Glamorous wedding

Alice and Nick restarted their third round baby making project for that night. They called it baby making Eventhough he hoped that no baby would be produced soon as he still wanted to keep his wife from him self a little bit longer. He was more than aware that his father wished to have the next generation of Feng blood since Alan had no Feng blood. However, He wished to have stable income first before they had their first baby. He preferred Alice could concentrate to raise their kids without being bothered with family finance as he knew how much hardship his mother faced back there.

On the different side of this world, Andrew Han would just start his marriage life. That day was his wedding day with his long term girl friend, Suzie. His wedding was held in a high class hotel with alot of guesses invited. Most of them were high class people. Andrew was standing with smiley face shaking hand with all the guessess who congratulated him

If anyone paid a little attention, his eyes were fix to the entrance door most of the time. He was searching on a glimpse of certain girl. He sent her his wedding invitation via email. He still had her old email address where they used to communicate on their dating time. He expected her to come and elope with him, he tought she still liked him.

"Congratulation, bro" Byron greeted Andrew as He came with his parents.

"Thanks" Andrew smiled. His miniom came and whispered to him " Keep your eye open. She will be come. she has to come" Andrew muttered.

Byron heart sank he accidentally hear what Andrew said. Byron then stationed him self further closer to the entrance, if she really come, he would be able to notice it first and took her away.

Chairman Ng came with his wife and youngest daughter. He congratulated the groom and the family as well as the bride family before he sat on the chair. He watched the groom and his family when He remembered that the cleaners told him few weeks ago and smirked "Han family, you play an soap opera behind me".

When Byron saw him boss come, hu followed him then went over "He is waiting for her to appear and he may have a plan to run away with her".

Chairman Ng clenched his hands, He was amazed with the groom. He muttered lowly "Despicable". He was scared that she would turned up and made shameful act. On the other hand, he was excited when he though a possibility to see his daughter again .

In every occasion, didn't matter if they were from high society or low sociery, gossip would always be spreaded.

A group of woman were happily chatting here and there, until they reached a topic that made Chairman Ng and Byron eyebrows creased

"Did you hear that Madam Lin second daughter is with Mr Leng now"

"It's true, That girl is after Mr Leng money and power"

"I heard Mr Leng is actually fancy Madam Leng first daughter"

" Really ?"

"I heard the hotel employee that Mr Leng use to do it with that girl told the others that Mr Leng always say her sister skin and body look hotter"

"It's true. Mr Leng intructed all his subordinates to reach for that girl without success"

"I saw Mr Leng subsordinate outside. is he thinking that the girl will come to night ?"

Chairman Ng face paled. He knew the girl that those ladies were talking about is his daughter. He could not and didn't want to think what would happen if she was here "God of mercy, please don't let her come. please save her from this calamity" He prayed in his heart.

Byron dashed to the hotel entrance he was scared something bad happened to Xinxin.

The wedding started. Andrew still held his hope tightly when he said "I do". But His dream was scattered as until the end of the glamorous wedding function, she never appeared. He was unhappy at all, most likely no groom had face as sour as his on his wedding day. He observed his newly wed wife and sneered inwardly "What have I done ? Why did I do it ? Why did I choose this woman back there ? why didn't she come to night? "

When thr groom was not happy, The Chairman Ng felt great, he left the party with big smile. He was delighted that his daughter didn't come that night dispite his desire to catch her glimpse. She Chairman NG was not the only one who was pleased with that night, beside the bride and her family as well as the groom family, Byron, Charlie and Ian were also happy. They had one competitor less.

What a wedding, nearly everybody were happy but only the groom that was gloomy. Destiny was messing around with them. Those silly men compete without knowing that the real champion had been decided months ago