New year part 2

Back in Tokyo, When Alice woke up at 9 O'clock, her husband bed side was empty. It seemed he was already up for long time as his spot was cold. She was still in the daze when the door was opened and he came in with plastic bag full of food and a cup of coffee. He sat on the bed site and opened the beg "Breakfast, I have sweet bread and Nigiri, also a bottle of milktea. which one do you prefer ?".

Alice took a look before she picked the nigiri. "Yummy" she finished onr nigiti in not time, but one was not enough "Can I try the green sweet bread as well ?" Her appetite was up lately.

He nodded and let her had another bread before he stopped her.

"Have shower now. The elders will be here soon. we are going downstair in half an hour" he help her to get off from the bed as soon as she drank her milk.

Half an hour later, Alice and Nick left their room and headed to the lobby. On the way there, They met Alan and Michelle who were already waiting for the lift. "Happy new year" Alice and Michelle gave each other a cuddle, while the brothers gave each other brotherly hugged.

"Where is Hugh ?" Alice asked.

"Mum took him earlier" Alan said.

When They reached the lobby, most of the family members were there except for Josh, Fred and Cacha. "where are Josh and Fred ?" Nick asked.

"They are still on the convenience store" Sean smirked.

"You can't blame them. I love it too" Alice really loves convenient store in Japan.

Josh and Fred were back not long after with 3 bags full of food and snack with The Yamaguchi were behind them "Man, I have trouble to choose so I buy every think" Fred was being honest.

Cacha was the latest one to arrive with Keinichi was tailing behind her. She didn't come back last night , but stayed on Disney resort hotel since it was too late and she was too tired.

"Thank you so much for your kindness to look after her" Mrs Feng was very greatful to Keinichi. However, Keinichi didn't say anything just bowed his head and let a smile. Mrs Fengwas stunned when she saw his smile, he was very charming.

"Lets go now, so we will have time to sight seeing mount Fuji" Grandpa Yamaguchi said before he ordered his grandson to come with them. Before Keinichi could argue grandma Yamaguchi shot him a glare of 'Just do it". He had to choice but to obey to give his grandparents face in front of their friends.

"How was your new year eve ?" Alice asked Cacha who was in high spirit.

"Great. It was awesome. The rides were very fun, I nearly try all of them" Cacha told them her fun day.

"Did you go to Disneysea or Disneyland " Sasha asked while holding Hugh in her arm

"Disneyland" Cacha giglled

They got on to the bus to start their trip on the first day of the year, but it stopped after 20 minutes. The elders asked everyone to got off from the bus.

"Why are we here ? should we suppose to go to temple for New year pray ? asked Sasha.

"Oh, We are old school so we prefer you guys to wear kimono on New year" grandma Yamaguchi said as they entered a kimono shop.

"Well, I really want to wear Kimono. when I came here last year we didn't do it" Alice was in high spirit.

Nearly an hour later, they all went out from the shop with everyone wearing kimono and the ladies hair was styled as well. They kept praising their self and others about their appearance.

"Darling you are so handsome" Alice was amazed with her husband. Black Kimono suited him well.

"My wife is also pretty"

"It would be better if I did it last year. My belly was still flat" She stared at her big belly and carressed it.

"You are still pretty" his wife was an apple in his eyes.

"Look at our baby sister, she really look like a Japanese. I bet she will be destinied to marry a Japenese in few year time" Josh teased Cacha who was very shy.

She was indeed very cute in her kimono.

They resumed their journey to a temple near Mount Fuji. The bus was full of joy as laughters were exploded from time to time as they teased each other merciless while attacking the food that fred and Josh bought.

"Darling. is it how you brothers normally have joke ?" it was Alice first time to see them behave like that.

"Yup. Hans and Mike used to join us. The granny house were belong to five of us when we were younger".

"Don't be so rude !" Michelle was unhappy with the way Alan teased the others.

"Yes. One down" Hans and Ed cheered.

"I am not done yet" Alan rebuked under Michelle glared while Alice giggled.

"Don't make any comment otherwise I can not over you up if they choose you as the target" Nick warned her.

The traget was indeed changed from time to time. Nearly everyone got their turned, Michelle and Alice were not spared either. It was very lively until no body was aware that Cacha who sat on the back was very quiet for the whole time. She just ate green tea pocky while She and certain guy tried to avoid each other glance.

New year was a great day. The temple was very crowded eventhough it was a freezing day. They were very glad to enjoy new year in order tradition. Michelle was the one that got most of the attention as she was Caucasian but wore Kimono. After visiting the temple, They managed to admire the great mount Fuji from far.

They arrived back to Tokyo at early evening. They did not forget to bid their farewell to the elders who were very nice to them. It was their last day travelling together for that holidays as the elders had something to do after. They both promised to look after Cacha for the next five days.

"I hope we will see you again soon" They waived to the elders before They went back to the hotel after dinner.

"what did you pray for ?" Alice asked Nick at night when they lay down on their hotel bed.

"I wish for you and our baby save and sound. How about you ?"

"I wish every one will be happy and we will be together until we are old"

He kissed her forehead "My wife is the best. I love you more and more".

Alice laughe happily then she stared at him and said in silence"I love you and our baby more than my self".

"Why are you staring at me like that ? am I really attractive to you ? Which part of my body that you like the most ?" Nick asked playfully. He guided her hand to touch few part of his body "Here, here or here ?".

"Here" Alice pointed at his chest, his heart and love was the most valuable.

" Not here ?" He moved her hands down to the edge of his lower body.

She just wonder if she needed to ask Michelle to find out if other man lust was getting worst after marriage, like her husband.