. Meagan Markel walked with prince Charles when she married Prince Harry. Just let papa Feng walk with you" Lana supported Mrs Feng. Everyone were echoing her.

"Elder sister, Your family will regret their action one day. Don' cry they don't deserve your tear" Josh clenched his hand.

"You two, If there is anything you could not resolve, talk to us. Don't keep and cover small fire until it was big enough to burn down the house, put it out straightaway. Understand ?" Mrs Feng lectured Nick and Alice. They both nodded to Mrs Feng.

"This also apply for every one, got it ?" Mr Feng warned all his kids.

"yes dad, mum" they buzzed.

Cacha grinned cheekily "Eldest brother, to make her happy, just kiss her".

"Kiss her, kiss her" Lana, Sasha, Josh and Fred were chanting together.

Nick was amused with these siblings of him, nonetheless He planted gentle kiss on Alice forehead.

"Not enough" Sean snorted, he planned to make more ruckus. He loved to make fun of those two.

"Second bro is right. It was not a kiss. I'll show you what kiss is. Come on Fred, Lets show these two what kiss is" Josh tugged Fred Hand. He was half kidding half serious.

"Hey, you stop it Josh" Lana shouted at Josh. She was fine with Josh ans Fred relationship but she was still unpleasant to see same sex couple kissing in front of him. Sean, Sasha and the Feng Old couple were on the same boat as Lana.

Sean tossed a cushion to Josh face "Don't still somebody else's thunder". Josh pouted, he pretended to be wronged.

Alice mood was light up, She giggled. Nick was glad that his fiancee was cheer up again, so He pecked her lips quickly. He missed it, he hadn't done his routine for days.

Every one were cheering when they caught Nick pecked alice lips. Mrs Feng was happy, the young couple were back to normal " Back to the wedding, Your grandma did asked the fortune teller. Base on your date of birth, the auspicious time for the bride to enter our home is before 9.45 am. So you need to plan the time from now. Another thing, Your grand uncle told me there is a family tradition that the bride and the groom forbid to see each other 3 days before the wedding and aslo you can't go anywhere until three days after the wedding day"