
When They arrived at the Yamaguchi house, Mr and Mrs s Yamaguchi was waiting for them outside. The Feng family was stunned when they entered The Yamaguchi house. The building and the garden were in traditional Japanese style. Cacha was very excited, she couldn't resist to stroll at the garden while The rest took their luggage to the rooms that had been prepared for them then went to the living room.

They gathered on the commond room. There was no chair, they sat on cushion on tatami with circled two table that merged together. From the glass window they could see Cacha walked her and there on the garden.

"I am sory, My youngest learned design exterior. She is very pasionate with garden like her dad" Mrs Feng explained.

Cacha came inside the room after opened her winter coat.

" Can I have alook around this village. I saw many interesting things on the way here" Cacha asked her parents.

"Just stay here. we are afraid you might lost" Sean was very protective to Cacha.

"The ground is also very frosty" Nick added

"It's ok, It won't snowing today. Don't be anxious about getting lost, bring this with you. If you lost just show anyone, they will help to get you here" Mrs Yamaguchi gave Cacha a paper. Alice suspected it was the address.

Cacha was very joyfull, excused her self after took the paper then embarked her adventure in that small village.

Alice also wished to come with Cacha but She was a bit reluctant due to the frosty ground.

"How many week are you" Mrs Yamaguchi asked.

"20 weeks. When we planned his holiday we didn't know I am pregnant" Alice carressed her tummy.

"That's find as long as you are not skiing or too tired" Mrs Yamaguchi laughed.

Sean and Nick opened a suitcase and emptied it, they were cake, sweet and more that Mrs Feng prepared for the elders "These cake made personally by Mum" Alice explained.

The male continued their chit chat while the ladies made them self busy on the kitchen except Jasmine who could not cook at all.

"where is Cacha ?" Alice was now worried.

it was winter, the sky was so dark and the weather was getting colder

"I am here" Cacha came back but her face was a bit pale.

"What happen ?" Nick asked.

"Someone is following me from the village gate until here" Cacha said.

Mr and Mrs Yamaguchi frowned, their village were very save no one there would do such a thing.

"Obaasan, Ojiisan" A young male came and greetes the elders.

"You !" Cacha and the young male yelled at each other.

" was the one that stalking you ?" Mr and Mrs Yamaguchi laughed.

"He is my grandson. His mother is our daughter"

" Hello every one I am Keinichi" He bowed to greet. But His voice and face showed his arrogance.

"Lets have dinner"

After dinner, They continued their conversation earlier.

"Cacha. what year are you in Uni ?" Mrs Yamaguchi was very curious for a reason.

"third. I still have another year to go"

"What is your plan after graduate ?"

"Don't know yet but I'll start work part time in my area in February"

" Mum, can I stay longer in Japan ? I really want to see more garden here for my project" Cacha asked.

"Let her stay. we will look after her" Mrs Yamaguchi supported her.

"5 more days please" Cacha gave a puppy eyes to her parents.

"Our Grandson can help with accomodation and flight ticket. Let her stay here longer, we will help you to look after her. Our other grandsom will come home soon, we can help her." Mr Yamaguchi said.

Finally The Old feng couple were agree to let Cacha stayed.

"Is he the one that we met in Tokyo at year ?" Alice asked Nick, she was familiar with Keinichi.

"He is. I clearly heard they called his name" Nick nodded.

They talked about this and that and only stopped when they saw Alice yawned for few time. "Alright, go to sleep" The elders were very apologetic, they forgot those family was tired.

Nick took his wife to their room to have a rest. Mrs Feng, Cacha and Jasmine shared a same room. While Mr Feng was with Sean.

" Will it be ok if Cacha extend her stayed here ?" Alice asked while enjot2ing her husband cuddle.

"Don't underestimate her. she looks spoil but she is very dependent since young. It's only us her brothers who are too over protective, especially Sean. But Mum is right, we need to let her choose her own part and support her rather than keep her around us all the time"

He kissed her forehead and lay her down on the futton, then he kissed her belly "Good night baby".

"It is inappropriate if we have exercise here. Lets wait until we are in Hokkaido. Ok ?" he spoke gently on her ear then he lay down next to her

Alice giggled "ok. I'll let you off for 2 nights"