The Party

On friday, they went back to the city after breakfast. They all travelled in 3 cars, One SUV wad where the elders, Mrs Jung and old Feng couple were, one where Cacha and Mrs Jung family were and the other was where Nick, Alice, Hans and Sasha were.

"Hey, can you sit in the front ?" Hans frowned as he saw Nick and Alice were being lovey dovey on the back seat.

"No. I want to enjoy the scene with my wife. Righ honey ?" He pecked Alice lips.

Alice grinned and kissed him back.

"you two are really something" Hans shook his head helplessly. He wished he asked a chauffeur to drive so he could enjoy the scene while hugging his lover as well.

Friday night at 6 they were still somewhere far away from their destination. it took much more longer since Hans maternal grandparent insisted to take their future in law to their relative place then had dinner in their favourite place.

At 7 O'clock Mike called Nick "Mate, where are you ? Russ and me already here in the club, asked Hans to bring you here"

"We are till somewhere, having dinner with your mother family" Nick answered with low voice.

Mike hung up and called his bro to scold him. "don't blame me. Mum insisted to comw to grandpa house. they are bewitched with my in law" Hans fired back and ended the call.

Nick knew Hans was in bad mood after that so he sat next to him in the front seat and let his wife and his sister to enjoy their time together.

"Bro, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 11. Your parents and Cacha will not come. My grandparent will do their best to make Cacha and my cousin together. I really don't like the idea of double in law. Hard to manage" Hans said.

"Me too. it will be hard if there is any misunderstanding" Nick agreed.

Hans were glad with nick respond.

Next Morning, Nick and Alice were ready before Hans arrived. Alice wore a pink salmon dress with light make up and her hair were style in simple half bun while Nick wore a tight fitting black shirt with black pants and light salmon semi formal suit.

"My wife is so pretty" Nick admired his wife.

"you are very handsome too. Can you change the shirt ?" Alice was not happy as the tight shirt really highlighted her husband well tone body. Nick laughed and kissed her lips, he loved when his wife showed her jealousy.

They arrived at the venue and went to greet the bride and the groom straight away.. It was was an outdoor party but the bride and the groom were still hide on a small bungalow there.

Russell rushed and hugged his best friend as soon as Nick entered the room.

"Sory bro. I could not come to your wedding. I am really busy" Russel and Mike were highschool best friend. Nick and him became friend due to Mike. He went back to his home country to take over his parent business when Nick went to Country U

"No problem. This is my wife. where is yours ?" Nick grinned.

"Ah, No wonder you rushed your wedding. You were scare that someone stole this beautiful lady. unfortunately for me, I don't have girl friend yet" Russ shook hand with Alice, He was stunned with her beauty.

" You can not flirt with Sasha any more, she is mine" Hans hugged Sasha to show Russ his domineering.

"But Angie is still available" The bride really meant it. It was only Angie and Russ that were single in that room.

"you are showing off, jerk" Russ sneered at Hans before spoke to Nick "How is Sean ?".

" single but has 2 new secret admire, very pretty one" Hans anwered.

Four handsome gentlemen had nice catch up

Alice was surprised when she saw Lisa didn't wear the dressed that she designed "I wear yours tomorrow. My mum and mother in law are with me" Lisa grinned.

"Alice, you look like teen" Angie praised her.

"Me ? nah, it's the girl that just start her love journey who look like teen" Alice teased Sasha.

"right. I think next year, we are going to be family. Lets think how to make Angie become our as well" Lisa said.

"How about introduce her to your cousin" Sasha said.

"hey ! I am here. How come are plotting in front of me" Angie was angry.

"excuse me, we are going to start soon. Can you all please heading towards the venue" one of wedding organiser politely asked. he was stunned to see four lady who were pretty in their own way.

Alice, Angie and Sasha left the room and went to the wedding venue where as three men were tailing behind them.

The female were exciting when they saw three handsome men. The directors signaled their wife and daughters to Nick direction whow were whispering witj each other. The single men wished the same as they saw three beautiful ladies walked closer. There were a number of young managers and directors in Jung coorporation that were still single.

One of senior director came and greeted Nick "Mr Feng, How are you ? This is my wife and My daughter. My daughter is 27 years old. she had good carrer but still single"

Nick smiled "Hello. This is my wife" he introduced Alice. Alice smiled politely as the many people were dumpstruck.

"Gosh, is he married a teen ? is he a paedophile?"

" No wonder he doesn't attract to any of us. his wife is so pretty"

Nick and alice could hear some of what those people murmured.

Hans took Sasha with him and introduced her to some of the employee that close to him as his future wife.

After that, They just sat on the table and restarted their conversation.

The party was finished at 3 then they had another after party drink. They finished at 9 because the stars of the day and their bestmen and bridesmaid required a good rest.