He is jealous

" This is your receipt. Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful wedding" Alice stood and she shook hand with the bride while those customer stared at her belly. Then They left the shop awkwardly.

"Thank you for coming " Nick opened the door to let them out.

Nick scrolled the rolling door down and lock it before locked the glass door and turned around sign on the door so the closed sign faced outward. He turned off the light as well. Alice frowned as he ignored her after he finished and his face was very sour.

"What happen with you ?" She asked

"What happen ? he flirted with you and you happily played with him " Nick said half shouted.

" Did I ? I didn't do anything" Alice shouted back.

"You smiled to him. Did I not satisfied you at night ?" He sneered.

"They are my customer, should I gave them a cold face ? Do you want me to kick all men who come here ? Fine, I'll do it".

Alice sneered "Did you hide something from me ? Do you cheat on me with your secretary" Alice breath was very heavy.

"Why is it related to My secretary ?" Nick voice was trembled.

"why not ? Do you think i didn't know that she fancies you, she wears sexy dress all the time. who knows you like her as well and take her to a hotel with you on day time. me, looking for other man ? your sister and your god brother are here all the time to monitor me. Your mother come here very lunch. But you ? you are free" she exploded.

"Don't accuse me, I never do that I" Nick stopped as She saw Alice cried silently. His agreed turned to be a helpless states when he saw her tears and she bit her lips enduring her anger and sorrow. It was his first time to see her in that state after long time.

"You are angry that I accused you. but You also accused me" Alice all of sudden registered sensation in her tummy. She shrieked and over her belly in reflect. Nick held her waist in panic "are you ok hon ?".

"Don't touch me and don't call me that way. Why should you call me that way while you accused me cheating behind your back" Alice removed his hand from her waist rudely.

Nick closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he also didn't know why he acted harshly "Hon, I am sory. I was irrational earlier. I don't know but I think I was jealous"

Alice took her handbag and ignored him. She went to the garage but didn't get inside the car. Instead, she opened the small door and about to leave when Nick managed to clutch her hand. He hugged her from behind and offered her his apologise for few times.

"Please, Lets get on the car. Ok ?" He coaxed her.

Ah Alice shrieked again as she felt another sensation on her belly when Nick helped her to sit. "Should we go to hospital ?" He hold her belly and looked very paled.

"No need. I think he kicked me" Alice said coldly.

"Sory Baby. It's Dad fault. I won't irritate your mother anymore" He kissed her belly carefully.

On they way home, Nick tried his best to engage her in conversation but she ignored him all the time. She didn't even gave him a glance, she was still angry.

Nick stopped his car in front of a shopping village. He got off from his car and came back in 15 minutes with a box of food. it was Korean spicy fried chicken with rice cake. "Hon, this is yummy" He fed her, her wife could not resist any spicy food since she had baby inside her. Alice opened her mouth have a bite, Nick smiled as she chewed, then He kissed her.

"What are you doing ?" She asked while pushing him away.

"Just clean the sauce on your lips" He grinned.

" I am sorry Honey. I was very unreasonable earlier. Please forgive me ok ?"

Since Alice did not react, He cupped her face "Hon, please have a faith on me. I never spare any glance for any women other that you, ok ?"

"it's you who start it. You doubt me first. I could not remember if I met them before. I didn't flirt at all, I am not interested with him" Alice eyes begun waterly again.

"Alright, It's my fault. I don't know why I am so jealous" Nick pulled her to his embraced while coaxed her.

Alice peeped on nick watch after she was calm down. "5 o'clock? oh gosh ! I suppose to prepare dinner tonight" Alice was panick. "It's all your fault" She glared at her husband angrily.

"I am sorry. Lets just buy more of this fried chicked for tonight" Nick calmed her down.

They arrived home shortly after they bought more spicy fried chicken. Then, he help Alice to cook two more dishes and rice.

"It had been ages to see him in the kitchen" Mr Feng dumpfounded when he saw his eldest son cooking.

"True, Since Alice start cooking he hardly cook. Especially after they got married" Mrs Feng agreed with her husband.

"He probably made eldest sister angry and now try to redempt him sefl. Look Eldest sister is so fierce" Cacha smile cheekily.

"Most likely" Mrs and Mr Feng smirked. They wondered what he did

They had their dinner without Sean who had Christmas party invitation that night.

Nick also helped his wife washing the dirty kitchenware after dinner. He would do everything to cheer his wife so she would not punish him at night. After that night, They wouldn't able to enjoy their night for new days until they were in Hokkaido.

"do all men alway think about their lower part like him?" Alice asked her self after he successfully manipulated her to do the deed at night.

"Sleep, it's gonna be a long day. Don't wake up too early" Nick pulled her on his chest

"Mum and Dad breakfast are ready in the fridge. They know about it but remind them tomorrow morning" Alice dozed shortly after.