First two days in country K

Alice and Nick woke up again after 10. They changed their clothes and went to Sasha place upstair to have lunch that was full of laugh and harmony. After that the whole family went to Jung family house by hiring taxi. The house was located in outskirts of the city, it was a high class residence area so no public transport was available there.

"Hi uncle, aunty welcome. Alice Come in side" Mike smiled when he open the door. The Feng family didn't have difficulty to pass the security as the Jung family had informed about their guests.

"please have a seat and feel like in our own house " Mike added as he saw how hestitated the family was, especially the old feng couple.

"wife, future in law are here" Uncle Jung shouted then went to the living room.

Aunty Jung and Hans came to the room at the same time. Hans only manages to greet his future in law before Without any further consideration, Aunty Jung took The female members of the feng family upstairs where others female member of her and her husband had been waiting for them.

Alice were familiar with most of them since they met each during Mike and Lisa enggagement party.

"This is Hans Future wife. she is pretty, is she ? she is Alice sister in law" aunty Jung introduced Sasha. she deliberately didn't mention about Nick as her husband and son warned her not to. They worried it would made big implications due to the contract. Sasha was very awkward as one by one the ladies took turned to interogate her. Lucky Alice saved her day by shift the ladies attention to the dress.

Meantime, in the living room.

"where are you going ?" Mike yelled at his brother when Hans was about to leave the room where he and his dad entertained Nick and his father.

"Upstairs, checking my girl. Aunties may bully her"

"Sit here. do you think your mother is a cruel mother in law who let her daughter in law suffer ?" Uncle Jung scolded his second son.

Hans sat back helplessly and got tortured by his own father and brother nonstop. His sworn brother who apparently his furture brother in law wasn't helpfull at all. He collaborated with others to made Hans day even worst. Only Mr Feng gave him a bit relief.

"Darling, what did you guys do to Hans ? His face is very sour ?" Alice asked when they were on the way back. After had dinner with the Jung family, Hans and a chauffeur was ordered to take them back home.

Nick laughed "Just a bit here and there".

Alice chuckled "Sasha had a hard one as well. I am so lucky, our Feng family are as not as busybody like Hans aunties".

"You should thank me as well. I wan^mt you to do it properly tonight" he kissed her hand and winked.

she was speechless, her husband more and more bold.

Alice and Nick spent half of their sunday with Lisa and her family. They had wonderful chat while did the fitting while Nick accompany Lisa dad.

"Oh My. Look your one much better than My wedding gown" Lisa had dilemma. She supposed to use Alice gown for saturday.

They had two wedding functions, first one would be on saturday would be attended by the whole employees in their company. The second one was sunday the next day, i would be attended by family and important business partners and family friends.

"You are right" Her mothers and all the female in their family agreed.

"Alice, Mike said you will have your first collection release in october. Is it right ?" Lisa asked. Alice smiled and nodded, aunty Jung asked the same yesterday.

"you have to tell me. promise ?" One of Lisa aunty warned Alice.

"Don't worry aunty. I'll" Lisa said.

"How many will you release ?" Lisa asked

" Mine only have 5 model for youngster and 5 for more mature lady in series. each series has around 5 different colour and detail, the size only small, medium and large. Hopefully we can finished another 2. But the other brand will release a lot. because they are massed production with various size. you know it from different user target" Alice explained briefly.

"Good, we have our personal dress maker now" Lisa's mum was happy for Alice.

"Alice, I am on my black out periode. I am allowed to see Mike from yesterday until saturday. Why did you have 3 days and I have 7 days ?"

"Because you are in relationship with Mike longer than me. Trust me it will make your wedding nigth much meaning full" Alice teased.

"Hey, tell me about your wedding night !" Angie suddenly appreared. She and Sasha were the bridemaids.

Lisa, her mother and her aunties who were still there were excitedly anticipating Alice answer.

"Come on don't be shy. We are all woman her. Did he do it gently ? is he good?" Once of Lisa aunty asked.

Alice was dumpstruck, her face was red. she wondered why those middle age ladies shamelessly asked that kind of question.

"Sory Miss, Mr Feng asked if his wife has finished here" A maid came.

"I am coming" Alice tidied up her stuff and rushed to her husband side as fast as she could. She desperately needed her husband protection to save her from those shameless questions.