Birthday wish

By the time Alice and Nick were back home, it was dinner time. Alice sat nicely on the dinning table without washing up first. She was starving, all her lunch had been burned down when they did the exercise. She was stunned as she saw fried noodle with quail egg served on the table, It was birthday signature dish for Feng family.

She was speechless when Mrs Feng, Cacha and Lana brough the rest of the dishes. they were all her favourite dishes.

"Happy birthday, Dear" Mrs Feng kissed Alice cheek

"Happy birthday our pretty sister" Lana and Cacha also kissed her. Alice also noticed that Sasha had sent her birthday messages as well.

"No wonder you were disappeared this afternoon and Mama Feng were busy on the kitchen. I should have predicted when Mama forced me to have dinner here. Where did you go this afternoon ?" Joshed chuckled.

"It's a secret" Nick grinned.

"Happy birthday girl" Mr Feng said while Sean kissed Alice cheek "Happy birthday, please give me more nephew"

Alice had double portion of dinner that night. The food on night was very delicious, she was not sure if it was because she was very hungry or she was too happy that someone that she called mother cooked her birthday meal.

Darling, when is Mum birthday ?" Alice wishpered to her husband during their dinner.

"October 28"

"Why didn't you tell me last year ?" Alice complained.

"I can not let you earn to many good point. Mum standar will be higher so it will be hard for my bothers wife" Nick said honestly while Alice pouted.

"Hey, Sean. I heard you have another girl chase you this week" Nick said.

Sean glared as his baby sister, he was too naive to think that she was mature enough not to spread gossip anymore.

"All of one, one for all" Cacha grinned and made a V sign with her indexed and middle finger without any hestitation.

"Which one is better ?" Mr Feng asked

"The new one" Cacha giggled "She is more soft and girlish. I don't like the other one too fierce. Second brother deserved a girlish one".

"Don't buy her words. Those ladies only caused me trouble" Sean shook his head.

"First looked like trouble but it will turn to be sweet. Am I right darling ?" Alice giggled.

"is it personal experience ? " Lana laughed.

"Don't eat too much. We still have this" Mrs feng came with a birthday cake that Nick ordered.

"Eldest sister, make a wish before you blow the candle" Lana said.

"I want have baby soon" Alice said out of loud. Mr and Mrs Feng were very delighted with their daughter in law wish.

Lana took few pictures and she sent it through the family group chat.

Alice hardly updated her social media, but that day, she uploaded a picture of her and him for the first time in few months with captio 'Thanks to make me feel special. Love you dearly'.

Few hours later, some on was knocking Nick and Alice roo.. They just had shower "Bro, can I talk to both of you ? Urgent" It was Sean

Nick got up and opened the door while Alice sat down on the edge of the bed "What happen ? come in side".

Sean closed the door and sat on the chair of Alice dresser"Bro, I just have a notification from country T. That rat submitted form to change the ownership of sister in law mansion to him".

Nick smiled with satisfaction, they prediction came through. Lucky, They had made perfect preparation.

"What mansion ?" Alice asked.

"The place that your mother stayed.she will be kick out from her house in no time. He has also changed your mother bank account to his, he didn't know she has no money. Did you know that the money that you gave to your mother is not recieved by her yet ?" Sean said while Alice shook her head.

"Your sly husband set up a trust account for that money. your mother only receive monthly allowance, it is deposited to new account. It is enough for her daily expense and rent. So My question is what we should do about the mansion" Sean explained.

"I don't care" Alice said.

Nick snorted " So, do you want bad people live happily ? Will it be better to donate it to charity ? Sean, you and your friends established a charity foundation, right ?"

Sean nodded "yes. to help orphans in poor nations"

"Honey, what do you think if you donate the house to them ?" Nick asked

"But it is no longer belong to me. she made me signed change of ownership to her years ago" Alice was confused.

"Don't worry about it. We fixed it with Ed help ages ago" Nick said while stroking Alice hair. Alice was dumpstruck, she had an idea when it was done.

"Sure, I am more than happy to sign it"

"I am preparing the document now. Lets teach that rat a lesson. Have a nice birthday night" Sean left the room.

The news that Sean brought made Alice mood turned gloomy. She sat on her bed and was in daze. She could not figure out how she felt but deep inside her heart, she was grateful that Nick was very thoughtful so her mother was still able to live well.

Nick shook his head helplessly, when he saw his wife in daze. He wondered why his brother had to spoil his wife good mood on her birthday.

He grinned slyly as he came up with an idea how to make his wife cheerful again. He held her waist and spoke softly on her ear "Honey, Lets work to make your birthday wish come true. They said you have to be in exellent mood so our baby will be cute". Alice giggled and let her husband showed his power.

"Honey, I hope next year I can give you a grand birthday party" Nick pecked Alice lips one more time back after they finished baby making activity.

"I prefer to have family lunch or dinner on my birthday with my family" Alice sneaked to his embraced "Anyway, I don't think it will convenient to go out with little baby next year".

Nick chuckled, he had to work harder to fullfil his wife birthday wish "Lets try once more".