Beauty treatment

When They elders woke up in the late afternoon, they were unhappy as they found out Nick and Alice were not there anymore. They still wanted to continue their chit chat and observed their grand daughter in law. But Mrs Feng coaxed them well. She told them they need to packed up as they would move back and stayed in the family house after the wedding. The Elders were more satisfied with the bride as she didn't mind to leave with in laws. Nowadays, Not many young girls were willing to do it

The next day, Mrs Feng drove to the couple unit to to pick Alice up for the beauty treatment appointment. Alice had 3 times that week and another 2 day for the following weeks. The elders and Mr Feng were staying at home. Three of them were busy planning the wedding chamber for the newly wedding. They decided the granny flat was the more suitable place to ensure they wish came true. It was far away from the rest of the family members, so one would distrub their baby making quality time.

Nick arrived home in the afternoon, He startled when he saw Alice face was reddish "What happen with your face ?"

"Oh, this is due to facial treatment this morning" Alice continued preparing their dinner.

Nick frowned when he noticed Alice showed no sign of concern about her appearance "Stop the treatment then".

Alice laughed at her silly man "Darling, it's normal for face to become like this after facial treatment. Moreover, I hadn't done any nearly two years. Lets have dinner, we need to start packing things".

After Dinner, Alice and Nick started their packing project. Alice took her handcarry that she brought from country U for the secong time. The first time was when they moved to that apartment.

She opened the outer part when she found square thing wrap nicely, she stunned for while before remembering it was present from the elders back in country U before she came to country A.

"What is that ?" Nick asked when he saw Alice held something in daze.

"Oh this is a present from the elders in our block bedore I came here. I forgot about it" Alice unwrapped it. She face that already reddish become even worst when she saw what was inside.

Nick came closer to have a peek, he was very curious what made Alice blushed.

He couldn't help but guffaw, it was their picture while snogging each other on her graduation BBQ party. "Should we show it in our wedding ceremony ?" Nick felt that picture was awesome.

"No way" Alice glared. Speaking about those elders, Alice chuckled "Darling, The Yamaguchi couples are coming. Aunty Mo told me this morning. I have told Sasha to add them on the guess list"

"Have you told aunty Mo to give elder Yamaguchi your contact number ? We need to pick them up for the airport or at least visit then" Nick guested she didn't do that.

"No. But I have their number. I'll give them call tomorrow" Alice grinned.

Alice attended all appointment for her beauty treatmen on that week under Mrs Feng watch. Nick was not happy at all with Alice face condition. After second treatment, her skin started to peel off. The thirs treatment made the skin even worst.

"Mum, can Alice just stop the treatmen ? It make her skin bad" Nick was complaining during they friday dinner at his parent house. They would stay there that night.

"Eldest brother, what do you know about beauty treatment ? don't tell me you never let eldest sister to do it" Sasha showed her displeased to her brother

"Look at her face ! I cancelled our hens night and bucks party tonight. The rest of our family clan will come on sunday plus we have meeting Yamaguchi elders. How can she face people with that kind look ?" Nick raised his voice.

"You are really bad boy. What is the importance of that hen and buck things ? My grand daughter in law is not animal" Grandma was angry. Well, old generations didn't understand about hens night and bucks party, these event didn't exsist in their society when they were young.

"You will thank us later" Grandaunty was not less angry than grandma.

Before Nick could argue more, Mr Feng glared at Nick and shook his head to tell him not to argue anymore. At the sametime, Sean also managed to give a kick on his leg from underneath the table with the same purpose as Mr Feng.

Nick shut his mouth, he realised that they couldn't againt the women in the family, they were too strong. The king could not win againt the empress who had empress dowagers and the princessess support, how come a little prince like him was able to win.

Alice pouted "I told you that this is normal". Nick stunned, event his princessess consort who he tried to protect was not on his side. He just wonder if he was really didn't understand abouy that beauty thing.