Effect of hunger

Nick went back to his rented apartment unit faster than expected. When he opened the door, he just saw Alice lazily lay down with her eyes half opened. Alice who just woke up few minutes ago smiled. She got up from the bed and dashed to hugged her husband "You are back".

Then She helped her husband to open his suit before the both sat of the sofa. Alice leaned to his chest and her hand roamed around his broad chest

"Do you miss me ?" Nick asked and Alice nodded.

"Prove it"

Alice was provoked by his words, she pushed him down and sealed his lips while she was on top. Her lust took over her rational, she subconsciously unbutton his shirt and too it off before did the same to his trousers.

Nick smiled and groaned with satisfaction, he just let his wife serve him. It was very rare for her to take a lead, in fact it was her second time. But on the way through the process he was not patient enough, so he took over it not long after.

Nick was awaken by sound of his phone.

" hello" he was half a sleep.

"Boss, where are you ? we are on the BBQ restaurant on xxx district" It was one of the man in his team.

"What ?" Nick confused.

"Finance division invite us for dinner to day"

"I can not come. I have important matter" Nick ended the call and back to sleep while hugging his wife who was still in deep slumber. When he was half doze off his phone rang again. He grunted and pick up the phone without looking the caller ID

"Eldest brother, are you coming here for dinner ? Oppa bought spicy fried chicken. It's very yummy" Cacha was on the other side.

"bring mine and Alice part here. She is still sleeping" Nick cut.

less than 10 minutes later, the bell rang. Nick who just finished taking shower opened the door slighly. "Give me the food. Your eldesy sister is still sleeping" Nick snatched the food from Cacha and closed the door imedietely. He didn't want his sister to see the mess and his naked wife.

"Who is coming ?" Alice asked. She was woken up by the bell.

"Cacha. she delivered some food for our dinner" Nick showed her the plastic bag.

Alice smiled, then she got up and run toward the bathroom. She was shy and unconfortable without any clothes in front of her husband eventhough they had been married for nearly a year. She had a quick shower and wore her bathrobe since It was the only thing available on the bathroom as she forgot to bring any clothes.

"Come, lets have dinner" Nick said.

The chicken was yummy but spicy, Alice drank alot of water to reduce the hot sensation. Nonetheless, they were able to eat them clean.

" Is it spicy ?" Nick hugged from behind while she was washing her hands on the kitchen sink "Very".

"let me see" He turned her body to face him. He could see her lips were red with stain of oil and the souce.

Nick licked and sealed her lips "Honey, Lets try kitchen activity".

After their second round while hugging his wife who was sitting on kitchen bench, He asked his wife.

"Honey, do you like this way ? do you feel the different ?"

"What ?" Alice didn't understand.

"Before I always use protection. When i did it without protection, I let it out outside your cave. I don't use any for today and do it inside. Do you like it ?"

"I don't know" Alice blushed.

"Lets do it again so you know"

"I like this way" Alice said honestly, she need a break.

"Since you like it, let have another round"

Nick really could not control his self, it was their first time to have their own space after they were back from their honey moon. So, he coaxed his wife to do exercise in different of the place and different style. Nick was paused in the middle of this third round, Alice grunted.

"What happen honey ? tell me what do you want" He force her to beg him to satisfy her need.

"I want you" She did not like being abandon half way through.

"What ? I can't hear you"

"I want you please" She said it loudly

Nick grinned then he sealed her lips and made her came before he finally released his liquid for the third time and collapse.

"Honey. I have a good news. I just signed the contract with Mike. He is going to implement out system across all business unit under his group. I am really glad, finally I can provide good finance for you and our kids as well as my parent" Nick hugged his wife after third round.

"Congratulation darling" Alice said.

"give me reward, please"

"no" But her refusal was not being considered at all. He also tricked her to let her moan and shriek escaped freely and loudly "Let it out honey. If you do it I'll let you go after this".

But he lied, the more and the louder she was, his desire were higher.He managed to do it one more round after that round before finally they collapsed just before dawn.

Nick woke up the morning due to loud knock on the door. Mr feng delivered breakfast for his son, he shook his head when Nick opened the door with bare chest he was a man, he knew what had happened there.

After his dad left, he woke alice up and feed her breakfast on their bed.

"I am going to shower, it's very sticky" Alice said after shallowed the last bite of her breakfast.

"Lets have bathe instead, the last time we had bathe was durind our honey moo " Nick took his wife to have bathe together.

When they came out from the bathroom more than half an hour later, Alice body was clean from sticky thinhs but trace of her husband power remaining in her body for new more dayd.

"Please pardon me" Alice really had no energy left. She learned a good lesson not to let her husband starved too long. Because the effect of hunger was worst than aphrodite.

"Lets have sleep until 10. We need to visit uncle Jung after lunch"

Nick checked his phone, he heard it was ringing before when he was in the middle of his exercise. He frowned as it was his staff and called him back.

"Boss, where are you ? the marketing team invite us to their team outing. Borther wi doesn't come as he is shopping"

"Enjoy your self. I have need to look after my family" Nick ended the call and slept.

He was very satisfied after few round last night and even managed to had another session in the bathroom when they soaked on hot bath in the morning.