Get you back

"How about Leng b****d, what are ypu going to do? he keep searching for our niece " Ming asked.

"I didn't protect my princess well before, I won't let her down again this timr. He knows she is my daughter but still challenge me. what do yo think I should do ?" Chairman NG glanced at his three brother while Three of the man shook their head.

"Spread the gossip he got HIV. watch him closely, when he do his blood test. Bride the hospital to show it positive. If necessary, find someone who has infected with the virus and get him infected as well" Chairman sneered

The brothers laughed, they never expected their ruthless and cruelest brother were back after thirty years.

Back to the office, Chaiman NG was in agony. He felt lonely and helpless, He neglected his biological kids and now the only son he had is going to leave him.

"Secretary Chin. Please ask chauffeur Wang to get ready in 10 minutes" He pressed his secretary extention then made a private call "Cobra. Meet me in half an hour. I need your help". In his desperation and loneliness, his courage to meet her was up.

Cobra and charman NG sat on the back seat of Cobra's car.

"drive me to Lin xi place please" Chairman NG said.

"Do what he said" Jing wu ordered his subordinates, he wondered why his brother only did it after while.

"Cobro, can your men drive me there every time I want to meet her ?"

"Sure bro. But why don't you ask your chauffeur? "

"I don't want him know to much. I don't want him got trouble, I have limited people around me now. I think I need Ming people to be stationed in my office as well"

Not long after, they arrived as a quiet and rather poor area "she lives here since she was kicked out from the mansion, but She has enough monthly allowance from your daughter".

Both man got off from the car woith Cobra led the way "this is her rented house"

Jing wu knocked the door. A middle age lady opened the door, despite her age she still looked beautiful.

"Madam, your old love her to see you" Cobra let a fozy grinned and moved a side and left those two see each other.

"Xixi, can I come inside ?" Chairman smiled and pushed the door wider then stepped in to the house without waiting the owner permission.

Madam Lin was stunned "Why are you here ?, Why do you call me that way?".

"Xixi, Can you make me a chrysanthemum tea that you used to make one for me ?" He sat down. Madam Lin went to the kitchen to do as he said without saying anything. She was wondering why she obediently did as he said.

He noticed it was only small house with one bedroom when Madan Lin brought the tea and serve it for him. He drank it and smiled.

"Xixi, do you want to go back to the place where you stayed for the last 25 years ? He put it on market".

"No. I am happy here. They give me enough monthly allowance" She answered firmly.

"Xinxin donated the house to charity organisation. He won't get any money. If you want it I can make a bid with highest price" Chairman NG took a other sip.

" I don't want it. I also know he won't get any think. Son in law is very smart and good man. Ed Ming told me before" She also drank hers.

"Are they married ?"

"I supposed. He kept adressing them brother and sister in law. That night in the restaurant he showed me her picture. she wore red dress, looked like a wedding dress. she was very pretty. That boy didn't allowed me to have any of her picture" She smiled as she remembered that picture.

Chairman took the picture on the side table, it was a small baby and a toddler girl "is it Xinxin ?".

" Yeah. those are the only pictures I have. The one when she was in highschool were gone. I don't know where it is".

"I don't have any of hers. I riped the only one I had years ago" He smiled bitterly.

Chairman NG saw a Buddhist prayer beaded and took it. "Driver Chin wife taughed me pray. It's good for me. I pray for my deceased mother and sick father also for her" She took the prayer beads from him.

"next weekend, Lets go to temple in N mountain. Lets pray together" Chairman Ng took her hand and clutched it with his hands to prevent her pulled it.

"What are doing ?" Madam Lin yelled.

"Xixi, I am sorry. I know I was wronged you for many years. But I was too ignorance, I just finally understood why I named her Xinxin ? It's to rhyme with your name."

"Shut up. I don't want to hear".

"Xixi, I am really sorry. Lets talk" He enveloped her with his body.

"Let go of me" she yelled and struggled. He was not young anymore, but he was still strong and overpowered her like many years do.

After after tantrum, curse and cryed,hemanaged to apologise his mistake. It was their first time to talk nicely and peacefully after more than 25 years.

Chairman NG left the place nearly midnight. "I'll come here next saturday morning" He stood there until she closed the door.

"Xixi. I am going to get you back as well as our princess" his face gleamed with joyfull, His loneliness was faded. She was still the same as when she was 20, she had him in her heart and her smile made his heart eased. He was too coward, if only he did it right after he knew the truth, he would feel better much earlier.