Naughty Sasha

Friday morning, as soon as Nick left for work, Alice went to The Feng family home.

She brought all the souvenirs and sweets they bought from country T. Alice went shopping together with Her parents in law, she was so exiting. Mr and Mrs Feng were also so happy that Alice came with them. It brought them back to the old days memory. They used to shop together with thier kids, five of them. It was so lively, but ever since they grew up, one by one all those kids were absent from that shopping ritual, it ended up with online two of old couple did the shopping.

They bought different type of sausages, chicken, beef, pork, potato chips, soft drink and beers. However, they didn't buy any vegetable there as they got them from their shop.

After they had done the shopping, Alice helped Mrs Feng in the kitchen. "Dear, could you stir this until the butter melte ?" Mrs Feng were asked Alice a favour.

"Mum, What are you making ?" Alice turned in the stove to medium geat.

"it's butter milk chocolate cake. We are going to cekebrate Sean birth day as well. We will make some brownie after this". Seanexact birthday was last weekend. They delayed the party so Alice and Nick could attend. "We do the cake first as it took time to cool down and as usual, Sasha and Cacha would do the icing and decoration" Mrs Feng mixed the flour with the butter mixture then put everyting else.

After they finished with the cake, Alice learned how to make homemade skewer from Mr and Mrs Feng. They showed her how to arrange the meat, capsicum and onion into bamboo skewer. Mrs Feng cut the veggie and Mr Feng cut the meat, after they finished they helped Alice. Alice knew it would take long time since they bought alot of meat and only three of them did the work.

So, She sent message to the group informing them to buy takeaway food for their dinner.

Cacha was home a bit late that day as she needed to pick the wedding invitation up first. She arrived home at four. But, she didn't help much with the skewer, she prepared her buttercream icing. " Mum, I am going to made car icing decoration first then fix the whip cream. I need to hide them before he come home. He can't see them, it's a surprise" Cacha started to work with her pondant icing.

Sean would stayed at home tonight as he said he was going to buy pad kee mow from thai restaurant for dinner. So, She planned to do it in Sasha room tonight, It was the safest place.

They had a granny flat at the back of their house where Nick, Alan and Sean used to share room. It was an additional place that Mr Feng built to accomodate additional family members. It had one huge bed room, living room and one bathroom. The bedroom was big enough to fit three single bed for the boys. Cacha had a feeling her two brothers would stay there tonight.Those two brothers had been away from each other for quite sometime, they were most likely to have a long catch up talk to night there in their old place.

After 6 o'clock, the rest of the family members appeared one by one. Nick and Sean came at the same time, they accidently met on the bus stop near their home. As promised Sean brought few constainer of pad kee mow, and Nick bought few container of indonesian fried rice. Sasha came home about 10 minute later with spicy korean style fried chicken. Surprisingly, Josh turned up with his homemade corn soup and Lana brought some salad.

That night, that family had a big dinner witch wierd menu combination. Sasha took the picture and sent it to their family chat group. She did it by purpose, she wanted to make certain people jealous. It worked very well as some one reply her message with jealos emoji. " Sasha. Stop doing that. your brother must be very sad. Lets eat" Mr Feng glared at his naughty daughter as soon as he check his phone.

Hundreds kilometers away, Alan was sitting in his dining table and stared at his simple dinner, he missed his foster family so much. Michele was just back, she knew why Alan mood was not good. She saw the group chat before "We are going to meet them soon. Also, they are going to transfer to the same area as your new hospital. We can spend more time with them" Alan nodded to his girlfriend. He nearly completed his job there, he got offer to work in another hospital closer to his family. They were going to move to small city so they were closer to both families side.