Like last year

"What do you like for lunch ?" Nick asked.

"Anything. Our Baby is starving"

He took her to a Ramen bar. Alice loved noodle ever since she was pregnant.

They took the seat necmxt to the window then they put their order.

"Darling. Is that Sean and Jasmine ?" Alice asked when they were waiting for the food.

"They may have some business together" He said.

" They look good together "

Before Nick could say anything, They ordered came. As soon as She saw noddle she forgot about Sean matter then attacked their food in instant.

after their lunch, Alice showed him an address "Darling, Lets go to this place". Since he was not familiar with it, He added it to the GPS on this car. The trafic was good so they were able to arrive in that place very soon.

Nick parked his car in front of an office complex, it looked like a new developed one.

"Lets go" Alice clutched his hand to certain direction. She seemed now where to go.

"Here we are" They stopped at a small block of two storey office building. She took a key and opened it.

"Don't tell me this is for me " Nick said as soon as they were inside.

"My saving only enough to pay half of the price. So, I applied morgage loan from the Bank with Angie help. You have to pay for the monthly repayment"

"Where did you getthe money from?" Nick asked

"Do you remember you forced me to sold my baby years ago ? I didn't use the money as you taught me how to sell my brand new expensive things. I put yhem all on term deposit and halve of it gone for my mother" Alice explained

Nich hugged her "I really don't want you to use your money for me. Use it for you self, buy any luxury thing that you like but not sport car please"

Alice hugged him back "Darling. You are the most priceless one for me. Initially I want use my saving to start my business but Mum and Dad gave us the money. You bought the shop for me, I want to give something to support you as well"

"Hon. I am really glad that you care of me. A slong as you are with me, it's enough. I don't know when I will be able to shower you with expensive stuffs so I prefer you use your own saving to treat your self"

"Darling, we are husband and wife. On our wedding day we vowed to support each other. why can I do it for us ? currently, I really don't need those branded things. Also, When you are already become successful, I'll be full time wife, full time mother and good daughter in law. So you have to provide me with everything"

Alice took a deep breath" Also I over heard that Mum and Dad wanted to sell their investment property to buy you a place. We could not let them do it. They need to prepare for Sasha dowry, Alan and Sean betrothal gift as well. They had given us to much"

He sealed his wife lips with his kisses to prevent her speak any further. Nick caressed Alice face then her swollen lips "I must did a very good deed in my past life to have you as my wife".

"No. It was my luck to be with you. I don't mind trade everything that I have as long as we can live happily together" Alice turned to kissed her husband.

" Darling, Thank you for choosing me as your otherhalf. I am very happy" Alice closed her eyes in his embraced.

" Do my parents know about this place ?" he asked after while.

Alice just made N sound.

"Is it a reason Why Josh said you disappeared with Mum for few days ?" He pinched her cheek lightly while she giggled.

"Birthday surprise ! But remember to pay the morgage. I applied for 20 years. You still have 2 years contract for your old office, mum said to give it to Sean" Alice said with beaming smile.

"Did mum and dad put any money for this?" he asked curiously.

"No. I threatened them to move out if they used their own money for us again. But they made me promise to make you buy our own house" Alice lifted her chin with proud.

"We will soon. I actually thinking to buy an office but I'll use it for our house" He couldn't help but give another peck on her lips "Business is getting better. I managed to get all my salary back for the missing months. I reward my self with higher rate that when I worked. You are my lucky start"

"Lets go home. I need to help mum for your birthday dinner. I have no budget to eat outside as I already spent a lot on your birthday present" She teased him.

"Thanks for reminding me, I actually forgot today is my birthday. Honey, Can I ask another birthday present ? the one like last year ?".

Alice giggled and tried to avoid him.

"Hey, I am super serious. I really like it" he did his best to make his wife's eye met him.

"Ok" Alice face blushed as she was agreed with his request.

"Yes !" He yelled. "Lets go home then".