Morning exercise

Alice sleep was disturbed by the ray of the sun light on her face. She opened her eyes and smile as she saw her man by her side. She touched his eyebrow, a long his nose, his lips then down to his adam apple. She stopped to check him whether he was awake or not. when she was sure that he was still asleep, she continued exploring his wide firm chest and teased his nipple with her finger and stopped and his abdomen. She stared at his member down there which made her shriek in pain and pleasure. "do you want to touch it ?" Alice nodded when she heard that question.

"Did you like how it worked last night ?" She nodded again with her smile getting wider.

"Do you want another round bie ?" Nick leaned closer to her and sneaked his hand on her waist.

Alice froze, she just realised he was awake, She burried her head on his chest to hide her blushed face. Nick giggled then caressed her skin when he saw the red patches that he left behind last night.

"Was I too rough last night ?, Did I hurt you ?" He just remembered how he lost his control last night.

"I don't remember" she was too shy to recall what happen last night.

"Should I remind you ? Honey, Last night I was so tired. do you know why I still managed to make you happy ?" Nick gave her a sly grinned.

"Because breast feeding not only good for baby. I's also good for my stamina" Nick whispered seductively.

"shameless" Alice landed light punch on his chest "Lets get up, this is my first day as your wife. I don't want my mother in law think I am lazy".

He knew her refusal was only a lips service "It's your first day as my wife. Your mother in law is aware that you need to help your husband to fulfil the elders wish".

Nick lay alice down on the bed, then he climbed on her top "Mum said morning exercise is good for our body. My dear, lets exercise together".

Then they started their first morning exercise. It last much longer that last night. This time, he was much gentle as he was able to control the beast inside him. Nick was also able to fully admire his wife perfect skin and body shape as well as practicing certain method that he learned from video that Alan and Sean showed her few nights ago. On the otherside, Alice admired his skill and stamina to make her the happiest woman in this planet.

"Honey, wake up. It's lunch time" Nick kissed her shoulder then her lips as he woke her up. She smiled at him who just took a shower.

"take shower first. You will be much better after" Nick help her to get up. Alice clinged on his neck to prevent her to fall down as her leg was weak, a sharp pain on her private part made her even worst.

She shierked when she accidentally saw red mark stains on the bed and as well as in her thight.

"Thank you for giving it to me. should I help you shower ?" Nick hugged her naked body and walked her to the bathroom she put a lot of effort to be able to reach the bathroom door.

"No need" Alice slammed the door.

Nick chuckled, he was proud of his self. He knew he did not do bad last night, but this morning he did really well. The secretly thanked his brother that put so much effort to educate him in that subject after he told them that how nervous he was to do it at the first time.

Alice ended her shower soon and came out with only towel wrapped in her body as she forgot to bring her clothes. "Just change it here. I've seen and touch every part" Nick blocked the bathroom entrance and pull the towel off from her body. Alice had no choice but put her clothes on as soon as posible.

Nick held her and lay her down on the bed then pulled her skirt up. She chose to wear skirt as her lower part was still sore. "What are you doing ? I am hungry" Alice tried to stop his hand that pulled her undies down.

"Put some oitment on. It will help to eased your disconford there. I was the culprit so let me help you" Nick put something cold on her private part. It was the hardest job in his life as he tried to control his lust.

"Lets have lunch" he helped her to stand up and tidy up her clothes.

"Where did you get the oitment from ?" Alice asked as it worked very well.

"Alan gave me 2 nights ago" Nick winked.

They walked to the main house with his hand on her waist, he knew her leg was still hurt from the exercises.

"Mum, dad, grands" Nick and Alice were stupefied. The whole family and relatived were there on the living room "Why are you all here ? should you stay at your own place and have a rest ?" Nick was confused.

"We are here to see our newly wed couple" Uncle Teo grinned

"Hahaha.. young man. how was it ?" Uncle Kev winked his eyes.

"Look at their happy face. It should be a good time" Uncle Leo nodded with satisfaction. Nick was speechless.

"Oh, you are here. Are you hungry ? Come have lunch. we just finished our " Mrs Feng rushed to take the newly wed to the kitchen. She knew they must be starving and needed food to replenish their energy.

"Mum, can I have new linen ?" Nick wanted to change and wash their old one as it was stained.