Meeting the nanny

After an hour drive, They arrived at rural area. Chauffeur Wang got off first to ensure they came to the right place and back after few minutes

"Sir, please come this way. Sister Liu house that driver Chin mention is just around the corner"

Chairman NG nodded and followed his faithful chauffeur silently, He was more than ready for the meeting with his poor daughter nanny.

Chauffeur Wang knocked the wooden door gently for few time, then a middle age woman opened the door.

"I am sorry, is it some one called sister Liu live here ? Driver Chin who used to work as Chairman NG eldest daughter gave me this adreess" Chauffeur Wang said.

"It's me. why did brother Chin ask you to see me ? who are you ?" Aunty Liu frowned.

"Chairman NG is here. He wanted to have a chat with you" Chauffeur Wang moved his body to the side so she was able to see his boss who was behind him.

Aunty Liu was dumpfounded. As soon as she got her composure back she greeted Chairman NG and let him come inside.

Chairman NG stared coldly at Aunty Liu "How long did you work there ?".

"I looked after Miss since she was five. I replaced her old nany the old woman who is the wife of the previous driver before brother Chin. My Job was attend Miss personal needed"

"Did you cook for her ? How many day in a week did you make her starving ? what kind of animal food did you give to her ?" Chairman asked with indifferent voice. He could imagine what kind of suffering his daughter had during that time. He came with exellent mental preparation, as he wanted to know every sad story about his daughter. He didn't bother about the documents that Driver Chin told him as they had been sent to his phone.

"I am sory Sir. I am really sory" Aunty Liu closed her eyes. she was ashame of herself to make the girl suffered since young age.

"You took the second hand clothes that her mother gave to her for your daughter. And you only let her wore it after your daughter didn't want it anymore. Am I right ?" Chairman sneered. his sharp eyes saw the family pictures on the living room with a little girl wearing pretty and expensive clothes.

"I am sory Sir" Aunty Liu sobbed while Chauffeur Wang shook his head.

Chairman Ng laughed bitterly. After years, he found out the fact behind his daughter shabby appearance that made him dispice his daughter "Tell me what you want to confess. Driver Chin said you have alot of untold story"

"Sir. I am sorry to make Miss suffer. I didn't cook properly for her nor called doctors when she was sick. I was dare to do it because Madam didn't care about her, she never care about her wellbeing at all but never hurt her in front of me. Eventhough, other maids said Madam slapped her hardly once and even drowned Miss until she was nearly death"

"What did you say ? she nearly kill my daughter ?" Chairman NG shrieked.

"I am not sure about the rumour sir. Madam threated both girls coldly but she more favour second Miss. When I came to the house, Miss always smiled and tried to get Madam affection. But since Miss was hospitalised, she changed 180 degree. Please excuse me for minutes" Aunty Liu went to her room and came back with box of jewellery.

"These are belong to Miss. I didn't steal them. Second miss always snapped all of her jewellery once it was delivered. Once she bored, she gave most of them to the maids . Some was given to me when Miss left this country"

Chairman NG stared at the box, it was not a surprise story for him. If his princess wore third hand clothes, there was no way her ever had her jewellery.

"Except for this" Aunty Liu showed a beautiful necklace.

"That. Is it Little Miss favourite necklace that was stolen on her birthday ?" Chauffeur Wang blurted. He never forgot that chaotic day for the rest of his life.

"Yes. Madam elder brother gave it to me. He did it by purpose to make Chairman hate Miss and never invited Miss to any family gathering anymore. His son fancied Miss and nearly raped her. He came to Miss room when she had napped. At that time no one was home, It was only me.

I came to Miss room when I heard Miss scream, he only managed to rip her clothes. That was the nobble thing I have ever done to Miss. They forced me to confess that Miss was near the room otherwise they would do something to my daughter" Aunty Liu wept.

"What else ?" Chairman NG voice was cold and scary. He tried to control his anger as he determined to know the truth this time.

"About that problem with Han family. I don't know much but Young master Han current wife was Miss friend. I think those people cheated behind her"

Aunty Liu paused she wanted to say something but abit hestitate.

"I know that Director Xia will be your son in law soon. But I have to tell you that he fancied Miss. Before I left the house, He came and asked me to find Miss picture for him. There was only one picture of Miss, It was taken months before during her graduation. I didn't have heart to give it to him because I am sure Madam need it. I know dispite everything, She loves Miss. I am not sure if director Xia managed to get Miss picture or not"

"This document signed by Miss since Madam promised to take her to amusement park to play but of course she lied. She never enjoyed the ride, When Madam and second Miss went to amusement park, they left her on the entrance gate. I know it as I heard second Miss tell secretary Huang about it over the phone"