Lucky star

On Monday, Alice went to the doctor with Mrs Feng. Nick asked his mother to accompany her as he held important meeting. He made a major changed in his company.

"This is the new company structure, 4 teams analise and design, coding, testing and implement, the last one is maintenance. You can see the team members and the team leader. Leo will be my assistant and there will be a secretary soon and 5 more team member. We have a new project after Jung company project is up and run. We have company B in country U project and well as one project for banking share trading"

Nick made more room for him self to look after his pregnant wife. His company now was stable financially as more project was on his table.

Nick remembered clearly how his mum suffered when she was pregnant with Cacha. So he swore to look after his wife well. He commited him self to drive her to work and picked her up in the afternoon, ensure she ate well and took her pregnancy supplement regularly.

Alice was back to work as normal on tuesday and busy with her work. But She did not let her self exhausted. The sales of their store was not good at the first week. The second week was just similar however the online sales were double up. They sent the order by post on monday so the customers recieved them by friday. They were very happy and recommend the product to their close friends. third week the online order was even better. Alice was delighted that their products were accepted.

"How long will you go for ?" Alice asked Sean when he was about to go on his business trip again.

"I'll be back friday. In time for your first debut" Sean chuckled.

"It's not about that. My opening day is same day as mum birthday. I want to celebrate her birthday"

"Definitely. I'll be home by that time"

"Ok. Jasmine has been waiting for ages, don't made her wait too long. By the way, It seems that Mum is quiet happy with her" Alice grinned.

Nick chuckled as he saw sean pretended not to hear what Alice opinion.

"Honey. do you know what day today is ?" Nick asked.

"What ?" Alice asked back

"You remember I left you but you didn't remember When I gave you the pleasure for the first time" Nick amazed.

"Oh.. Happy anniversary Darling!"Alice kissed her husband.

"Change your clothes. I take you out for dinner. Formal one please"

Alice nodded. she saw Nick was already in his suit.

They had a candle light dinner in a wonderful place, and ended the the night with a passionate bed activity. Alice was more bold on that activity since she was pregnant. Nick was reluctant at the beginning but She was confident that it would be fine to do it even she had not reached 12 weeks yet "We did it every night until we knew about it. I was fine and nothing bad happen. Darling, mum said when a woman is pregnant she has to get what ever she is craving for otherwise the baby will drolling non stop"

Nick was speechless, he only could hapily compiled with her request. She was happy and he was happy, no harm.

"Darling, Do you know what I wish today ?" Alice caressed her belly that had no baby bump yet.

"What ?"

"I want have alot of kids. I want 5"

Nick snorted "Just have this one first and see how it goes. Then we will talk about it again. Please don't tell Dad about it. Don't make he hold on false hope".

He was ready financially but not mentally, he witnessed how much challenges his mum faced to look after five of them.

The final week before her first debut was made her exciting but she really took care of her self for her baby shake.

She put her baby on top of everything, he was legacy of their love and what her parents in law yearn for.

"All fix, I don't have much expectation for sunday" Alice said when Nick turned up on her shop to picked her up on friday.

"I have a gift for you" Nick let her sit and handed an ipad. He unlocked and opened an aplication.

"Check this"

"This !?"

"It's an application for your customer to design their own gown. You need to measure them first, put the measurement here. Then you can give them a design. The customer can adjust what ever fabric or style by using this tool. This feature is to enable them to see the virtual sample " Nick showed Alice how the software work.

"Thank you. you are the best. I love you more and more. How long did you spend to built this apps for me" Alice jumped and showered him with kissed.

"You are my lucky star. I started it few months ago" Nick kissed her back.

"Oh Darling. You are Not only lucky star you are my sun and my moon. I love you"

Every friday, everyone left early to spend time with their love on. Since no body there beside them, they continued snogging each other for longtime until her belly let a funny sound.

Nick chuckled "Lets go home. Baby is hungry" Nick kissed her swollen and wet lips.

"Wait" Alice turned off all the light and set off the alarm before they locked the door.