The speech

The vow was written by uncle Teo. The wording was not as perfect as the wedding celebrant one, it was really straigh forward but very beautiful with deep meaning for the happy couple. Even the audience was astonished.

"I didn't put any thing about being good daughter of Feng family" Uncle Teo glared at the suspect. It was Hans who typed the script of on hit laptop three nights ago. Hans shook his head in shock then rushed toward Lana who had taken the card back, he read it and smiled "Uncle, the Bride added it by her self".

But they could not confirm with her as She was in the other room, changing to her third one for that day. "Good, good. What a good daughter in law" Uncle Teo praised the bride openly. Most of the guesses especially the older generation also praised the bride, but not few of them sneered at her since they reckoned it was lips services. Only time would prove if the bride really meant it or not.

When the bride was back with her new outfit, She sat with her groom, bridesmaid and bestman on a long table on the stage which decorated beautifully.

"Now, lets we hear speech from the grooms father".

Mr Feng came up to the stage, he look tired but cheerfull. " First of all, let me thank all of you for coming and cheering our family Joy. This first born of mine is one of our pride. He never stop do his best to make us proud and always love his sibling dearly. Today, He oncr again gave us a greatest joy by adding a new family member for us. I really thank him to give us not only a daughter in law but also another daughter. Alice, your mother said thank you for taking offer one of her headache. To be able to come to this satge, You two have gone through a lot of sweet and sour time. So, please live well and cherish each other from now one until the death do you part. Good luck our dear kids, please be happy. We love you and will stand by you always".

Nick couldn't help but dahshed to hug his father at the end of the speech. Mr Feng patted his son's back and sat back on his chair while the audience clapped.

"Thanks to our sister in law to get rid of our mother headache. As you all can see, our mother looks much younger and prettier, all due to the bride effort" Sean winked. Many girls on the party were captivated by Him.

"Now while we are enjoying the first dish, Let the groom entertained us with his speech".

Nick stood up and took the microphone from Sean "Thank you for all of you for coming today. Mum, dad, thank you much for your love and care. Thank you for shaping my life this way and support me all the way. Your blessing for me and my wife is the most valuable and priceless thing in our life. From now, Please let my wife and me serve you too. I grew up with two awesome brothers and two cute sisters, later on my parent added another brother and sister. Those people made me stronger day by day. My wonderful life become completely blessed when my ex who is now my wife came to chase me from N city. If you asked me why I love her, I can not answer it. Because it can not explained by words. What I know is here in side by heart I only want her, I want to cherish her for now until the rest on my life. I know she also has a same desire as me, cherish our love and also My family. You are one and the only for me, I love you" Nick endded his speeched by bowing his heas to his parent direction.

Alice was touch by her husband speech, as soon as Nick was next to her, she kissed her lips affectionately.

"Please bride, We will give you time to show off that later on" Alan teased made Alice blushed.

" The next speech was actually from one of the bestmen. However, since certain someone threw tantrum and threatened to boikot this party, so we will give this opportunity to him. Will, we are sorry mate. If you want to sue him, Our second brother will be ready for your trial" Alan said.

Hans came forward and sized the microphone from Alan "I have known the groom since we were in high school. we were not classmate, we event studied in different school but we managed become friend after we exchanged blow. He is not gentle and weak as you think. Back then, He punched me hard on my face until my nose bleed and beyond recognition. So, bride I warn you, please be careful tonight "Hans smirked and winked at Alice, while the rest giggled

"This brother of me went to country U and disappeared from our circle for more than a year, later on he was back but looked like an alien for us. We found out it was because he was lovelorn. He is a flash to persue his bride, he got engaged and got married before we are able to count one to five. I hope he also use the same speed tp meet elders expectation for babies. Sister in law, please help our brother tonight. I wish you happy wedding. Thank you" Hans made a V sign before gave the Groom a manly hugged and gentle hug to the bride.

"Since when do you guys become brother ?" Sean asked Nick who shook his head to answer.

"Mate, you still have a long way to become our brother" Sean hinted Alan to join him but Mike was faster. "Please give this moron a hardtime. The harder is the better" Only few people understood the meaning behind Mike words. Sasha was definitely one of them as her face was red. But she safed from trouble this time as she wasn't the main lead of that night event.