Before the wedding

Few years ago, Mr Feng upgraded their family dinning table so it would be able to accomodate 10 people. This dinning table was too big for them last year. But that night, it was too small to accomodate the family. They sat inconveniently during dinner as they queezed in so every one would be able to eat. However, they had a nice time as the dinner was full with laughter, bickering were echoing the whole time.

"They are heading to the airport now, Cousin June and Kev coming as well. should you drive as well ?" Mr Feng asked her husband after she read text messages on her phone. June and kev were Mrs Feng cousins from her Father side. Her fathers and most of his siblings had passed away, only little uncle left but his health was not good so he couln't come.

"I'll come Mum. I drive SUV car, it's better in case they bring a lot of lungage" Alan nominated him self.

That night, Alice and Michele slept together in Nick room since Josh and Fred used the room where Alice used to stay. While Sean, Nick and Alan slept in the living room. Those man didn't talk until late as they had to wake up early to go to the airport.

Earlier in the morning, A convoy of 5 cars left the Feng house and were back after they drove the guesses to the apartment From 5 cars, only 3 was back home since Hans, Fred and Josh were back to their own place. Alice was relief when She saw them came home. She didn't go with them as she needed to accompany the elders, Cacha, Lana and Michelle at home. She had a very emberassing time as during her private meeting with the elders, they kept giving them advise who to please her man on their wedding day.

"Tomorrow, I won't allow you to have that beautify treatment again" Nick was very gloomy as he examined Alice face that was very red. He didn't have any idea it was caused by his shameless elders.

"What ? this is not because of the treatment. it's" Alice could not finished her sentence as all eyes were on her. she was to shy to tell them about her and the elders conversation.

"If You don't want to escort her to that treatment. Let Michelle do it. They can have a nice time together. Don't you dare to stop her" Mrs Feng could tell what was happening when they were not home. Her mother and aunty did the same to her before her and Mr Feng wedding.

At the end of week, Alice and Michelle had two nice session of beauty treatmen as Alan were also on their side, leaving Nick had no choice but to let her go. But He didn't let her visit anyone else including The Yamaguchi elder and his family. He didn't want people see her with damage skin.

5 days passed very quick. 95% of their stuff had been moved to the Fengs house and temporary kept on the family garage.

Wednesday morning, Nick with Alan helped moved the all the boxes away from his apartment. It was their last quick meeting before the wedding day as the meeting ban periode for them started. Alice was lost without seeing her darling next to her, they were also not allowed to call each one. This rule was made up of Sean and Alan to make their life more miserable but supported by the elders.

To killed her bored, Alice spent her time disigned few dress for Lisa's engagement party. Tara and The Mo's family arrival was also help her to overcome her loneliness.

"Tara, Where is Harry ?" Finally alice asked as they had a chit chat the night before the wedding. She had been wondering for days if she should ask or not.

"We broke up few months ago" Tara smiled bitterly.

"how come ?" Alice was shocked.

"Not every man are same as yours. He went to other city for few months and fall in love with another girl that his parents introduced" Tara smiled bitterly.

"Don't be sad. Just think that he's not your true love. I'm sure you will find a better one, the one that is more suitable for you" Mrs Mo patted Tara back.

"The lady here as the example. Look at her, tomorrow she will be young Mrs Feng" Uncle Mo teased Alice.

"Lets sleep now. Alice, tomorrow is your big day, you need to have a good rest" Aunty Mo sent the bride to have an early bed.

Alice knew she needed a rest, but she couldn't even close her eyes. She was too exciting and nervouse in the same time.

Aunty Mo came to her bed room with a glass of yellowish water "Drink this. Your mother in law said this is good to help you have a good rest to night. I'll wake you up at 5.30 in the morning"

Alice only knew what the liquid was few years later, but it was effectively made her fall to deep slumber.