Not too bouncy

Alice held the envelope in her chest. For her, it was the most beautiful thing in her life. It was priceless as It was her first time to receive any gift from family member. "Don't cry ! Why are you such a cry baby" Mrs Feng shook her head but she wept Alice tears away.

"I am sorry. I am really happy. But Who is going to look after my online shop"

"Teach me and Cacha. We can help you" Mrs Feng nominated her self.

"Thank you. I also have something to tell every one" Alice inhaled a deep breath to slower her hear beat. She was so nervous. Nick chuckled then hugged her shoulder to give her courage.

"What ? are you pregnant?" Sasha didn't know her big brother never went that far away.

Alice and Nick was dumpfounded. Alice shook her head subconsciously. Mr and MRS Feng snorted they tought their first born couln't wait until their wedding night. The rest of the family member grinned, they really hoped to welcome a baby to their family soon.

"I am not pregnant. we haven't-" Nick kissed Alice to stop her. He couldn't think properly how to stop his fiancee spilled the fact about them as he didn't want Sean to tease him more. Kiss her was the only option came into his mind. "ohh" everyone squawked and laughed.

It took along time for Alice to regain her composure after the kiss "What I want to tell you that I have accepted Lisa request to make party gowns for her enggagement".

"Well done. congratulation dear" Mrs Feng hugged Alice "Thank you Mum for your support". Ever since Alice told Mrs Feng that Lisa had pleaded for Alice to produce dress for her, Mrs Feng always encouraged Alice to take the offer.

"what ?" Sasha was in the dark. Actually not only her, Cacha, Sasha, Sean and Josh were also confused.

"Ever since Lisa saw your dress ladies" Nick glaced at the girls in that room.

"She had been pestering my wife to create one for her. Her hubby was no difference, he called me nearly every day".

Nick eyed Sasha who was surprise. "How come you didn't know ? did your man not tell you ?" He frowned and asked Sasha who shook her head to answer her brother. Everyone giggled at Sasha who just admitted Hans were her man.

"I need your help Josh. We have to complete 10 gowns by february for Lisa engagement party in March. Also another 10 in May for her wedding in country K" Alice turned to ask Mr and Mrs Feng "Mum, dad, is it ok if I use the granny flat for my workshop temporarily ?".

"Definitely, you can use it until whenever" Mr Fend approved straightaway.

"Really ? Eldest sister, is it true ? I am not dreaming right ?" Josh didn't believe his hearing.

"it's true, Let me prove it to you" Sean tweaked Josh ear. Josh shrieked.

"Yay, it's real" Josh jumped up and down. He was more exiting then Alice.

"Are you going to help me, right ? But I don't know how much wages I can give you. I haven't told Lisa the price" Alice prefered to be honest from the start in regard of money.

"It's not a problem at all. do you know, this is a good opportunity for our stepping stone in fashion business ?" Josh were confident they would have a bright future in that industry.

"Hopefully" Nick hoped the same.

"But It has to wait until you are back from honeymoon" Mrs Feng didn't want them to sacrifice their quality time as a newly wedding just because of carrier.

"Definitely Mum"

The girls hugged Alice with joy. "Where is mine ?" Josh protested as the girls ignoring him. "Here, coming" Lana was the first one gave him cuddled before Sasha and Cacha.

Everyone was joyfull and wished Alice and Nick luck. It would be a big challenge for the couple. They were going to start a family then both of them would also begin their new carrier. Although they were abit concern but they were confident that Nick and Alice would be able to overcome their challenges.

"I am going to move our bed here next week" Nick grinned

"bed ?" Mrs Feng frowned.

"Yup. we just bought it less than a year. We don't need new on"

"We have prepared a brand new one. Just sell your old one or give it to someone" Mr Feng said.

"Dad, I prefer to chose my own bed" Nick dumbfounded. His parent had gone too far to intervene his and Alice private preference.

"I have more experience then you. We chose the one that not too bouncy and good to support your back" Mr Feng were very concern since Nick spent too much time sitting in front of computer while doing his job.

"Do you mean support Alice back, dad ?" Sean giggled. The whole family giggled while Alice frowned. She didn't understand why she need back support. In few weeks time, she would understand it and thanked her father in law.

Mr Feng speecless. It seemed there were a number misunderstanding that night. He put note to him self to avoid any ambigous meaning when he talked since his kids had become adults now.